Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blogging Against Disablism Day will be on 1st May 2008

Blogging Against Disablism is now underway. Please click here to read entries to to let us know that you have posted.

Blogging Against Disablism Day, May 1st 2008Blogging Against Disablism Day is an annual event in which disabled and non-disabled bloggers throughout the world unite in the cause of equality. On May 1st, bloggers shall write about their experiences, observations and thoughts about disability discrimination (disablism, sometimes ableism) and what we might do about it.

How to take part.

1. Post a comment below to say you intend to join in. I will then add you to the list of participants on the sidebar of this blog.

2. Spread the word by linking to this site, displaying our banner and/ or telling everyone about it. The success of Blogging Against Disablism Day depends entirely on word of mouth.

3. On Thurday, May 1st - or as near to as you are able - post something on the subject of Disabilism, Ableism or Disability Discrimination.. You can write on any subject, specific or general, personal, social or political. In the previous two BADDs, folks have written about all manner of subjects, from discrimination in education and employment, through health care, parenting, family life and relationships, as well as the interaction of disablism with racism and sexism.

4. Come back to Diary of a Goldfish to let everyone know that you've posted and to check out what other people have written.


Naturally, Blogging Against Disablism Day invites contributions from people with all variety of impairments and none at all. You are also welcome to contribute with podcasts, video-blogging or anything else that allows you to take part. And whilst May 1st is when this all takes place, nobody who happens to have a bad day that Thursday is going to be left out of the archive.

I am not an expert on web accessibility, so if there are any suggestions, please e-mail me at diaryofagoldfish at

The Linguistic Amnesty

Whilst discussions about language and the way it can be used to oppress or empower us are more than welcome, I do always ask everyone to bear in mind that there is huge variation in the way that disabled people describe themselves - there are even different terms for this thing I call disablism (if you prefer to use another term, please do so). There are personal preferences, cultural variations as well as different political positions people have taken on this stuff. This year I have written a basic guide to the Language of Disability which I hope might explain some of the thinking behind the terms people use.

Links & Banners

To link back to this post, simply copy and paste the following code:

Due to ongoing computer problems, I have no means of editing images. However, last year's banner seemed popular, and I've noticed several people who weren't blogging last May adopt the banner for their sidebar during the year. If anyone fancies playing with these images or coming up with something new, please feel free to do so.

If you already have the banner, you just need to change the URL that it links to. Otherwise, you simply need to copy the contents of one of these boxes and paste it on your blog, in a post or on the sidebar as you like. The banners come in two colour combinations and two sizes. The sizes are a 206 pixels square or 150 x 200 pixels.

Blogging Against Disablism DayThis is the black and white banner which reads "Blogging Against Disablism". Here's the code for the square one:

And here's the code for the narrower one (which can be seen here):

Blogging Against Disablism Day,This is the colourful banner which reads "Blogging Against Disablism". This is the code for the square one:

And here's the code for the narrower one (which can be seen here):

Please leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in and I shall add a link to your blog on the sidebar. Also, if you have any questions, do ask.


Mary said...

I appear to be entering a bad phase and while I hope it will pass in the next two weeks I'm not holding my breath. If I don't manage to come up with anything else, can I submit the gorilla thing?

Penny L. Richards said...

We're definitely in for the third year in a row, whoo-hoo! This is a great project--thanks so much for taking it on again.

Heather Munro Prescott said...

I'll join too.

Anonymous said...

I am certainly participating!

Anonymous said...

I will definitely be participating I will make a post about disablism at

on May 1

Anonymous said...

I'm in, please. though i have no idea what i'm gonna blog about. I gotta do a form for renewal of incapacity benefit anyway, so its a good time to think about it all i suppose. I've got 2 weeks to come up with something! (For the post, i mean.. lol)


Anonymous said...

I'm in (for my second year).

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

I plan on participating, what a fantastic idea! Have a great day.

Ashley's Mom said...

I'll participate also!

AlisonHymes said...

I'll do it for the second year. Of course as soon as I say that I get worried I'll have nothing to say that day :).

Charlottesville Civil Rights and Prejudice Watch

Anonymous said...

Oh, yay, I'm so there. Thanks for doing this again! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Anonymous said...

Forgive my nitpicking, but it also occurs to me that people (or you yourself) will want to change each link code to read "2008" instead of "2007" wherever it appears.


The Goldfish said...

Sara - Thank you!

I copied and pasted some of the code from last year and thought I had changed every date. I have hopefully done so now. Apologies to anyone who copied the mislabeled code.

Sally said...

I'll be there ... thanks Goldfish.

FridaWrites said...

I'm in! It's a great project.

Silver Charming said...

I'm in...

seahorse said...

Can't believe it's nearly upon us. I had a vague notion of it being, ooh about six weeks away. I've put a reminder in my mobile.

Ruth said...

I'm in..

Lady Bracknell said...


I had been intending to contact you and ask whether we could move the date this year to the 4th of May so that it fell at the end of a bank holiday weekend and not on a working day.

Most definitely participating, but very unlikely to be posting on May 1st.

Cusp said...

Oh can I join in as well this year. Missed it last year. Thanks for offering up another chance.

pete said...

I'm workin' on it..

Something using poser methinks.


Wheelchair Dancer said...

me, me, meeeeee!

I'd love to be there.

THANKS for doing this:


Tundrababe said...

I'd like to participate!

Rockinpaddy said...

I'll be there, bigin it up!

Penelope said...

I'm definitely planning on participating either in one or both (or maybe more) of my blogs (yes, I have more than 2 blogs, long story).

Anonymous said...

I will be there!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be a part of this... count me in.

Cara Liebowitz said...

did my comment go through?? it doesn't look like it. anyway, i'm so in!

Anonymous said...

Count me in too please :)

Anonymous said...

I know I commented before, but I haven't been linked! I'm definitely doing it.

annaham said...

Rock on. I would love to participate!

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

I'd like to give this a whirl this year. Thanks for organizing :-)

Tricia McDonald Ward said...

This is a great idea. I would very much like to participate. Thanks for organizing this!

Cinders said...

count me in

Anonymous said...

Whew, look at everyone!

I'm hoping to--I have nothing in mind to write about right now but I'm sure given a week I can come up with something....

Anonymous said...

Count me in...

Joeymom said...

I'm in. Thanks for the new links and everything!

Kay Olson said...

I'm in! And so excited to be part of this again.

Vicki said...

I like the idea. I'm in.

Jemma Brown said...

Hi there as you may have guessed im in too! thanks for the banner code it looks very pretty on the side of my blog!

Puglet said...

Oh, count me in again, please.

Stephen said...

Yes I'd like to take part please - so put my name down.

S.L. said...

Count me in. Thanks!

Chronically Katie said...

Like everyone else...I AM IN!

Leightongirl said...

Yes I will be there!

Charmed said...

I'm definitely in!

Jay said...

Happy to blog for the third year in a row. It gets me to update my blog at least once a year! Happy to have time to plan ahead this year.

Kelly said...

Jenelle's Journey is in for the 3rd year!

Woo hoo!

David said...

Thanks, Goldfish!
I'm in.

cripchick said...

i'm in : )
can i use this post?:

folks--- also, the 37th edition of the Disability Blog Carnival is coming up! posts are due by May 4th and will be around the idea of disability identity, how disability intersects with other parts of you, disability culture, etc. sign up!!

wannatakethisoutside said...

I am in.


Anonymous said...

hi! i am a lurking reader of your blog. wanted to let you know that your link to gimp parade leads to a weird site because of a spelling error...

The Goldfish said...

Thanks everyone so far.

Thanks very much to Sarah for pointing out my typo and apologies to Kay for mislinking.

Cripchick, it's a great post but the idea is to post something new on May 1st (or near as can be).

Naomi J. said...

I'm up for it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Goldfish

I don't have a clue about HTML. I tried pasting your banner in a post but it didn't work! Is there any chance that you might be able to put it in my blog for me? If you drop me an email, I'll give you the password! Thanks!

Never That Easy said...

I have been an incredibly lax blogger (and, with various obstacles, this shows little signs of immediate improvement), but I will make a point to show up for this again. I'm so excited to be a part of something this important.

Anonymous said...

I'll be taking part. It's my first year since I only started blogging in March, but I definitely want to give it a shot.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

I'm in for the second year. Can't belive it's come round so fast.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely doing it.

Anonymous said...

I'm in too!

Paula Apodaca said...

YES...YES...YES!!! I'm certainly in.

Lala!! said...


Yes I will think of something too!

Kari said...

Hi, I would like to participate.

All 4 My Gals said...

I would like to participate again. Thanks for doing this! It's a great thing. said...

I'll be happy to join you all this year...


Unknown said...

Will give it my dadgummiest to remember to do so.. Just came across something it wouldn't hurt to revisit every so often.. :)

Cyber hugs from Talking Rock..

Philip. said...

Linked on my blog :-)

imfunnytoo said...

Count me in...

Unknown said...

I'm in, over at

Jan Steck Huffman said...

I'm In!

Em said...

Count am in [first time].

Meredith Gould said...

Planning to post on More Meredith Gould.
Wheelie Catholic alerted me to this. Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Count me in for 2008!

ismith said...

I've intended to participate for the last few years - this year, I'll actually do it!

Anonymous said...

this is exciting.
count ME in.

Anonymous said...

I'm joining in the places of the net that I call home (not blogger, however).
Label jars, not people!

Anonymous said...

BADD was the catalyst that got me blogging. Shall hope to write something up ASAP, otherwise I'll have to resort to posting a chunk of a research paper.

Jen S McCabe said...

Goldfish -

Please count me in at Health Management Rx (


Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

Thanks for setting this great blog up. Here is my contribution

I look forward to reading everyone else's!

Unknown said...

We are looking forward to joining in again this year!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I intend to post a blog to mark the day at

RADAR said...

All sounds good. Count me in!

anon said...

I'm in again.

Anonymous said...

I would like to participate.

Anonymous said...

I'm in, too.

Liesl said...

I will definitely be blogging on disablism, but not sure what the topic will be.

yanub said...

Yay! This year, I remember ahead of time!

Shelley said...

I have read past posts - this year I'll see if I can put something in it too.

Jodi said...

I plan on joining in! thanks for organizing it.

Dave Hingsburger said...

Dave here and I will be on board with bells on. I look forward to this event again this year. Thanks

Unknown said...

Count me in.
How to be an inspiration

A disabled writer, father, husband and occasional performer writes about the non-stop fun of disability, wheelchairs and family life. If you want to know what it's like to be disabled but don't fancy it for yourself then read this.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Great to see so many!

First year for:

Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

I'm in, blogging over at

Anonymous said...

Here's my contribution to BADD, a little early I know:

Anonymous said...

I will be participating from Equal Not Special,

Anonymous said...

I would like to try participating. My blog is not devoted exclusively to disability-related issues, but touches on them due to my experience with my brother, who has pretty involved CP. Thanks for organizing this!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry!! I put the wrong URL for my blog! I'm SO not a computer gal! Let's try again. :)




Declan Meenagh said...

I would like to take part, I have a visual impairment, am from Ireland, and am studying computer science. My blog is at

This day is a great idea. Good luck with it.

Smiffy said...

Yay - third year of BADD!

I'll be there, although possibly a wee bit late. Still, I can always pretend that I'm in Hawaii rather than Australia - gives me the best part of an extra day ;-)

Sean said... will participate again :) All good stuff, thanks for the hard work

Anonymous said...

Did I post that link in the wrong place? Here's my contribution:

Gone Fishing said...

Dangerous times for me to post as it seems people are once again determined to discriminate against my much over assesed Brain Injurys and claim I am Superman Physically Fit and will probably use my posts against us

However I may post.

Anonymous said...

Super idea. I'm Assistive Technology Advisor at NUI Maynooth, a university outside Dublin in Ireland and I'll be delighted to take part.

(Thanks for the link, Declan)

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Thanks for hosting again!


akakarma said...

I want to post on the day. Thanks for hosting!

Candy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Candy said...

I'll definitely blog about this on or around May 1st.

My blog site is:

abfh said...

I'll be posting on May 1st.

Anonymous said...

Our health disparities blog will post a disability related entry on that day.

Will link to this post tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry - I gave you the wrong URL and so my link on your blogroll doesn't work. I really appreciate you organizing this - I am really enjoying reading the other blogs you've referenced. I'll have a post up May 1 for your event. Could you please change my URL to the correct one? It's

Thank you so much for leading this!!


Margaret said...

I'll be blogging!

Blog title: Morphemes

Blog URL:

Anonymous said...

My post is up. A Happy BAD Day to all! hehe

Anonymous said...

I will be blogging again and using the opportunity to kick off my new blog "Three Square Meals." The address I'm not sure what I will be writing yet, but as soon as I know I will repost it here.

chicating said...

First time in a new blog here;

Sarah said...

I would like to participate.

Candy said...

Ok, here's my post on disablism.

Disabled Giant said...

If you can add my name to the list please?

Anonymous said...

We're participating on the Planet of the Blind as well!

Anonymous said...

We would love to participate!

irasocol said...

It is what my blog is about
so we'll see what May 1 brings...

Great idea. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I've posted mine here:

Thanks for putting this together again!

Anonymous said...

I'll join in too!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea - can't wait to contribute.

Anonymous said...

i'm in!


Anonymous said...

Tigtog and I have both written our BADD contributions at Hoyden About Town.

Tigtog: "Blogging Against Disablism: Mental Illness, Stigmatisation, Coming Out"

Me: "BADD: The radical notion that people with disabilities are people, and Australia’s 2020 Summit"

Lala!! said...


I have written about people's perceptions of disability - a brief post with comments and questions! I just hope I get some feedback and answers! Thanks

The Goldfish said...

Blogging Against Disablism Day is now underway. You can read and submit contributions here

(I have already listed the last two entries here, so you may be in the archive already if you're not in the sidebar).

Declan Meenagh said...

Hi people, over at, I wrote a massive rambling post covering topics liek job discrimination, why political correctness needs to end and the need for free software. If you are visually impaired, you need to pay 2000 Euro extra just to be able to use a computer!

So read and feel free to comment.

It's great to see this day is turning into such a success great work everyone.


irasocol said...

My post is up at

Thanks, can't wait to read all of these.

Ira Socol

Diane said...

I have a small blog, The Wild Wild Left, and have added your banner in the sidebar, top.

One of my contributors, asqv, is going to write up an essay later on.

Diane G.

Anonymous said...

I've just posted. Unfortunately I lost track of time and didn't come up with anything new --- what I've put up is a repost of an essay I wrote for BADD 2006. It's called "Out and Around," and it's about the presumption of literacy.

greenwords said...

Belated post up at mine! Thanks for organising this.

Anonymous said...

Great website, i am not blogging material !! but we have added you to our website and to drive traffic to you to raise awareness ;) good luck all

P.S. If someone can create ads for "Blogging Against Disablism Day" in google sized format please contact us and we will host them for you

Anonymous said...

third year in a row - etana is a go!

Dawn said...

I just Blogged for the cause.

Anonymous said...

Fatshionista is also signing up!

Michelle said...

I will be participating!

Anonymous said...

just posted an entry on our blog, thanks for doing this for everyone!

Anonymous said...

I just posted an entury:

Unknown said...

I have posted my contribution for the general issues section.

How to be an inspiration

Anwen said...

I'm going to write something, not yet sure what....

Julie said...

Thank you for making this happen. Here is a link to my posting:

Anonymous said...

Here's my contribution: Blogging Against Disablism Day: Sexism & Personality Disorder Diagnoses

Thanks for putting this together!

Anwen said...

Here's my piece:

Terri said...

I have posted here:

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Just a thought and an experience...sometimes the "professionals" can be more damaging than helpful even when they have the best intentions. I'm a Pediatric PT for a school district and I evaluated a girl with CP coming into the district. My conclusion was that...hey she can get around and is pretty damn active, I'm not going to interfere with her access (basically she does what she wants to do). The gist of what I heard from a collegue was isn't this girl more disabled that those other kids that you see so why don't you spend more time with her...oh hell no! I would hang out with this kid in a non professional way but she doesn't need to learn how to walk around her campus.
I took it really personally but answered her very professionally and said that for the body that this girl lives in, she is doing super well...and then wanted to kick my collegue in the face!

Just wanted to get it off my chest

Esteettömyysyhdistys ry said...

We are a society for promotion of accessibility and we blog against disablism in Finnish language. We started our blog in April 2008.

Anonymous said...

Please add me in you great campaign. My blog type website name is

Anonymous said...

I am serving with disability issue since 40 years, have a personal website & blog that also describes disability development issues. I will participate every initiatives about disability developments.

My blogs are:

Anonymous said...

インテリア 雑貨
ペットショップ 神奈川
子犬 神奈川
東京 土地

Anonymous said...

クレジットカード 現金化

Anonymous said...

ショッピング枠 現金化
スタイリスト 学校
スタイリスト 専門学校
ファッション 学校
インテリア 専門学校

Anonymous said...

ショッピング枠 現金化

Anonymous said...

群馬 不動産
埼玉 ハウスメーカー

Anonymous said...

自動車教習所 東京

Devonshire Dumpling said...

Happy to join in and give you a plug on my blog (I'll do that this weekend)

AbiliTV Disability Awareness said...

Hi, I;m not just blogging... I started a movement. One in suport of ALL others on Earth which involve people with disABILITIES.

The name of this movement: AbiliTV - It's ALL about OUR disABILITIES!

It's ALL OUR ABILITIES! Combined to form up the single strongest, largest ever allies in all of humanity to SHATTER those walls (stereotypes) and other issues we all face.

I'm nothing more than the smallest part of the process. The SPARK to get things moving.

In SIX months I have allied with many people, organizations, companies, and even the International Paralympic Committee... And, this is the short list.

I planned to be at this point in about 7 to 10 years. I have no clue what I'm doing, and worse yet I'm not allowing anything at all stop me from doing what I do. That even includes money.

Nothing I do requires one single penny to be donated for my efforts. It runs just by pure determination to NEVER GIVE UP.

Blog... I can't write well. I take way to long to get the point out...

VISIT SpinergyDude (me) on YouTube... Prepare yourself for something never tried before. And, yet it works to magnify ALL as in 100% all other efforts.

Instead of money to donate, I donate something far more costly to people. My time, my talents, my skills, oh... And, those Abilities that somehow are overlooked with me being fully disabled myself.

The name of the movement: AbiliTV It's ALL about OUR disABILITIES!

In short: It's OUR ABILITIES! That matter most, and make us the people we are. Our medical conditions are just that. Medical conditions.

Living life without limits, and or bounds on my disABILITIES!

Lawrence Moore said...

Count me in! While I'm a relatively new blogger, I think it's a great project! You can find my disability awareness blog here:

WarpedWoman said...

So, will you do this in 2009 I wonder. I do hope so and am linking you to my blog in the hope....

Damon Lord said...

I am also interest in 2009. I hope you will blog more about the action for this year.

Anonymous said...

I want to join!

Nina said...

I'm in. thanks

Cory said...

Count me in! Is there anything for 2010!

Spindrift said...

First of all are you still there in 2010?

Secondly I have ME/CFS/CFIDS - AN INVISIBLE DISABILITY which makes it worse as doctors, social workers and even my own sister don't believe I'm really 80% disabled, but that was the level of disability I was assessed with at my benefits appeal tribunal in the UK.

Spencer Spindrift

Spindrift said...

I've made a petition @ justice4people_with_me/cfs [not sure of the exact URL]