Saturday, May 01, 2010

Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010

Blogging Against Disablism Day, May 1st 2010Welcome to Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010!

Thanks very much to everyone who helped to spread the word and to everyone who has posted about disability discrimination.

If you have written a post, please leave a comment including:

1. The full URL of your post
2. Which category you would like your post to go in.

I shall gradually add new posts to the archive below - please be patient, but please let me know if you spot any errors.

Blogging Against Disablism 2010

(Disability discrimination in the workplace, recruitment issues and unemployment).

Andrea's Buzzing About: I need to write a letter to my boss
angelkitten: Voluntary Accommodations
Nicky's Journal: Blogging Against Disablism Day
Red Vinyl Shoes: Full Disclosure
sac_whovian: Blogging Against Disabilities Day
Special Communion: Mental Health and the Priesthood
three rivers blog: I can't count on anybody to understand (cross-posted at FWD/ Forward)

(Attitudes and practical issues effecting disabled people and the discussion of disability in education, from preschool to university and workplace training.)

And God Laughs: More than a Mascot
Black Telephone: Morning of a Successful Communicator
Disability: Active Academics: Looking for Parallel Themes
faithonthefloor: We interrupt your fundraiser to bring you...
Teaching All Students: #BADD2010

Technology and Web Accessibility

Even Grounds: Rosa Parks is not done teaching us
Pendulum Tech: Accessibility & Ubuntu
Special Education Mangomon Blog: How does Technology Help People with Special Needs
STC AccessAbility SIC: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010

Other Access Issues
(Posts about any kind of access issue in the built environment, shops, services and various organisations. By "access issues" I mean anything which enables or disenables a person from doing what everyone else is able to do.)

Action Replay Girl aka Dee Ramona: When things are going well
alumiere: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010
BiblebyLincoln: Almost Accommodated!! Public transport and disability in Melbourne
Diceytillerman: Blogging Against Disableism Day
Hoyden About Town: A Thousand Words (cross-posted as FWD/ Forward, Feminists with disabilities)
Knitting Clio: Belated Blogging Against Disablism Day
Linguanaut: Planes, trains and automobiles... and a visual impairment
Lisy Babe's Blog: Discrimination by ignorance and the myth of the DDA
Normal is Overrated: Of privilege and auditory processing
Oh Wheely: Blogging against disablism day
Smiffy's Place: Gay Dogs Not Allowed
SpeEdChange: to be fully human

Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism

The F-Word: What is Disablism

The Language of Disablism
(Posts about the language which surrounds disability and the way that it may empower or disempower us.)

The Alternative Lexicon: we've got such important things to do
Embracing Chaos: On Assuming Impairment
Feministe: Addressing abelist language
Finding My Way: Journey of an Uppity Intellectual Crip: It's all about Intentionality - Hurtful Words Part 2 (see part 1 here)
Franklyfeminist: Inspiring Women
Same Difference: The Concept of Normality

Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'
(Posts about the way in which various discriminations interact; the way that the prejudice experienced as a disabled person may be compounded by race, gender, age, sexuality etc..)

Chartreuse Flamethrower: Blogging Against Disablism Day
Conversation@Intersections: Otherly Oriented Ought to Mean that We're Aware & Inclusive of Each Other
fatfu: The Total Erasure of Partial Disability
Here be Dragons: An Obituary
If these scars could speak: "Choose & Move" - though only if you're 'able-bodied'
Switchin' to glide: "Independent Women" : Privileged Feminist Ideologies and Ableism

Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media

Butterfly Dreams: Harry Potter and the Disability Invisibility Cloak
Disability Studies, Temple U: "It will be Interesting"
an ex-classicist wonders what she thinks she's doing: Dear Author; please, don't heal me (cross-posted here and here)
FWD/ Forward: A Screenshot's Worth a Thousand Words
Life Decanted: Are We There Yet?
Never That Easy: BADD 2010
Notes, Notings and Common Refrains: "The Gravity of the Situation" or Whence the Morbid Fixation on Cure?
Screw Bronze!: The life no one wants and the war on the disabled
Wheelchair Dancer: Movement is radical


Women's History Network Blog: Blogging Against Disablism Day

Relationships, Love and Sex

Feminists with FSD: BADD 2k10 sexual dysfunction as disability
People aren't broken: Is there disablism in dating?
tgstonebutch: a story from IMsL
This is My Blog: It's not Bridezilla to want access
Until the dolphin flies and thparrot lives at sea: Marriage & Penalties
The Weary World: I went to your city and I didn't feel anything: why I'm leaving Portland

Non-English Language Blogs

le pays des humains volants: Le Pays des Humains Volants
Blogger: Diary of a Goldfish - Edit Post "Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010"


The Curvature: Ableism and Abuse
Daughter of the Ring of Fire: Fear & Othering
green: Into the Light of Day
The F-Word: On being a disabled blogger
General Thoughts on Disablism

And The Wheels Keep Turning: Intelligence: It's not Just Academic
Ballastexistenz: If only, oh if only
Barriers, Bridges and Books: It's Everywhere
Benefit Scrounging Scum: What's the point in making vows you're not going to keep?
Dog's Eye View: Blogging Against Disablism
For a Fairer Today: Submissiveness
Fumbling About in the Dark: Imagine That. Kid O For a Day
FWD/ Forward - Feminists with Disabilities: How can I support Blogging Against Disablism Day?
Intersectionality Dreaming: Malaysiana: Three Stories on Disability for BADD
LeftyByDefault: The relentless fight
Love That Max: My child has special needs, but please don't treat him special
Midlife and Treachery: Assumption as Discrimination
The mouse: Please just ask, listen and try to understand
Multi-Genre Fan: Assumptions
Putting on the Feminist Lens: Why You Gotta Be Like That?
POP: A Philosophy of Pain: Of isms and igns and ints
The Rettdevil's Rants: The little things, othey add up, Stoppit.
Sneak Peek: Full Speed Ahead
Sunny Dreamer: Patronization: A Plea For Help
Wheelchair Pride: Is the Disabled Community Partly to Blame for Disablism?
Witkowski Family Happenings: Keep Your Damn Pity To Yourself.

Parenting Issues
(whether disabled parents or the parents of a disabled child.)

The Beauty Offensive: Building Bridges
elf: My Kid? Is Disabled?
Rolling Around in My Head: Baby Tio - Blogging Against Disablism and Disphobia Day

Healthcare Issues
(For example, the provision of healthcare, institutionalistaion of disbaled people, reproductive ethics and euthanasia)

Almost Normal: Hands off my codeine (cross-posted at ǽgflota)
Nightengale of Samarkand: Really, truly, not dead yet, again
R.A.R.E blog: Blogging Against Disablism Day, a global effort on May 1, 2010

Impairment-Specific Prejudice

After Gadget: Q&A on Being an Assistance Dog Partner
Chained To Innocence: It's not You, It's Me
Finding My Way: Journey of an Uppity Intellectual Crip: Hurtful Words Part 1
(see part 2 here)
My Own Last Words: BADD for the not so fluent
sophy: Visible vs. Invisible
What If : Secret Disabilities

Personal Journeys

Posts about learning experiences and realisations authors have had about the nature of disability discrimination and the impact on their lives.

?!: My heart and disability
All the Colours of Me: If only I'd *try*
Anna Caro: Why I didn't believe I could be a writer
Astrid's Journal: I Am Whole: Ableism and Identity
Cat in a Dog's World: To Tell or Not To Tell
A Crippled Carnival: "My Own Disablism" or "The Self-Hating Crip"
Dorianisms: Holding Back
Gimpstoriesvt: A Twisted Foot in Each World
ham blog: "Exhibition"
Kaz's Scribblings: The self-pity model
killing_rose: When my spoons are gone, so is my tact
Life in a so-called Strap of Steel: It's a BADD Day! You heard it right, Blogging Against Disable-ism Day 2010
Life is But a Dream: What I Wish They Could See
Multifaceted Abnormal/ blog: Blogging Against Disablism Day
Single Lens Reflections: Flying the Red Flag of Understanding
Standing Tall Through Everything : Things You just Don't Think About
Tracy Churchman Shares: Blogging Against Disablism Day
Ty's Adventures: Blogging Against Disablism Day
Wheelie Catholic: I know a person in a wheelchair who...
Writer in a Wheelchair: You've Come A Long Way, Baby
The View from Room 7609: Not visible doesn't mean not there

Disablism and Politics

(For example, the political currency of disability, anti-discrimination legislation, etc.)

Everyone Else Has a Blog: I live in a marginal constituency
think on this: Blogging Against Disablism Day

Mocha Fumes: Monsters in your Closet
Reconcile: What do you need?
Romham A. Bear: If Yer Gonna Grill Me, At Least Do Both Sides
this ain't livin': Do you need assistance?
(cross-posted at FWD/ Forward)


imfunnytoo said...

Here's my 2010 entry! Happy BADD!

imfunnytoo said...

oops, and post it under 'general'


Anonymous said...

This goes under language of disability. Thanks!

Jill said...

Probably under other isms as I liberally sprinkled them throughout this post. Linked to Wheelie Catholic and A Pretty Simple Blog too as I appreciated their '09 entries.

Traveling, so hotlinks not always hot from mobile. My apologies for the inconvenience.

Tom Babinszki said...

My post:
Rosa Parks is not done teaching us

Category: technology and web accessibility

angelikitten said...

Title: Voluntary Accommodations
Category: Employment

Thanks! :)

lauredhel said...

A Thousand Words, at Hoyden About Town

cross posted at FWD/Forward, Feminists with Disabilities:

Anonymous said...

At After Gadget, the title is "BADD: Q & A on Being an Assistance Dog Partner."

I'm not really sure where it should go. It's mostly about comments and questions I get in relation to being a service dog partner which include a lot of ableist assumptions. I guess it could go under "other"? Otherwise maybe general or relationships or personal journey. (The blog itself is very relationship-focused, as being a SD partner is about that team relationship.) I don't know!

Meowser said...

Not sure which category would be appropriate. Employment, Definition and Analysis of Ablism/Disablism, General Thoughts on Disablism, or Personal Journeys all might be fits; your call.

Jeneli said...

Title: Hands off my codeine!


also cross posted here:

Category: Healthcare issues

Anna Caro said...

It could fit in a lot of places, but I think Personal Journeys is best.

L^2 said...

My post is up, here:

I guess it would fit best under the General category.

Stephen said...

Under Personal Journeys, please.

Wheelchair Dancer said...

HI Goldfish! Here's my entry.

Can you post it under disability culture and the media?

Also, I'm missing somehow from the sidebar list of bloggers... this is no biggie though.

thanks for t his.


Anonymous said...

My post is at:

I make five points in it -- three about physical accessibility and two about conversational "accessibility" -- well, conversational things that are spoon-sucks for me. I think "other access issues" is the right category for it.

Jen said...

My post is up at
It fits best in the Relationships, Love, and Sex category.

Heather said...

My first ever BADD entry is at

Not sure of category? Maybe

Other Access Issues

Rebecca said...

Here is my 2010 entry.

Posted under: Other Access Issues

Mary said...

Here is mine:

Title is "It's not Bridezilla to want access," I'm Mary from This Is My Blog, and category is either "Other Access Issues" or "Relationships, Love and Sex" (it's about trying to access the wedding industry as a disabled bride).

Dave Hingsburger said...

OK, it's up and ready,

I'm guessing either under parenting or under general issues, thanks for doing this again.

frank said...

Here's my post:

Please put in Language of Disablism. Thanks.

Good luck with the day.

Joseph Karr O'Connor said...

Thanks for doing this!

Post under Education, please.

Astrid said...

Sorry if this is a duplicate comment. My Internet connection was acting up when I tried to post my previous one. Anyway, I posted mine at I think it belongs in the personal experiences category.

seahorse said...

Here's mine:

Happy BADD everyone :-)

seahorse said...

Sorry, forgot to post the category. Either general or parenting please.

irasocol said...

category, I guess this year its activism (maybe)

- Ira Socol

Evamaria said...

Here's mine:

Category is probably 'Personal journeys'

Thank you!

Anonymous said...


There is now a post live @ Feminists with FSD.

I think the best category for this post will be "Relationships, Love and Sex."

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Here's my entry, please put under education -

This is a great project, thanks for doing it!!!

Anonymous said...

Here is mine, and I suspect the best fit is "Personal Journey" (though 'Language' or 'General' could also work. I don't know. Anyway)

Cara said...

A post for Feministe is now up! It should go under The Language of Disablism:

Thanks for all the work of putting this together!

Never That Easy said...

Mine's up:

And it belongs under Language Culture and Media

Happy BADD!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up!

Title: Dear Author: Please, don't heal me!

wordpress link:

livejournal link [part one]:

livejournal link [part two]:

Fits best under disablism in literature, I think.

Anonymous said...

Here's my entry:

catherine (fairchild) calhoun said...


Topic is mostly healthcare related - covers transition of care from peds to adults.

Michael Watson said...

Hi, My post is up. Thanks so much for hosting this!
I guess it's best placed under personal experiences, but feel free to place it elsewhere.
- Michael

abby jean said...

here's mine:

perhaps ... disability and politics? or just 'general'.

thanks for organizing another great BADD!!

Michael Watson said...

oh, sorry, I gave you the wrong url. our disability blog is new and I posted to our work blog by mistake.

should be:

thanks, michael

Lyndsay said...

General thoughts on disablism

Laura said...

My post: The relentless fight
Category: General

thanks! :)

Bethany said...

Here is my entry. It should be posted under education. Thank you so much and here is to a successful BADD!!

Anna said...

I think this might be best under "general thoughts"

Anna at FWD: BADD: How can I support Blogging Against Disablism Day?

Amanda said...

General Thoughts

Sarah said...

I think "Personal Journeys" would be most appropriate for this post:

Anonymous said...

My Post:

Disablism and other 'isms'.

Hope it's alright.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I commented under the earlier post.

But here it is -

It's an employment issue.

Ellen Seidman said...

Here's my entry,

Please post under general.

Thank you so much for doing this, once again.

Naomi J. said...

Congrats on another great BADD, Goldfish! I was once again too busy/lazy/other adjectives to contribute. Next year I shall try. In the meantime, I'll do a BADD round-up at Through Myself and Back Again over the next few days & link to it here in the comments.

Nicky said...

Here's mine.

RehaDesign said...

Sorry for posting twice. I forgot to mention my catagory: General Thoughts on Disablism

Is The Disabled Community Partly To Blame For Disablism?

Neurodivergent K said...

general thoughts. I think.

sarahj said...

Happy BADD everyone!

Category: Impairment specific

Nicky said...

Oops - wrong URL
Try this one:

Cara said...

And another post, over at the Curvature. I suppose that this one goes best under either General Thoughts or Other:

NAIZA said...

Hey Goldie!

here's my entry.. though not sure what category it is.. but you can add it up to personal experiences/journey

I enjoy writing my BADD DAY! Looking to read more other's posts and experiences. This is awesome. Great to meet you all!

Ty's Adventures said...

Hi! I'm Ty! Please post my entry under Personal Journey. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I was trying to figure out which category to put mine in and saw you already had me in there under Impairment-Specific Prejudice, which works just fine, but there is no link to the post. Here is the link:

Thanks! :)

Damon Lord said...

Hello, all the Best for BADD! My blog entry is at

Planes, trains and automobiles.... and a visual impairment

If you have a travel or accessibility section, it'll be under that.

Unknown said... BADD 2010: My kid? Is disabled?

Goes under parenting. Thanks for rounding these up!

Penelope said...

This is the first post I'm going to do today (there will be another one later in a different blog)

It goes under Technology & Web Accessibility

Witkowski Family said...

You can throw this under "general" :)

codeman38 said...

Oh, yeah, my post (the auditory processing privilege one) should go under Other Access Issues.

s.e. smith said...

'Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010: Do You Need Assistance?'

Is posted at this ain't livin' ( and FWD/Forward (

And should go in 'Other,' I suppose. Thank you so much for all your hard work on this, Goldfish!

Janis @Sneak Peek At Me said...

My post is up. "General" theme. Thanks!!

Never That Easy said...

Just FYI (as of 2:28 EST), Sophy's post isn't showing up as a hotlink, in my browser, anyways.

As always: Excellent work, Fishy!

annaham said...

Personal Journeys, I suppose:


Ty and Tracy said...

Thanks for this! Please post it under Personal Journey

Anonymous said...

Here it is- not a work of brilliance but hopefully acceptable. Thank you for doing this Goldfish!
I guess it is culture/media?

EKSwitaj said...

My Entry is Fear & Othering

Oddly enough, I think it fits best under Other.

Sunny Dreamer said...

Hi this is Shiloh over at Sunny Dreamer. My post can be found at . I think it might fit under General Thoughts...?

Morgan O'Friel said...

Title: BADD 2010: It's Not You, It's Me
Category: Impairment-Specific Prejudice

Thanks so much. You're awesome for hosting this again.

Green said...

Into the Light of Day

This post is about crime and abuse against those with developmental disabilities. So 'other', I guess.

Anonymous said...


Here's my post:

Blogging Against Disablism Day: Assumptions

I'm not sure what category this fits best under - perhaps General Thoughts on Disablism?

Kaitlyn said...

I don't have the spoons to read everything (I don't want to risk going into a spiral at the moment - finals and a paper yelling at me) at the moment, but I do want to add a hearty thank you to everyone brave enough to write, today and every day.

It makes me feel less alone with everything I have to deal with - I still remember the excitement on finding somebody's post describing a reaction to medication and it's like being a "fangirl" and finding another. "OMG, you like Bollywood too?" instead it's "OMG, you do that too with meds too?"

I have a very old post about me accepting spoon theory, much too old for today.

I do however, have two recent posts dealing with disablism.

From April 22, "Medication for Bipolar Disorder and TV Shows"
Under Healthcare Issues?

From April 29, "Pajama Jeans and ableism"
Under Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media or Other. (It's about, well, two pieces online reacting to something and how chock-ful-o-privilege and hatred they are._

Because of various issues related to my disability, I cannot sit down and write a post about Blogging Against Disablism Day or something in general, abstract. I cannot think properly due to pain and the side effects of medication. (Which makes that paper even harder!)

But I do want to say a general thank you to every one who has posted here - even if I shy away in fear and never touch them, I know these posts mean so much to people dealing with disablism in addition to the disability.

I am putting a link up at my two blogs.

Cara Liebowitz said...

Here's mine! You can put it under General, or Other, or maybe even Disability in Literature, etc. I don't know. Put it where you think it fits best. And forgive the weird font/formatting things going on with my post - I copied/pasted pretty much the whole thing from MS Word and it screwed with the formatting.

Anonymous said...

I have a very meager post at consisting mostly of pointing out a few resources that have been helpful to me as I learn more about these topics and try to increase my awareness.

Tasha said...

Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010: Full Disclosure

under "employment"

Sarah said...

Mine can either go in access issues or personal stories, it's a little of both.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that there isn't an entry under "health issues" that runs something like "stop teachers from practicing medicine without a license" - about stopping school employees from telling parents that they MUST put their kids on drugs.

FridaWrites said...

For the Healthcare Issues category:

Some Suggestions for the Medical System

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

My post is at:

I guess I belong under 'general'.

Thanks for hosting!

Cheryl said...

I almost forgot it was BADD. How could I? Here are my 2
impairment specific

please make sure that people know this is a part 1/part 2 thing even though they are in different catagories. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!

heather said...

Here's my post!

blogging against disableism day 2010: i went to your city and i didn’t feel anything; why i’m leaving Portland

i think i would put it under general? or relationships?

suthunfox said...

Here's my post. I think it could go under Personal Journeys, although it could go under general thoughts as well. Your call as to which it fits better.

Annie said...

Category: general

Annie said...

Actually, mine could also be "personal journey" but I have no idea which fits it better.

SamWorking said...

My first 2010 entry

Under education please.

My second 2010 entry (I have 2 blogs)

seahorse said...

Keep up the good work my friend, you're doing a fine job as always. Thank you for this brilliant event.

Rainbow said...

Here's my entry:

I think it's a Personal Journeys sort of thing.

Socrates said...

Happy BADD!

Here's mine:

Crippled Carny said...

Here's my post. It goes under Personal Journeys.

"My Own Disablism" Or "The Self-Hating Crip"

Emma said...

Thanks for doing this Goldfish! I think my post is probably "personal journey" although I did briefly consider general it's more personal to me I think.

And I really wish I could have thought of a better title for it! - You've Come A Long Way, Baby

Kowalski said...

My post is here:

It goes into the "Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'" category.

DeeDee Ramona said...

Here's mine I guess it goes under 'Access' but if you think it's more appropriate elsewhere feel free:

switchintoglide said...

"Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'"

“Independent Women”: Privileged Feminist Ideologies and Ableism (a.k.a. Disablism)


Katie said...

Hello! I would like to be in the politics section, please!

romham a bear said...

i guess it goes in the "other" category

Anonymous said...

My post is up at Notes, Notings, and Common Refrains, here:

Probably should go under general culture and literature. But it might also fit under personal journeys

Quixotess said...

Title: BADD: What do you need?
Category: Other.

mouse said...

Link to my post:

Category: General Thoughts on Disablism, I think.

Thanks. :)

mocha said...

my post:

category: other

Amanda said...

Arrrgh where did the General Thoughts category go?!?!!

If it doesn't exist anymore please put mine in Other. If it does exist please ignore this message. But it seemed to exist before and it doesn't now and that is alarming.

Karen Mardahl said...

In the Technology and Web Accessibility category, I think.

Thanks for putting this together!

Assiya said...

Thank you for doing this!

Here is my post. I would put it under general if you don't mind.

Smiffy said...

Hmm, looks like yesterday's comment has vanished. Try again:

General access issues or Other, I'd say.

Ms. Rev. said...

Here is the post! It can either go in employment or in personal journeys!

JetGirl said...

On how to deal with strangers asking personal questions about my disability:

Ali said...

On the language of disablism on a popular feminist website (not sure wehre to put this! Could fit into intersectionality, media, or language):

I have a second post in the works.

Tammy said...

My entry:

Jha said...

My little contribution:

Anonymous said...

Marriage and penalties:

Under relationships or politics?

Terri said...


Under general thoughts, Thanks!

Nightengale said...

"Really, truly not dead yet, again"

this fits under health care - a disabled health care provider talking about disabilism in health care.

Anonymous said...

Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'

Jha said...

T clarify, my previous post should be under "Personal journeys". This was going to be a quick anecdote than became another post:

This one goes under General.

Penny L. Richards said...

Here's mine, coming in on California time...

Belongs in the Literature category.

EHR said...

Okay, here's mine:

And, er, impairment-specific prejudice I suppose.

I can't wait to start reading others'!

Stephanie said...

Here's my entry:

I think it should be posted under "general thoughts on disablism" or under the language heading.

Anonymous said...

Please post it under personal journeys

SR said...

here is my blog entry:

I thought it would fit best under relationships, but if that category is really more about romantic relationships, feel free to file it wherever you deem fit.

Thanks for putting this page together. Happy BADD!

Molly said...

2 minutes before midnight! and I think post is under general, or other maybe?

lauredhel said...

I have another one:

Debbie said...

My post is at Body Impolitic:

Paula Apodaca said...
I on't know which category to put this one in---perhaps, education or the like?

Paula Apodaca

Anonymous said...

File under "Employment" if you would kindly.

Sorry it's a wee bit late -- I had to ::gasp!:: WORK today!


Anonymous said...

Drat - post made ontime, forgot to share here.

Category probably other accessibility issues or general.

katiaea said...

You may not wish to publish my post. I thought the topic was "About Disability" rather than "Against Disablism". My post could be, possibly, considered an example of disablism. I am not certain. I am writing another post for next week "Against Disablism". Thank you for looking.

katiaea said...

You may not wish to publish my post. I thought the topic was "About Disability" rather than "Against Disablism". My post could be, possibly, considered an example of disablism. I am not certain. I am writing another post for next week "Against Disablism". Thank you for looking.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which category it goes into; the general thrust of the post is General Thoughts on Disableism, I think, but there's a lengthy personal anecdote as part of it so I don't know if it should possibly be in Personal Journeys.

Sorry for the lateness!

annajcook said...

Mine is up:

incurable hippie said...

Oops, commented in the wrong place!

Try again: We put two posts up at The F Word. Mine is What Is Disablism? and Amy Clare's is On Being A Disabled Blogger.

Women's History Network said...

I am not sure this worked the first time-

My 2010 post-

To go under the theme of History

Unknown said...

I can't count on anybody to understand
at three rivers fog, FWD/Forward

employment, most likely


BenefitScroungingScum said...

I'm a day late, sorry! But, here's my post,


Lisa said...

It'll come under "access issues".

codeman38 said...

@Amanda: The General Thoughts is in a second column on the right. I didn't notice it either on my iPod at first, to be honest. I think this two-column layout is bad for accessibility for a number of reasons.

Z said...

I think Personal Journeys fits this best.

Jemima Aslana said...

Hey. A day late, just like last year. This year it was because I spent the day itself having fun, though. YAY!

Two posts for the collection this time. Both on language.

The first is a take-down of an all too common defense used when I called someone on their ableism:

The second is a hopefully coherent discussion of appropriation of labels and descriptors:

I hope I've made some sense.

Ali said...

Personal journeys:

Ali said...

Oh, and I'm "The Alternate Lexicon", not "Alternative". :) Thanks!

Elizabeth McClung said...

I was well, ill and disabled - but I posted as soon as possible. Here is my 2010 May blog:

and maybe the section Education or
Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media.

Unless you have a 'Burn it down!' section?

Knitting Clio said...

Here is my post, late as usual:

Tanmoy said...

Hope you will be able to list my blog at:

under the 'education' section. I hadn't mentioned the category in my earlier post.

Tanmoy said...

My original post with the URL did not get posted here somehow, though I got an email about it (pasted below):
date 2 May 2010 02:55
subject [Diary of a Goldfish] New comment on Blogging Against Disablism Day will be on 1st May,....
Signed by

hide details 2 May (2 days ago)

Aubin has left a new comment on the post "Blogging Against Disablism Day will be on 1st May,...":

Thanks for the time difference, here's my post:


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Toshio said...

tech and web accessibility:

Anonymous said...

General thoughts about disablism

Scrumptious said...

Oops, I think I put my request to be linked to in the wrong comments section! But maybe it's just too late. I hope not!

I think it would go under either Relationships or Personal Journey.

thesis writing said...

this kind of blog always useful for blog readers, it helps people during research. your post is one of the same for blog readers.

Wissen Heilt said...

crossposted at

I suggest this go on "General thoughts about disablism" or "What is disablism."



Anonymous said...

I'm so late ... but here I am.

Probably the category is "other". It's a post by a TAB who has just started to think about accessibility and boating ... without much result yet.

SO grateful you're doing this, and so glad to read everyone's amazing posts.

seahorse said...

Goldfish, you are great for doing this and I want you to know that it's been a formative thing in my life over the years. Really.

Ali said...

Hey, my second link never made it up--I'd've run out of spoons doing this, so no worries.

Personal journeys:

Oh, and I'm "The Alternate Lexicon", not "Alternative". :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey Goldfish? I noticed that a link to my post didn't make it up into your post.

I'll give it to you again - the post is 'Getting it Right - Blogging Against Disableism Day', it probably belongs in the general category, and the link is


sohotrightnow said...

A bit belated, but Personal Journeys, I think.

lefty_shorter said...

You know, I'm totally glad that somebody understands, because I was born with one arm a full centimetre shorter than the other and I feel like nobody takes me seriously!

I am totally discriminated against because nobody ever acknowledges the impact to my life this has.

Everytime somebody rolls their eyes or hmmphs when I start talking about it, I feel liek they're silencing me, not respecting me as a person with special requirements than need to be respected.

I hope that one day that bitch Amanda Palmer knows what it's like to feel that kind of marginalization I've been through! Her and her privileged jew boyfriend.

If it wasn't for my different length arms holding me back, I would so march up to them both and say "How Dare you not take our lives seriously! We are human beings!"

Then I'd kick that fat piano slut down the stairs.

They just don't respect us at all.


Unknown said...

Hi, it's TraumaDoll over at Walking Wounded. Sorry my entry took so long, it's been a rough month. Here's my contribution:

It's probably best suited to being listed under The Language of Disablism, although I'm sure you'll know where's best for it.

Diversified ART said...

I maintain a digital gallery of eclectic works by diverse individuals involved in social change.

There are articles, art, poetry, videos, lesson plans and personal accounts addressing diversity.

Diverse individuals are welcome to submit their creative works, submission guidelines are on the gallery page.

Category: Other, unless you feel it belongs somewhere else.