I have also started on my new pain-killer regime. I was worried that they were going to knock me out completely, but in fact so far they're only making me a little high. Unfortunately, they're not keeping me going through the night just yet, but I know I'm on a lowish dose and have room to manoeuvre with that. Thing is just now I am a damnsite more comfortable than I have been lately - I didn't realise how had it had become and how miserable I was getting with it.
Manoeuvre is the one word that I cannot spell. I had to go find the correct spelling for it there. I cannot fix this in my head. O E U. O E U.
On the subject of words, yesterday I was editing (or perhaps rewriting) some work about the Social and Medical Models of Disability and I managed to produce this fantastic sentence which I simply must share. The piece spoke about how the Medical Model judges disabled people according to degrees of 'normality' and...
"Because such an approach judges a person’s quality of life according to their comparative resemblance to a hypothetical standard, it is bound to see disability as a wholly negative thing, a curse to be eliminated, a cause of suffering to be relieved or an obstacle to be overcome. "
It just arrived on the page like this and to be perfectly honest, I cannot find a more concise way of saying what I want to say. Does that make sense at all?
Hi Glodfish, Great post! Don't worry about your spelling of words, I am sure that people understand the point that you are making.Also the piece you read is a great one, but it's also worth remembering that disabled people and people with learning disabilities should be viewed as a individual person and and a valued member of society. This is what I try to explain to people but it never seems to stick in their minds.
There you go, bad spelling! I think my hand must of slipped on the keyboard and it made me spell your name wrong, sorry!
I think it's a great distillation of how the disabled are seen by the able bodied, who cares about the spelling.?
Hi Goldfish,
I understood completely but I am the queen of long and over the top sentences! But Seriously, it was good.
As for the TENS, of late I ahev been using mine. I find it crap for pain per se but love the distraction it affords my tired mind and the little sleep I get as a result.
Glad the trammys are working well for you. I am finding that my body seems used to them and my pain is hiking up again..or maybe it would increase anyway?
Anyhoo, take care, hugs
Cool looking TENS. I'm finding that over time my TENS is becoming less effective, but I still love it. Having the buttons inside the flip cover is a definite bonus! What they need to do next is come up with a wireless TENS. Last week I went to get out of the passenger side of the car, pesky wires caught on the seat lever, and my seat became a Crip Catapult!
hehehe, glad the meds are helping too. I just started on something new and am keeping my fingers crossed that the benefits will outway any side effects.
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