May 1st 2017
This is the day where all around the world, disabled and non-disabled people blog about their experiences, observations and thoughts about disability discrimination (known as disablism or ableism). In this way, we hope to raise awareness of inequality, promote equality and celebrate the progress we've made.
It is now May 2nd, but if you have a post and have not yet done so please leave a comment below to let us know about your contributions - anything in the next few days will be fine. We'll be putting together an archive of all our posts which you can check out here, as well as tweeting about them @BADDtweets and linking to them on our Facebook page and Tumblr.
Blogging Against Disablism Day has taken place every May 1st since 2006. You can see our archives here: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
Blogging Against Disablism Day 2017
Employment (Disability discrimination in the workplace, recruitment issues and unemployment). So Much Stranger, So Much Darker, So Much Madder, So Much Better - Autistic in the Workplace: Ableism and Interviews The Caffeinated Autistic - Ableism in the workplace this ain't livin' - Racialised disability employment numbers To see me through - Disabled Workers Belong in Unions Too Working Families - Parents of Disabled Children in the Workplace Yes, That Too - Jobs for autistic strengths and "autistic strengths" Education (Attitudes and practical issues effecting disabled people and the discussion of disability in education, from preschool to university and workplace training.) A CRPSy Life - What are you going to do when you finish? The Autistic Ambivert - Ableism with Disability Services Other Access Issues (Posts about any kind of access issue in the built environment, shops, services and various organisations. By "access issues" I mean anything which enables or disenables a person from doing what everyone else is able to do.) Accessible Insights Blog - Sight, Light, and Language Blinkie Frustrations - What if your communication style was always pathologized? Journey Mouse - Becoming A Girl Who CAN Say "No" Roserodent: A very ordinary night out That Crazy Crippled Chick - Stop Lying To Me About Accessibility A Writer In A Wheelchair - Not five minutes but five weeks yetanotherlefty - What Non-Disabled People Get Wrong About Accessibility Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism Autistic Academic - Disability and “Can’t” Notes, Notings, and Common Refrains - Ableism: The overlooked bigotry at the root of social injustice The Language of Disablism(Posts about the language which surrounds disability and the way that it may empower or disempower us.) Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms' (Posts about the way in which various discriminations intersect; the way that the prejudice experienced as a disabled person may be compounded by race, gender identity, age, sexuality etc..) So Much Stranger, So Much Darker, So Much Madder, So Much Better - Sexism and Ableism in the Medical Field The F Word - Imaginary families and the Social Care crisis Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media Diary of Mr Goldfish - Zombicide Survivors with Impairments - 1 Inspiration Diary of Mr Goldfish - Zombicide Survivors with Impairments - 2 Creation Diary of Mr Goldfish - Zombicide Survivors with Impairments - 3 The Team Politics Crippled, Queer, Anglo-European Ranter - Disablies are dying in the UK pseudoliving - Rights? I Want Liberation So Much Stranger, So Much Darker, So Much Madder, So Much Better - Internalized Ableism in a Capitalist Society History Relationships, Love and Sex Art, Poetry and Fiction against Disablism Kink Praxis - On Jonah’s Book, and Centering My Disabled Perspective Same Difference - A Rewrite Of Adele’s Hello Impairment-Specific Prejudice Diary of a Goldfish - Six ways disablism makes it harder to live with chronic pain Disability Thoughts - Dispelling ADHD Misconceptions So Much Stranger, So Much Darker, So Much Madder, So Much Better - Informal ABA: Compliance Training Led by Peers Personal Journeys Posts about learning experiences and realisations authors have had about the nature of disability discrimination and the impact on their lives. Black Telephone - Pas de visite! Blogging Astrid - My Diagnostic Rollercoaster Ride Life Through The Disability Lens - Able Bodied People You Are Not Entitled To Know Details Of Our Disabilities Most Usually Unusual - In Defense Of The Able-Bodied The One Handed Activist - Dear Science Un-Boxed Brain - The Complexities of I can’t Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crime So Much Stranger, So Much Darker, So Much Madder, So Much Better - Dehumanization of the Disabled: An Exploration of Fear Disability, Life and Death Paginated Thoughts - Against eugenics, and for a future that includes autistic and disabled people Disablism in Healthcare and Healthcare Issues Ballastexistenz - When psychiatric services suck donkey balls (compared to other disability services) damn the muse - The people we see but don’t see Indigo Jo Blogs - On dignity The eternal pursuit of love and laughter - An open letter to my doctors on #BADD2017 Nightengale - Not Finished Disability in Institutions |
Has no one left a comment yet? This close to the event?
I'll be mirror-posting my entry in two places: at my Tumblr (From the edge of the Map), and on my personal Dreamwidth journal, for those who find Tumblr to be inaccessible (Notes, Notings, and Common Refrains)
My post will be going live on Same Difference at midnight UK time on Monday, May 1st. It's a disablism-related rewrite of Hello by Adele.
Got a post on time-management prepared and ready to go for a minute passed midnight (BST). So, the link in advance:
Blogging Against Disablism Day 2017: Becoming A Girl Who CAN Say "No"
It shouldn't give you anything until May 1st 2017 00:01, though.
I look forward to reading everyone else's s see you all on the day!
Here's my effort!
Hello and "happy" May Day, International Workers' Day and Blogging Against Disablism Day!
Here's my first post on my blog. I have actually been around a little while and remember when (I think?) you caught a little bit of push-back because BADD was on IWD.
I don't think they're mutually exclusive. (Please excuse me if someone else has already written on the topic.)
Disabled Workers Belong in Unions Too
A little early for UK, but it is already 1st May here in Spain. I know it is not fully accessible, but I have done th ebest I can. If I get some energy later, I'll add image descriptions. Cheers. Colin aka Criquaer
I had put together a Primer on disability for a talk I gave a while back. Tomorrow, I will probably collect a bunch of links and organize them in a post on my blog. Here are a few:
I hope to have more posted but for now, this one will have to do:
It goes under impairment-specific prejudices. My name is Mel Baggs and my blog is Ballastexistenz. I really, really, really hope to write the other three or four posts I have planned, but i'm exhausted, so we'll see. This one took a lot of effort, and it wasn't even that difficult to articulate as blog posts go.
My count is 12th annual. At least, I have links to my last 11 BADD entries.
File under healthcare, I suppose
"Not Finished" by Nightengale
It's been a while since I've done this. Anyway, here's my entry. http://nimsay.blackglass.org/cwlog/2017/05/the-people-we-see-but-dont-see/
Heya, here's mine on disabilism as a capitalist construct
Thanks for hosting this great event, and I hope you enjoy my submission: Sight, Light, and Language on The Accessible Insights Blog.
Here is mine, I'm glad to be well enough to write one this year. It's on employment prospects and the focus that's put on employment in (higher) education http://crpsylife.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/what-are-you-going-to-do-when-you.html
Here's the link to my post on Dreamwidth BADD 2017: Ableism - The overlooked bigotry at the root of social injustice. The best fit for it would be "Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism"
Here's a link to my post at Autistic Academic: http://neurodiversitymatters.com/autisticacademic/2017/05/01/blogging-against-disablism-day-2017-disability-and-cant/
I'd file this under "Definition and Analysis of Disablism/Ableism."
This remains such a great event. I skipped some years but am now glad to be back. Please file mine under personal journeys.
Against eugenics, for a future that includes autistic and disabled people: https://kpagination.wordpress.com/2017/05/01/blogging-against-disablism-day-2017/
It's taken me a while but here's mine!
What Non-Disabled People Get Wrong About Accessibility
I was thinking mine fell under other access issues but trying to resolve the issue I wrote about has accidentally become medical so I guess it's partially under health care too http://writerinawheelchair.co.uk/2017/05/01/not-five-minutes-but-five-weeks/
Thanks, as always, for doing this.
File under Disablism in Healthcare and Healthcare Issues:
On Dignity: http://www.blogistan.co.uk/blog/mt.php/2017/05/01/badd-2017-on-dignity
Hi everyone, I just found out about this event today! Please check out my published essays and fiction at my website below: https://gracelapointe.wordpress.com/. I have cerebral palsy and often write about how ableism has affected me interpersonally, politically, and socially. My characters, often children with disabilities, face the same prejudices. You can file this under fiction, literature, and criticism or politics. Thanks for reading!
Employment! http://yesthattoo.blogspot.com/2017/05/jobs-for-autistic-strengths-and.html Jobs for autistic strengths and "autistic strengths"
Art, Poetry and Fiction against Disablism
On Jonah’s Book, and Centering My Disabled Perspective
I wrote a post intending it to be for this link up, but I don't think it fits well into any of the categories above (perhaps personal journeys?)
The Complexities of I Can't
Thank you
I made it this year! Mine goes under other access issues. http://thatcrazycrippledchick.blogspot.com/2017/05/stop-lying-to-me-about-accessibility.html
Please file under education:
You can put my post under personal journey. Here is the link
Under Impairment-Specific Prejudice: https://disabilitythoughts.wordpress.com/2017/05/01/blogging-against-ableism-dispelling-adhd-misconceptions/
I'd like to post on BADD 2017 please. 'Hospital is no place for the sick, by Sam Mason' http://friendly-crips.livejournal.com/281705.html
Did my last comment here get missed? It's so good of you to run BADD.
Thank you Barbara. I don't seem to have another comment from you.
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