Thanks ever so much to everybody who blogged yesterday or else joined in by reading and commenting on blogs.
It was an absolutely excellent response with some really fantastic posts. I am glad I made the archive like this as we went along, but it wasn't the easiest task for my decrepit brain so please, if you spot any omissions or mistakes, do let me know.
Blogging Against Disablism 2007
Employment Do It Myself Blog: Blogging for Inclusion Dragon in my Soul: Think as I say, not as I do. Everyone Else Has A Blog: So then. Planet of the Blind: Disability and Employment Discrimination. Smiffy's Place: Going to Work - Time for a Rethink? Work Safely: Safe enough for disabled workers means safer for all! Education ADHD & Me Blog: Disablism in Education Aw Diddums: Hello, This is Diddums Speaking. Who is Calling? Breakfast Toast and Vegan Bacon: There's no elevator to the top of the Ivory Tower. From here to there and back: Blogging Against Disablism Day I Speak of Dreams: Disablism in Education: What I wish were true Life with Joey: A Day Against Disablism The ups & downs of our life: Blogging Against Disablism Day in 2007 Other Access Issues (Posts about any kind of access issue in the built environment, shops, services and various organisations. By "access issues" I mean anything which enables or disenables a person from doing what everyone els e is able to do.) Caughtya.Org: Disablism and Parking, they go hand it hand. Dream Mom: Blogging Against Disablism Day Dublin (Mis)Adventures: Blogging Against Disablism From Where I'm Sitting: Universal Design... not! A good dose of nerdiness with a pinch of salt: My blogging against disablism post Green Galoshes: Disability Discrimination Hop Bloody Hop: Blogging Against Disablism James Oppenheim: Disability rights and Austrailian websites confusion JBVoices: Blind People Don't Use the Internet JBVoices: Open Letter to Richard Benyon, MP Keep Buggering On!!: How to make life better The Meanderings of a Politically Incorrect Crip: Now gods stand up for anoraks. Nihilstech: Four short anecdotes about ubiquitous ableism Paul Canning: Ensuring Accessibility Peachtree Active Living: Blogging Against Disablism 2007 Rolling around life: A Tale of Two Lifts Sally's Life: When the going gets tough... Sean McManus's Blog: Making websites accessible Sunny Dreamer: 16 Tips on Wheelchair Ettitquette Telling Tales: Disability Foto Friday! Yarn Maven: Access this! Definition and Analysis of Disablism Astrid's Journal: Freedom from Disablism: What does it mean? DiversityWorks: Blogging Against Disablism - the Actual Blog! Dyed In The Wool: The aesthetics of disability Everyday Magics: B.A.D. Growing Up with a Disability: Sandbox Lessons. Life in the New Republic: Disablism in Action Medical Humanities Blog: Blogging Against Disablism. Mr Chuckles: Blogging Against Disablism. One Dad's Opinion: Metamorphosis The Language of Disablism (Posts about the language which surrounds disability and the way that it may empower or disempower us.) Autism Vox: On the "Dis" of Disability. The Alterabilities Blog: "DISabled", phooey! E is for Epilepsy: Blogging Against Disablism, Ableism, Disability Discrimination Marmite Boy on Toast: Blogging Against Disablism Day. Pagey's Place: Think Before You Speak Grace Notes: "A Person With" An Unreliable Witness: Political Correctness gone mad. Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms' (Posts about the way in which various discriminations interact; the way that the prejudice experienced as a disabled person may be compounded by race, gender, age, sexuality etc..) Awake to Dream: The final frontier: Sex, women and disability Charlottesville Prejudice Watch: Racism and Ablism Together Again Or: If we do it to them more, we have to invent a reason. Club 166: Dark Thoughts Urbania to Stoneheads: Prejudice from "your own kind". Wheelchair Dancer: Disablism, Identity, Disability and Race Disablism and Politics The Bipoiar View: Calling out social justice activists Do It Myself Blog: Social Assistance System Contributes to Disablism. Keep Buggering On!!: Stand up and be counted.Maman Poulet: NDA and disability rights - where are ya? A Modern Lei Feng: On Politeness Part 2: Are. You Kidding. Me? Rhymes with Javelin: Blogging Against Disablism, One Day Late Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media Fate is Chance, Destiny is Choice: Blogging Against Disablism Telling Tales: Funny Women... Disability on the Box! The Perorations of Lady Bracknell: The BADD entry 2007 History Criptick: Crippled Ancestors: Equality 150 years ago Disability Studies, Temp U: In Memory of George Everett Green (1880-1895) Title Varies Slightly: We were there; 504 Anniversary. Love and Sex Feminist Reprise: What Crip Dykes Do: A photoessay about love, living and loss Telling Tales: Disability Dates... Disability on the Love Wagon! Non-English Language Blogs Avenida Central: Blogging for inclusion (Portugese) Dimodi Web: Blogging Against Disablism Day (in Bulgarian) Other The Garden of Nna Mmoy: Horton Doesn't Hear a Who. Lamb Ramblings: The carer and the papers Lunatic Antics: A Blind Guy Goes Into a Bar Monastic Musings: Can a Person with a Disablity Hear a Call to a Religious Life? One person who signed up but hasn't blogged on this is Angela at Jack's Blog, but she is let off on account of the surprise arrival of her daughter, Morgan Leigh. So congratulations to her and her family. | General Thoughts on Disablism Andrea's Buzzing About: Colony Collapse Disorder Arthritic Young Thing: Being vs. Doing Charming BB: WHEELS (for BB) Dancing Through Doorways: Blogging Against Disablism Dancing Through Doorways: More about Disability A Deaf Mom Shares Her World: Disabled Schmabled Defying Gravity: Blogging Against Disablism Feminist Mormon Housewives: What not to say to an amputee Funk Mango's Musings: Ga ga goo. The Fruit Basket: A lack of imagination The Gimp Parade: Fear, avoidance, and the people we never get to know. Healthy Selfishness: A Post for Blogging Against Disablism. Horses, words and wool: Happy May Day! Jenny's Days: Blogging Against Disablism Laura's Cyberspace: My post for Blogging Against Disablism Day Lovely and Amazing: The Politics of Gratitude Midlife & Treachery: As we speak... Monastic Musings: What if? Nana Sadie's Place: Blogging Against Disablism Day The Pickards: Me vs. Stephen Hawking Publog: Bloggers Against Disablism Rachel Creative: Blogging Against Disablism (Doodle) Screw Bronze!: Those lazy deceiving disabled... why won't they die? Simul Iustus et Peccator: Hope A Tedious Delusion: Blog Against (dis)Ableism Day Wheelchair Catholic: Disablism Happens Whose Planet is it Anyway?: Normal People Need Services Winsornot's Other Blog: Blogging Against Disabilities Discrimination Day Parenting Issues (Experiences of being a disabled parent or being a parent to a disabled child.) Adventures in Juggling: Learning to fall down sometimes. The adventures of a Stay at Home Mom: The World Through My Boys Eyes. Anika: Diaper Discrimination Big Blueberry Eyes: Hope and Normalcy Cheaper Than Therapy: Mom, the Disablist? Emma & Co.: What to write? What to write? Emma Sage: Blogging Against Disablism Day From the Mountain Top to the Valley Floor: What is the significance of May 1st? Gabi's World: "The Harsh Reality" Gaijin Mama: Lilia's Abilities The Imperfect Christian: Blogging Against Disablism Jenelle's Journey:Blogging Against Disablism Day 2007! Left Brain/ Right Brain: Blogging Against Disablism Maternal Instincts... Flying By the Seat of My Pants: Shadows of Disablism The Monkey and Me: Here I stand MOM - Not Otherwise Specified: Inside Out No Whey, Mama: Conversations One March Day: Thank You Ryn's Tales Book of Days: It's just cerebral palsy Speak Softly...: One in Five Terrible Palsy: No man's land Troubled Diva: A father's thoughts on having a deaf son Twinkle Little Star: Defensive Parenting. The Voyage: Blogging Against Disablism Whitterer on Autism: Motor Mouth - who knew a speech delay could be so noisy? The Wood Vale Diaries: How Young is Too Young? Experiences Through Family and Friends All that comes with it: Blogging Against Disablism Day. Are we having fun yet?: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2007 At my table: The real reason is... Compost Happens: May Day and Blogging Against Disablism. The Education of an Able-Bodied Ally: Ally and Friend Faith and Web: My Father's Daughter Mason Dixon Knitting : This is not about knitting Sam I am: On Friends.... The Discrimination Siblings Face. Pinwheels: Blogging Against Disablism Day Disablism within Healthcare Systems All 4 My Gals: Blogging Against Disablism Ballastexistenz: Manipulative? No. Impertinent? Maybe. Incurable Hippie's Musings and Rants: Self-harm and medical treatment Sly Civilian: Unmedicated. Jan's Group Home Support: The Fight against Prejudice Junia's Daughter: Disability and Abortion Yarnerinas - Not About Knitting Impairment-Specific Prejudice (Posts about those experiences specific to people with a particular condition (or type of condition). Academia as an Extreme Sport: The good, the BADD and the invisable Action for Autism: Disablism and Autism And all that stash: Disablism Angry for a Reason: Me, Bipolar? Blogaway: Blogging Against Disablism - BADD? BloggingMone: It was your choice, wasn't it? Everything and Nothing at all: Straddling the line The Family Room: May 1, Blogging Against Disablism Day. ishouldbeworking: A Good Thing Never that Easy: Blogging Against Disablism Day. Rachel's Tavern: Invisable Disabilities Reimer Reason: Syndrome Sydrome Smiffy's Place: What about food? Transabled: Two impacts of disability discrimination on BIID Transabled: When does impairment become a disability? Water Owl's Gratitude Journal: Are you are have you ever been insane? (Cross-posted at Silicon Valley Moms Blog) What's that you said?: Blogging Against Disablism Day Personal Journeys (Posts about learning experiences and realisations authors have had about the nature of disability discrimination and the impact on their lives.) and I should have learned my lesson the first twenty times... : The Search Aw Diddums: Pigeon-Holing: Losing the Right to be an Individual Ballastexistenz: How Early Do We Internalize Ableism? The Beauty Offensive: From Where I'm Sitting. Chewing the Fat: Blogging Agasint Disaphobia/ Disablism Crip Chronicles: Disability Identity Croneway: A Disabled Person's View of the Disabled Humdrum: Disabled It could be worse, you know: Life, a few years later The Life and Times of Emma: Blogging Against Disablism Day. Life, Interrupted: Blogging Against Disablism Moving Right Along: The Disablist Nickie's Nook: Painism or Pain and Ablism Puglet Ponderings: I am Ramblings: Your today is my yesterday Ryn Tales Book of Days: My Two Sense Sally's Life: BADD 2007 The Strangest Alchemy: Knees and chairs and things Survival is not enough: Disablism Timboblog: Blogging Against Disablism. |
Here's mine.
It's about the disablist way in which we're represented in the media, so I suspect that means it falls into the "other" category.
Thank you, your ladyship. I've added media to the category about literature and culture.
I have a feeling this day is going to involve some degree of improvisation...
And here's mine. Please file it under Parenting Issues.
All the best for a successful day!
Evening. Mine's here: http://everyoneelsehasablog.blogspot.com/
For some reason I am having problems linking to individual posts tonight. Sorry.
Please file under 'employment'.
here you go - it's disability and politics (or the lack of them or something...)
Thanks for getting it all together!! I'm looking forward to reading all the entries!
Hey, great to be involved:
Here's mine...
Filed under "Other", methinks :-)
I inhabit that space that is sleeptime in the UK and before the rest of the world awakes, or so it seems. http://lifeintheshire.blogspot.com/2007/05/sallys-badd.html
(I don't know, how to do it better, not at this time of night)
I think this is my fifth attempt to comment! Hope to have something to post by late tonight.
Best wishes
I'm in California, so it's technically still April here, but if I wait for the dateline to cross me I'll miss some of the fun, eh? Here's my link:
And I suspect it should go under "interaction with other -isms," but if you add a history section it would go best there.
I've seen some of the early entries already--this is going to be another spectacular event! Thank you!
It's not May 1 where I am yet, and the post link doesn't work so
General thoughts on Disabilism is my category this year!
I'm loving reading these already.
How can I catergorise mine? Personal experiences, examples on the day? making use of discrimination or just boring dysfunctional ramblings about discrimnation? or Sterotyping
Here's my post/ link:
Category: General Thoughts On Disablism
I'm off to bed..and can't wait to read everyone else's contributions!
Here's mine http://pugletponderings.blogspot.com/2007/05/i-am.html
I guess it's personal. it's how I choose or refuse to discriminate and define myself.
Mine's done. Here is my link:
Category would be family and friends, but it is about siblings who face discrimination.
Can't wait to read everyones.
Here's my post.
It's called Sandbox Lessons, and looks at the origins of ableism. It would go in the Analysis of Disablism category.
Thanks so much, Goldfish. I'm really looking forward to reading the posts.
The link to mine is here: http://gabis-world.blogspot.com/2007/05/blogging-against-disablism-day.html
and should be listed under Parenting Issues.
Hi de ho there. Here's mine [going to be busy beetling around all these tomorrow]
Here's my post: http://hymes.wordpress.com/
Racism and Ablism Together Again Or: If we do it to them more, We Have to Invent a Reason
Hi, so happy to be part of this. You can find my post on the fine line between personality and pathology at: www.familyroomblog.com. It'll be up at 12:01 am on Tuesday, May 1.
Here's my post. It's about higher education.
"There's no elevator to the top of the Ivory Tower"
mine's on medication ethics, and the problem of response to crisis situations.
I posted What If? Blogging Against Disablism Day at Monastic Musings.
I'm looking forward to reading as many of the posts as I can. Thanks for doing this!
hey emma,
over at Medical Humanities Blog we have a post giving some general thoughts on disablism in context of -- surprise -- the medical humanities:
Mine is here. Category would be general thoughts I think.
Ours is here:
I talk a bit about baseball, so I guess that could go under "culture", or maybe Parenting Issues.
Congratulations for another sucess!
Glad you like the BAD posts leading up to the day and now my actual BAD day post is up and running and is all about shoes!
Hope you have a fabulous day, I intend to be at least reading from school!
Good Wishes for a FAB day of making everyone aware!
Tom the Twit
Glad to see that so many people are starting to blog.
Let us hope that many more do so!
You can read my entry at -
Thanks to Goldfish for setting this up :-)
hi, Dave Hingsburger of Chewing the Fat here. I have just published, gettin gup at 3 to catch the whole day with European readers. I don't know how to post links but I am at www.davehingsburger.blogspot.com
I too, join in thanks for setting this up. I'm going back to bed now and will tour other blogs during the day.
Dave Hingsburger
Oops, sorry, I did not suggest a catagory for my post at Chewing the Fat, I'll go with personal journeys.
Here's one for the Employment category.
Keep up the good work GF, and don't over-do it!
I posted this in the other "instructions" post, but maybe I'm supposed to post this here. Oops!
My blog: Twinkle Little Star
Subject: Disabled Parenting
Link: http://twinklelittlestar.typepad.com/letter/2007/05/blogging_agains.html
Hi Goldfish, mine can go under Personal Journeys. It's about the anticipation of a disablist response to being visibly 'impaired' - my first experience of using four wheels to get around.
I attempted to write poetry. The link is here: http://wheelchairprincess.com/blog/2007/05/01/blogging-against-disablism-day-2/
(The Life and Times of Emma is my blog). I guess you could categorise it as Personal journey or other.
Here is a post I wrote.
Oops, didn't post a category. Think it belogn sin definition/analysis of disablism.
My post actually hit the blog somewhat earlier than expected due to something that happened over the weekend and completely changed my mind as to what I would write about.
Called Open letter to Richard Benyon MP I guess it needs to go in the Other Access Issues.
As you will see from the update in the comments, I suspect this is going to be an ongoing blog that may run for some time. Annoyed? Me?....... never. :-)
Here's my post, such as it is, http://www.doitmyselfblog.com/2007/blogging-for-inclusion/. Probably fits under the Employment category.
Good reads, thanks all :)
Two authors on our site this year, both under "Impairment Specific"
Two impacts of disability discrimination on BIID -
When does an impairment become a disability? -
Hi Goldfish.
My post is here and I think the best category for it would be "Definition and Analysis of Disablism", but feel free to disagree if you want!
Just about to post my original blog called Blind people don't use the internet.
Same place http://www.jbvisions.co.uk/voices/
same category
Other Access Issues
Here is my link
Please archive under language.
Great work again Goldfish. It is fabulous to see so many participants again this year.
Hi--I wanted to sign up earlier, but for some reason the comment didn't post. Is it too late to add me?
I'll be blogging later in the day, but by the end of May 1 E.S.T.
Saint Nobody
I've just written a post on this topic. I hadn't commented on your earlier post so my blog isn't listed. If it's not too late to get involved, you could stick this in the parenting category.
Thanks for doing all this work.
My post describes our family -- a hearing impaired adult and a teenager with blindness and autism.
Thanks everyone so far. This is looking great!
If you didn't sign up to begin with, you are welcome to join in now if you post a url to your post.
My post is ready -- please place under "Parenting".
I am participating--I forgot to tell you, though. Sorry.
Either under "literature and arts" or "parenting"--probably the former, though I'll let you put it wherever you think it fits best.
Here's one about food and disablism. I do wonder exactly where it belongs - either in Definition and Analysis or possibly Impairment-Specific. (Or just plain "Other"). Bedtime now here in Oz - keep up the posts guys!
Mine is up at:
It's about the unthinking use of disablism terminology on the Web.
My post is here. I think it fits best under "Parenting".
Mine entitled "The Disablist Within" has been posted.
It touches on several categories, I think, including Employment, General Thoughts, Access, [Local] Politics, and Personal Journeys. (Nothing is ever simple with me. Nothing.)
Thanks, Goldfish!
Thank you for doing this.
My post can be filed under: Parenting and Accessibilty. Here is the link:
Filed under The Language of Disablism: Political incorrectness gone mad.
I signed up on the other post, today, having found it today from Mother Laura.
Here's my post -- it has to do with services, language, and education, and it probably ought to be filed under General Thoughts.
Here is my post on this. It could go under parenting and personal journey
thanks for doing this!
Mine's up. File under either Experiences with Family and Friends or Personal Journey, at best guess.
Here's the link: http://neverthateasy.blogspot.com/2007/04/you-know-its-so-funny.html
It was also suggested to me that I submit this post as well. It could go under parenting. It's titled: It's just cerebral palsy.
Thanks so much!
Hi- Lisa/Jedi reporting in :)
Hmmm- categorically, I think it's would fit best with "Definition & Analysis", but it was hard to settle for just one category...
Thanks for this opportunity!!
I don't have my new post up, but here are some retro-tagged posts:
We Were There; 504 Anniversary
Press Release / Action Alert: Prejudice in Ocala, FL
Disability Issues in the Virginia Tech Shootings
Personal Journeys AND / OR Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media
Dying, or Getting Better, or… Growing Up?
Inspiring the Doll-Car Lady
Peter’s First Healing
Disablism and Other Isms
NOT Like Me
I'm Tired Too, Blue
Personal Journeys
For Some, It's the Present
Thanks again for letting me join in.
File me under Parenting Issues, please.
I only found out about this today but I posted anyway. My two cents are about stigma and mental illness. Thanks for promoting this.
Hello, my BADD post is up:
Of the categories already listed, it might best fit 'Personal Journeys', but I'm not sure. It's about individuality, or trying to meet standards set by others.
I haven't actually done a blog about disablism as such - although I have mentioned prejudice in previous postings - but I've put the website address for today at the bottom of my latest offering. Hopefully it will encourage some people to check it out.
John Quinn
Hi, here's my contribution:
I'd say it goes in general thoughts on disablism.
Well done and thanks for all your hard work
Reimer Reason
Impairment-Specific Prejudice
Parenting Issues
My entry, and thanks for hosting!
I think it would fall under "other access issues".
This is my entry. Try the category "Personal Journeys" unless you see a better one.
Mine is up! I think the most appropriate filing is "Parenting Issues".
Thank you SO Much for arranging this!!
I ended up blogging in both my disability blog on blogspot and in my live journal with two separate posts.
Catagory: "Other Access Issues"
Catagory: "Personal Journeys"
Thanks so much for putting this together another year. I can't wait to read all the posts!
hi. i didn't sign up, but here's
my post anyway
think it goes in to the catagory about discrimination.
Sorry, I've been out all day - here's mine:
musing on aids and tools and such
I didn't sign up previously, but I hope it's not to late to join in. My post is up here: http://mdbeau.blogspot.com/2007/05/hope-and-normalcy.html
As a mother of a child with Down syndrome my suggested category for my post is Parenting Issues.
Thank you for hosting this. I'm looking forward to reading some wonderful blogs today!
We put a post up on Silicon Valley Moms Blog:
Thank you for creating this support!
Mine's here: http://thegimpparade.blogspot.com/2007/05/may-1-badd-fear-avoidance-and-people-we.html
It's called "Fear, Avoidance, and the People We Never get to Know"
So, the general disablism category, maybe.
I just learned about today and so not in time to officially sign up but I wrote a short post defining disablism from a parent's perspective and sent my readers here to learn so much more. Thank you everyone for all your words and special thanks for organizing. Here is my link:
Dear Goldfish,
My name is Colin. I write the immensely successful and popular blog called Humdrum, which details the events of my exciting life.
Today, I learned all about being Disabled. I think this would be called a 'personal journey'.
And my jaw really does hurt.
My post is here. It's about web accessibility, its importance and who is ultimately responsible for the inaccessible sites we see today. It belongs in the access issues category, I think.
Hi, I made it in time for the list and my post (from Crip Tick) is about disabled ancestors.
Here's mine.
Now I can get to the real business of reading everyone elses.
Prolly under -isms. But possibly also under language?
Thanks for doing this!
Hoping to throw a post in http://sqiuck.livejournal.com/
Here's mine:
Parenting would be the category. This is an incredible idea and what an effort. Thank you.
Here's mine on parenting both as a parent with disabilities and a child with disabilities and mental illness.
All 4 My Gals can be found here...
It's about prenatal testing so perhaps under healthcare systems? Feel free to put it where you think it best fits.
probably file under impairment specific disablism
Here is mine - parenting would be the most appropriate label.
Not sure eactly where mine fits (imagine that); maybe under Parenting? General Thoughts on Disability?
Oh, while I will take it as a huge compliment that I'm linked to "Lovely and Creative", it is actually Lovely and Amazing (my daughter, not me so much) :)
You'll have to tell me where you think it belongs...
The Politics of Gratitude
And yes, turns out I can't spell disablism. Sad for me...
I notice that there are no entries in the "Other" category so I'd like mine to go in there please (because I'm probably going to do time in solitary for this anyway).
A Blind Man Goes Into A Bar
and here's mine:
I just learned of this today...so just a short addition to my blog.
And here's Blogging Against Disablism: Me vs Stephen Hawking which is probably best in 'general thoughts', unless you've got something on role models, which could be a possibility too.
Better late than never I hope! I'm submitting this as written by Steve for the "employment" category. Thanks for all your hard work! http://kuusisto.typepad.com/planet_of_the_blind/2007/05/a_long_time_ago.html
It would appear that Mr Chuckles may be too shy to draw attention to his own BADD post which, in Lady Bracknell's opinion, falls firmly into the "Definition and Analysis of Disablism" category.
Lady B is too quick for me - it's not easy typing in these clown shoes you know!
Link to my blog for BADD here:
Here's my post:
I think it fits under the disability and politics category, but feel free to put it somewhere else.
Here's mine: http://putzworld.blogspot.com/2007/05/disabled-schmabled.html
Just curious, it says my post is "cross-posted at Silicon Valley
Mom's Blog" I think you must have mine confused with someone else's.
Reimer Reason
(not cross-posted anywhere)
Add mine in when you get a chance please.
I think it falls under either impairment-specific or personal journeys.
Heres one of my postings from today. I think this is under the catagory of access issues.
Heres the other one
this is in the politics catagory.
Here is our contribution.
We're not 100% sure what category it fits in; either 'Definitions of Disability', or 'Personal Journeys', but it kind of fits in both, so I'll leave the final categorizing to you.
If you want to put it in 'Other' that's fine by me.
After all, Timboblog is uncategorized at the moment so that would probably be rather apt.
rather late, just slipping under the deadline.. here's mine. Its entitled ~ Prejudice from "your own kind" ~ and the link can be found below. I'm kinda stumped about the category, i think the best one is "disablism interacting with other isms" but feel free to move if you feel another category would be more appropriate.
thanks for doing all this.. i know its a lot of work (especially when you're not feeling too great anyway).
Here is my post:
I would put it under Family/Friends.
Thanks Goldfish. I am a big fan but have never before commented!
Um, for some reason NONE of my posts have appeared. I am sure it's some technical glitch...my post was here earlier b/c someone linked from your site to mine and left me a lovely comment (Thanks!).
Post under "Parenting"...
Cheers to all the bloggers in their crusade Against Disablism
Cheers to all the bloggers i their crusade agaist Disablism
Four short anecdotes about ubiquitous ableism
Not sure which category it would go under.
Here's mine: 16 Tips On Wheelchair Etiqutte. I think this is best under the category "Disability Awareness." Sorry it's so late in the day.
Here's another, probably best classified in "Other" - Can a Person with a Disability Hear a Call to Religious Life?
Read an interesting essay today regarding casting in theatre and creating works for the theatre -- by playwright Charles Mee
i can't begin to share all that my son has taught me but i do know i have much, much more to learn from my remarkable little man.
My blog can be found here-http://rainflowermoon.wordpress.com/ and for participation, my entry would fsll under general disablism, and personal experiences/impact. I'm planning on whipping something else up soon :)
Here's mine, http://juniasdaughter.blogspot.com/2007/05/disability-and-abortion.html
It's about prenatal testing and abortion of disabled fetuses, so probably healthcare systems.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
Mine is at
It's just a few general words for the general category, but I wanted to join the chorus even if I didn't have an original solo to sing.
Thank you for doing this!
I wrote a brief piece entitled Disability Discrimination, which might fall under the "general" category.
Thank you for a lovely and absorbing day. When you have a moment, would you mind adding my link to the list of participating bloggers?
all best.
WOO-HOO! I read them all!
Bed. Now.
(Thanks, everyone.)
Here is my add, I'm joining in having gotten so much from so many others, perhaps my voice will have something for someone one day as so many have for me in such a short time.
under personal journeys
Thanks so much.
I'm joining the party late, but better late than never.
Under "general thoughts":
Whoops, guess I caught the late end of May 1. Sorry!
My post is called, "A Person With" (Blogging Against Disablism Day May 1)
It is still May first here and i wrote a second BADD post - http://www.doitmyselfblog.com/2007/social-assistance-system-contributes-to-disablism/
a bit late, but mine's done...
its here: http://huoleifeng.blogspot.com/2007/05/on-politeness-part-2-accessibility-are.html
I'd say it would go into the politics category (or maybe other)...
I blogged. It's at www.epilepsy-paula.blogspot.com and it is an identity blog against disabilism.
Thanks for the opportunity to join in!
Paula Apodaca
E. is for Epilepsy by Paula Apodaca
What a great day!
There's just so many interesting blogs to read - it will take me forever :-)
Thanks to everyone who participated and especially to The Goldfish and The Lady :-)
Hi Guys - So sorry I've been unable to write my own blog on this this time - however, I have changed the link on the sidebar so people get directed straight to all the great writing here.. And now that I can, I can start to read them too
Sarah X
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication yesterday (and all the work it took getting it set up).
It was a great day and I read some wonderful posts.
Cheers and take care,
A day late, but mine is here:
Goldfish, sorry to whine, but you posted my title without a link!
Here's my post for the "Disablism Within Healthcare Systems" category:
(I hope it's still okay to make submissions, I'm not done with everything I was writing in my head yesterday.)
Mine goes under education:
I blogged on disability specific prejudice, and a lot of other stuff. I think that's the best category for it though.
Painism: or Pain and ablism
Sorry I'm late. Mine probably fits best under politics. Here's the link: http://rhymeswithjavelin.blogspot.com/2007/05/blogging-against-disablism-one-day-late.html
Thanks for the effort behind this!
And very many thanks to Goldfish and anyone helping, for setting up this BADD and giving many excellent posters the opportunity of making it a memorable one!
I found you via zoe, my comment is on my blog. Well done for this!
My post doesn't show under a category quite yet. It most likely belongs under Personal Journey.
I got your email, didn't get a chance to open it, and only just now found out that I missed this. Considering the amount of time I've spent on crutches, in wheelchairs, in ERs, in surgery, and the like, you'd think I would have been all over this. But thanks for doing it even so.
I did a sequel today. http://dancingthroughdoorways.blogspot.com/2007/05/more-about-disability.html
Also in the general category.
Glad for the opportunity to read so many wonderful blogs.
I blogged against disablism!!
don't forget mine!
Sex, Disability and Disableism
thanks for all your hard work!
Mine is ready now too http://adhdnme.blogspot.com/2007/05/disablism-in-education.html
Thanks, Jacqueline
I can't believe how good this has made me feel. Thanks, little Goldfish, and to her Ladyship, for leaving the lantern burning in the window for me. It means the world to me to feel so very included...
Have very much enjoyed reading all the BADD posts, and am occasionally checking for fresh ones.
I didn't mean to bother you with a second post myself, especially this late on, but thought this one might be relevant - it would go in the Education category, if the BADD gates haven't been closed yet.
http://www.turnaround.cdis.co.uk/weblog/index.html in the history section isn't a permalink URL.
It should be at http://www.turnaround.cdis.co.uk/weblog/files/8c743a4340266e739ca6471576a971a9-42.html
Hi - I've just done my entry...hope it isn't too late (better late than never I think!).
It's about general inclusivity and deafness:
I've been reading a lot of inspirational posts!
Dearest Goldfish, I realise that as I am the 151st !!!! comment you have had a lot to do ... but just in case you can look at this, to say I have had another go at a BADD post to replace the one I messed up/blogger messed up.
Goldfish, dear Goldfish...Please let me know (via email) if you get this...my psts are NOT showing up and I don't know that I've done anything offensive (I certainly hope not!)...
Here's a re-post of a comment that appeared on May 1 then disappeared...along with my BADD post:
Um, for some reason NONE of my posts have appeared. I am sure it's some technical glitch...my post was here earlier b/c someone linked from your site to mine and left me a lovely comment (Thanks!).
Post under "Parenting"...
Thanks, Niksmom (Maternal Instincts)
Here is my contribution from Portugal.
Hello there. I scanned the archive, and I didn't see myself listed. Post(s) can be found here: http://rainflowermoon.wordpress.com/ I apologize if this is a duplicate comment. Categories can be either personal experiences/other/general thoughts. Great turnout of posts :)
Here's mine http://teriadams.blogspot.com/2007/05/disability-identity.html at Crip Chronicles -- very sorry it is tardy. You are doing great things!
"Maternal Instincts... Flying By the Seat of My Pants: Shadows of Disablism" under Parenting, the URL for this blog is missing the ml at the end.
Am soo late ... I just came across this info on Disabilism Day. Please add my blog to Impairment-Specific Prejudice.
My Hearing Dog has his own blog, if you'd care to add that too?
Hi there. I run a blog about Ableism in Portugal. I celebrated Blogging Against Disablism. It's a good cause.
Better late than never!
Wish I had known about this sooner - this is a great concept.
I blog about having mental illness - the STILL taboo disability.
It isn't always pretty, but it's always real.
Wow i love you blog its awesome nice colors you must have did hard work on your blog. Keep up the good work. Thanks
It truly is regarding the disablist way in which we have been manifested inside media, and so i believe actually this drops into your "other" group.
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