Skip to: How to participate in Blogging Against Disablism Day : HTML code for links and banners : Accessibility : Language Amnesty : Leave a Comment

It was a great success, and as early as March this year, folks began to ask about this year's Blogging Against Disablism Day. So here it comes.
I am not very good at rousing calls, so if anyone is in need of one, I shall refer you back to Lady Bracknell's magnificent One in Seven.
How to Participate in Blogging Against Disablism Day
1. Leave a comment below to say you intend to join in. I will then add you to the list of participants on the sidebar of this blog.
2. Spread the word by linking to this site, displaying our banner and/ or telling everyone about it.
3. On Tuesday, May 1st - or as near to as you are able - post something on the subject of Disabilism, Ableism or Disability Discrimination (see Language Amnesty). You can write on any subject, specific or general, personal, social or political, anything which states an objection to the differential treatment of disabled people.
4. Come back to Diary of a Goldfish to let everyone know you've posted and to check out what other people have written.
This year I am also going to ask folks to place their posts in a category (on the day, not in advance) where possible. Last year, Lady Bracknell and myself read every single post on the day and determined which category the link should go under so that the day was archived in a manageable way (as you can see here). That is simply not be doable this year, at least not within any useful timescale after the event.
HTML codes for links and banners
You can copy and paste the following in order to create a link to this post
or you can copy and paste one of the following onto a blog post or sidebar in order to display a banner which links to this post. I'm afraid the banners are my doing, a somewhat rush job and may be subject to some interpretation. If anybody wants to come up with their own design, you are more than welcome.

Edit: You can also have narrower banners, didn't want to clutter this post up too much (ha!) so I put them here.
Everyone is welcome to join in with Blogging Against Disablism day, disabled and non-disabled, as long as you wish to blog against the discrimination that disabled people experience. Last year, I was rather surprised to have questions from people with mental health impairments who wondered whether their experience counted as disability. Of course it does! My one regret was that I initially turned down a person with Body Integrity Identity Disorder (a condition where a person feels the need or desire to acquire a physical impairment, most commonly an amputation or paralysis). As it was, despite my apprehensions, their contribution was entirely in the spirit of Blogging Against Disablism and so they were included in the final list.
If anybody has any access issues, please speak up. I am not an expert in this area. Alternative blogging formats, such a podcasts or video are more than welcome. If you cannot leave a comment on this blog for any reason, please e-mail me (this is temporary e-mail address and will only exist until Blogging Against Disablism is over this year).
Last year the issue was raised that holding this on one day meant that people who were not able to blog that day for various reasons might be left out. This year, I should take the opportunity to emphasise; if you want to do it before hand so that it's done, or if you are late with your post, I am not going to exclude you from the final list. Obviously, it would be good to have as many posts as possible on 1st May, that's the point, but so long as you do it thereabouts, that's fine.
Language Amnesty
The language we use around disability and discrimination varies widely, and talking about language is a very important part of understanding the way that disabled people are perceived by society. Language is a completely legitimate subject for discussion on Blogging Against Disablism day, but I do ask that we allow other people to use the language which they feel most comfortable with. Differences may include the way that disabled people are described; as disabled people, people with disabilities, the disabled, etc.; as well as the very word for the discrimination we experience.
Ableism or Ablism is the term more commonly used in the United States and thus more prevalent on the Internet as a whole. Then there's the simple and perhaps most easily understood term of Disability Discrimination. I am using Disablism because that makes sense to me in the context of my own disability politics; that is to say that I happen to think it is a better term. However, given the breadth and depth of the issues we are facing, I don't wish to argue this too strongly.
If you would prefer to use Ableism or Disability Discrimination, please do so. If there is an interest, I can even create extra banners for this purpose.
Right, is there anything I missed?
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»Consider me in. And the logo is great, by the way.
Thank you and congratulations for being the first to sign up! :-)
Great logo, looks very professional. Thank you very much for hosting the Blogging-Against-Disablism-Day once again.
I would like to participate and write a contribution.
Me too - thanks for organising this - has it really been a year ?!?
i like the logo too. Oh, and Sign me up!! I'll advertise it on my blog too. The more the merrier i think!
yes, i don't know what came over me being at my computer at so early an hour. Must be this newfound zest for life coming from somewhere :-)
I'm in. Naturally.
Please count me in.
I'm in and I'll post about this on my blog later. Thanks!
Has Lady Bracknell's esteemed friend perhaps omitted to include a list of the categories under which contributors are asked to label their posts...?
Whilst regrettably not sufficiently fit to assist with the actual administration of this year's event, Lady Bracknell will most definitely be contributing a post to it.
Lady Bracknell regrets to report that this year's banner is too wide for the sidebar of her blog :-(
Thanks everyone so far.
I wasn't sure whether to give people the catergories now, as it isn't necessary to worry about it until reporting back here on the day - and what I would certainly wish to avoid doing is to make folks feel they had to fit neatly into one of those categories. I was kind of hoping folks would write whatever they liked and then pinpoint the category they felt it most closely fitted...
Apologies for the size of the danner. I shall make a smaller one especially for you! (The wording becomes obscured if it shrinks to your 150 pixel sidebar).
but of course...i'll be there.
I have now made some narrower banners for her Ladyship's sidebar (or anyone else's come to that). I have put them here
I replied the the "More Banners" post by accident--but count Disability Studies, Temple U. in, and thanks for organizing this again this year.
Count me in, please. Have you got a category "Anger"?
in, and glad you're allowing us to post late/early this time -- so this year I can make it!
I'll blog again this year.
I'm in - like the logo!
sign me up. I've got the banner up in a separate post, because I am selectively braindead about how to put the banner into a Wordpress sidebar, but I'll keep the post up until after May 1
I am in.Any thing to help get the word out.
I'm in also. I'll start spreading the word as soon as I can.
Count me in.
This is a brilliant idea. I missed last year's event but shall follow this year's avidly.
And consider me in. It may not be me doing the blogging though, but my other half. Exciting!
Bobby McGee from Wise Words From The Cynic is in, too.
is Blind Accessible, too, if you're blind. I have a text only version:
I'm so excited to hear this is going to happen again! I've been thinking about my next Disabilism post since last May! We're in at Jenelle's Journey!
This is a terrific idea. Those who are currently "fully abled" should keep in mind that that is most likely a temporary condition, at best.
Peace, Liz
I have no idea what I'm going to say, but I'm in -> Last year's posts were amazing!
Count me in, please.
Count me in! You're going on my blogroll and I will do some articles on my site for you!
Best Wishes,
I'll be there (oh no, that song's going to be stuck in my head now) and posting under
Love the new logo. (I never did work out what the old one was.)
I'm in, of course!
I wasn't blogging this time last year, so this will be my first BADD.
Count me in!
Count me in too please :-)
Looking forward to the 1st May!
I'll be there :-)
Hi there
Please add me to your list of bloggers for BAD Day :-)
Count me in! Academia as an Extreme Sport.
Count me in!
Reality Check Woman @
Crip Chronicles
I'll be there with bells on.
Yaaayyy! I can't wait!
Count me in. What a fabulous project.
I'm in - if energy and coherence permit. ;-)
Please count me in!
I'd like to join. Wanted to last year, but got busy.
I'm on it! Count me in!
I'm in. (Be afraid).
Re the category list: I suggest you publish it now so folks can see what you are thinking and ask/suggest if they think the list needs tweaking.
I'm a bit slow when it comes to this blogging lark. Obviously not been doing it long enough. So I added the graphic but forgot to mention that, yes, I will be talking part. Or even taking part. Right.
Yes, I'd like to join in too. By May 1st do you mean English time? Should I therefore blog on May 2nd as I am in Australia?
I want to do this too
Please add me to your list of contributors.
I blog about ADHD and Learning Disabilities, as well as general disability issues.
WARNING: I'm going to get long-winded (again). Skip to the end for the gist, if you don't have time and/or patience for all the rest.
I had to really think about whether I would do this or not. Not only am I ridiculously overextended for someone who doesn't even have a job to go to every day, but I have a hang-up about "blog against" days, kind of the way I had a hang-up about Yom Kippur when I was a practicing Jew. Why just one day a year, I wondered back when I was a Jewish child? Why not atone right when you realize you've F'ed up and strive every day to be a better person? Similarly, aren't all my posts blogging against disablism by their very nature? Well, aren't they? Besides, who cares what I'm against; doesn't what I'm for really matter more in the long run? And again, doesn't what I'm for really count as being against disablism fundamentally?
And then there's the whole question of whether I myself am disablist since I have a hard time even seeing myself as disabled to begin with and may not really know what any of this means.
Then it occurred to me that perhaps I should put all this -- and all the other stuff that's started boiling around in my head since I read this -- in a Blogging Against Disablism Day post. So please count me in (at Moving Right Along), if you'll have me. If you're going with some sort of scheme of categories, perhaps my best spot would be under "confusion and ignorance."
On the other hand, maybe I'll be able to think of something less tortured, more specific, and more interesting to say by May 1. It could happen.
Sara, he he. I tried to compose a reply but ended up with shifting religious analogies from Judaism to Catholicism and it all got a bit messy.
In any case, hope you can join us and whilst I hate to blatantly recommend my own writing, can I blatantly recommend what I wrote for last year's Blogging Against Disablism Day.
Anissa, really it's not that strict, so post on May 1st when it is May 1st wherever you are. :-)
Thank you for the blatant recommendation! :) Yes, it did help clarify my thinking. In many ways, I go through a lot of the same stuff; but for me it's more that I worry about taking away from people who really need help, or that I fear over-dramatizing a personal situation which is really proving not to be all that dramatic, just incredibly annoying. But then I think about a certain Commissioner in Missouri and am dead certain I know what disablism is. And then I wonder how much of that I feel like fighting on a personal level, and then I worry how much of that could be perceived as some kind of cultural appropriation since I don't really feel all that disabled, but then I argue with myself that it's about having a complete, inclusive society that embraces diverse humanity, which is everybody's business.
But I need to stop talking about this here and put it into notes for May 1, don't I? Sorry.
I will just say that my oncologist is fond of telling me I am not the first person to travel down the road I'm on. I always find this comforting because it means I don't have to invent everything from scratch as I go. And then I feel guilty for feeling comforted because other people have suffered, and probably a lot more than I have because somewhere along the line at least one of them did have to invent everything from scratch as s/he went.
The point is, nothing new under the sun, and I agree that whatever banner we fly over the conversation, it really is best we talk about these things. Thanks for your thoughts, and thanks for organizing the event.
I would like to sign up too.
Hi. This is GREAT. I am in too. I think this is so important to raise awareness. Thank you for organizing this!
Yes, please! I'll be blogging at, a blog called Pinwheels. Thanks for the opportunity to join together!
Count me in for "Blog Against Disablism Day"! You can find me at
Count me in :-) (now I just have to remember lol)
Please count me in,
mum to Mitch & Harry
ex 24.6 weekers
now 2 3/4 years old
We're in too!
Jan's Group Home Support is in! My article topic will be about group home residents being seen as "takers" in society and how group home staff can assist in changing that stereotype and prejudice.
Please count me in.
I will be joining in.
Please count me in. I'll blog about something relevant at
Count me in, too.
I plan to write something for this.
I'll write a post too. Good idea having everyone categorize their own posts.
I'm in! I'll probably be late, mind...
Only too glad to lend my voice to the cause again.
I'm in again also! And we might be in the middle of the Irish General Election also! Whoopee!! (Sense the irony!!!)
Please count me in!
I'm in! Thanks for doing this again!
Assuming Im not giving birth, ill be contributing. Oh I can comment for britain!!
cheers and KBO!!!
I would like to blog about having mental health problems as a result of being visually impaired if that is appropriate. I will probably mention employment, education and social issues. Many people believe that you can either see or you are blind and do not realise that you can be incurably partially sighted.
I'm sorry if you get this twice, but count me in :) (Computers seem to be against me today.
I will more than likely be blogging over at my wordpress site:
Sorry I didn't specify earlier, but I've had one of those days. Cheers!
I would love to participate as well. Thanks for educating and advocating!
Count me in. Most definitley
Can I still participate? You probably dont'know me but I would love to contribute.
Astrid - that's fine, everyone's welcome. :-)
Sycophantique - that sounds great, but I don't know where your blog is so I can't put you on the list at the moment.
hello - bit late to the party but not too late I think - am in - not sure what to write - but will have a go!
I want to join in, too! We are at Gabi's World -
Yes, please count me in!
count me in!
Doh! As I'm not really up on blogging I thought that I'd just be able to leave a post and that I didn't actually have to have a blog of my own! I don't have a web page of my own. No matter though. How long does it take to set up a blog and where can I get it hosted? If I can get one set up for May 1st then I will. It could be my first post lol.
I would like to join in and write about how my daughter's food allergies are being addressed by our school district. Does that qualify?
Well I decided not to contribute, then Beep beep set me off considering all the adventures which we have had keeping mobile over the years and I guess I got carried away and maybe there is some examples of how discrimination causes a few apparent problems.
So count me in, if you like
i'm in! i'll be blogging at
Hello, we're in, probably a couple of authors.
Sychophantique - it's really easy to set up a blog with Blogger, if you click here. There are other clients too, but I think blogger is probably the most user-friendly starting place.
No Whey Mama - if you think your post is appropriate, then you are more than welcome. I should imagine it probably will be.
Hi! We're behind on our blogging but Steve assures me he'll have something to contribute on the Planet of the Blind...Thanks for this opportunity!
Hi count me in!
Hi my blog cryptick is on
count me in.
Count me in
Hi! I'd love to participate! My blog is over on LJ. It's and I'll be posting some articles there somewhere around Tuesday. This is a great idea!
Phew! I'm glad that worked! Only problem was, I gave you the url for my blog wrong. Woops! So here it is correctly.
Yay me again!
I'm excited!
I'll be blogging for
I'll be writing about diaper discrimination. daughter has cp and has been turned down from preschools because she's still in diapers at age three.
that's like, tomorrow.
over at
I'd be happy to join. My blog is Gaijin Mama at
What a wonderful idea! Count our site in:
Count me in, too!
Raising my hand.
Count me in too.
I am so in.
Lovely and Amazing
Thank you so much! I look forward to participating.
Love to help out, but I'm not sure that my linky dinky skills are up to the task......I'll print it out and see if it makes more sense when I read it on paper!
Thanks for this great opportunity (& to Kev for sending the link out to the Autism Hubbers). -Lisa/Jedi at Life in the New Republic
I have posted my tuppence worth
Jenny bear
I'll do it! I missed this somehow last year.
my url is
Ok here is my link, standing up for Neurodiversity in the Mother of all Parliaments wearing the Mother of all hats.
Maybe it ain't the first of May yet but what the heck, today is as good a day as any.
Please count me in.
I'll participate at and eagerly read the other posts. This will give me a chance to spend some time thinking how to bring my work and family selves together. Thinking time is often too short, isn't it?
Count me in, please.
Hi there, am the slowest to put my hand up as always, but please count me in.
Dave Hingsburger here and I'm in.
Count me in!
I'm in!
Just discovered this. Great idea. I'm particularly interested in promoting accessible website design, so I'll blog about that as close to 1 May as I can manage. My site is at
Will contribute! Employment/volunteerism/Disabed view of the Disabled
We are in. Brilliant idea, I have passed it on to others.
I'm in! Me too, me too! Thank you for organizing this!
Count me in!
Thank everyone, this is brilliant!
There are a few people who have left a comment but whom I don't have a URL for and can't find one through blog profiles. I can't add Daddicade, Angelica or Mar to the list yet as I don't have anywhere to link to.
Also, if anyone notices I have missed anyone or otherwise made any mistake, do please let me know.
Thanks again. :-)
Rushing in at the last minute-please count me in too!
PS I *love* this banner-do you mind if I keep it posted on my sidebar after may 1?
Here's Diddums rushing anxiously to keep up with the crowd! I'll be blogging on May 1st, so please add my blog to your list:
Aw Diddums
I'm in
A friend of mine pointed me in this direction. She has one kind of disability; my son has a completely different kind. I'll be happy to comment. I'll have it on my "regular" blog, though (different than the one connected to this blog ID) at Or maybe I'll just write something at both this blog ( as well as the other in some way. The more the message is out, the better, right?
Great idea.
Count me in!
I'm kind of new to all of this, but I'm in if you'll have me.
I intend to join blogging against disablism. However, I am doing it in a slightly different way. I am going to do a post highlighting individuals who have triumphed despite disability and discrimination. I am going to tell a little of my own story and those of three or four corageous individuals I followed online. I believe achieving (no matter how small the achievement) despite naysayers is the best way to counteract disablism.
I'm in!
My post took a different turn and it's about how group home staff can do their part to change prejudice against the disabled when in the community. The Fight Against Prejudice
I'm in as well!
Count me in!
Compost Happens
though its late, I'm in!
Modern Lei Feng
I will definately posting on disablism on May first, I can think of no better way to continue a day dedicated to the struggle "for the people" - plus I get to get super pissed off and legitimize it! Wheelchairs and disability in Canada at:
I would love to participate - Jodi
I'd love to join in. My livejournal address is This is an awesome idea!
I'm in, thanks.
Hi! I'm still not on the list, so I wanted to just restate that I'm in . ( Thanks!
Hi de ho there!
Did the linky do dah business, so count me in. [please]
Cheers dears
Hi, I'm new to this blogging lark, but I'd like to join in.
An eleventh hour contribution from me - or rather from a guest writer who doesn't have a blog of his own.
Hi there!
I'm aware it's probably already may 1st somewhere in the world, but please count me in!
what a good idea. i am in.
Count me in...
You can count me in, too.
I'm over at
Count me in for Blogging Against Disabilism Day - Monastic Musings
Hi!!! I tried to sign up the other day, but I guess it didn't go through. I am going to Blog today, so I hope I'm not too late! Thanks,
Saint Nobody
I want to add my blog and 2 cents' worth to your orchestra of voices.
I forgot the link to my blog!!!
*I feel shame*
Here is my post on the "Dis of Disabiity."
Thanks for pulling this together!
I've got mine done. And even on time for once!
the link:
the subject:
Being a disabled parent. Parenting defensively.
Blogs away!
My contribution is up:
Title: Blogging Against Disabilism (Doodle)
Subject: A drawing with an explanation (about perception of disability)
Category suggestions:
General Thoughts on Disablism
Art Against Disablism
Hello and congratulations on organising this accessibility awareness campaign. I am glad to join in:
(in English)
(in Bulgarian)
Best regards,
Sofia, Bulgaria
Count me in. The post is up today, May 1st.
A fine and inventive idea. As a Mental Health worker, I'm happy to add my little bit.
I've posted!
I have posted Disability rights and Australian websites confusion. Count me in.
Count me in. I love the logo.
Mother Laura put me on to this.
I just heard at the 11th hour about this effort. I'll do a blog entry ASAP to meet the 5/1 deadline. Thanks for doing this! What a great idea.
Thank you for raising awareness. I will post today - and use one of your lovely logos.
My post is up:
Blogging this evening, May 1st.
Though I'm a bit on the late side, I'm in (if possible)
I blogged for the day. Great idea!
Howdy, thanks for providing the opportunity and the prod!
Just posted: 'Against disabilism - Ensuring accessibility'.
I'm a public service web worker and I've had a bit of a rant about ensuring accessibility.
Would love your views!
We here at
would like to be included in your campaign to blog against disablism. We have posted our entry at the following URL.
If it is not too late, would you please add us to the blogroll on the left side of your site.
Thank you kindly,
Cooper Lang
Sorry, I forgot to specify a section where this link would be appropriate.
I believe it would be most suitable for the employment section.
(see above comment)
Thank you kindly,
Cooper Lang
I know it's a bit late, but it's still May 1st. I'd like to do this too please!
I have a knitting blog, though my day job is working with the web for state agency here in the U.S.
Yes, I will participate by getting something on even at this late time of day!
Late in the day but I've made apost on my blog
I've made a post on my blog - I was at the hospital getting tests so late in posting - sorry. Titled: Blogging against Disablism: those lazy, decieving disabled..why won't they die?
Over at:
Are you letting in food bloggers? If you are I'll make sure you get well fed. My post is titled The real reason is... It's at
It's Liz from I Speak of Dreams.
Here's my post, it's on education in the United States, and how teachers are systematically unprepared to teach persons with Specific Learning Disability--Reading (or dyslexia, if you prefer).
I just posted too. It's still May 1 in my part of the world. Thanks again for doing this.
Joining in....and saying 'Thank you' I've been busy reading all night......
the good, the BADD, the invisible - Academia as an Extreme Sport doing a bit of a narrative on invisible disability and chronic pain.
Here's mine
Only 23:19 here.
My post is at
I'm up here.
It's personal and about stigma
At we say, "DISabled", phooey! I'm not DISabled. I'm DIFabled - I'm ALTERabled - - - Geez, Let's focus on what IS working, not on what AIN'T."
More at:
Clay Cotton
My post is up before the deadline! Well, before midnight MY time, anyway.
Wasn't 1st of May already taken by a century or so?
I posted- just few verses of mine, but I encourage to read.
I have a post up. A few hours late my time but it's still May 1st in Hawaii. lol! I posted about a positive experience, which can be quite rare, so I hope others read it and enjoy.
I almost forgot to add... you need to go to the "Are We Having Fun Yet?" blog to read the post. Have a great day!
I posted. :)
I guess I forgot to let everyone know - I posted too, in the late hours of May 1!
Sex, Disability, and Disableism:
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