Thanks very much to everyone who helped to spread the word and to those who have already taken part.
If you have a post for Blogging Against Disablism, please leave a comment including the URL (web address) of your post and the catergory your post fits best. Please also link back here, wherever possible (we're at http://tinyurl.com/BADday2015).
We'll carry on updating this post as any late-comers arrive. We've also been posting links to every blog using the Twitter stream @BADDtweets and these will automatically be posted onto our Facebook Page.
Round-up Posts
Alice Wong: Tweets from #BADD2015
Blogging Against Disablism 2015
Employment (Disability discrimination in the workplace, recruitment issues and unemployment). Smiffy's Place: My Annual Rant Education (Attitudes and practical issues effecting disabled people and the discussion of disability in education, from preschool to university and workplace training.) Academic Editing Canada: Ableism, Academia & Science Fiction AZ is Amazing: My ideal classroom Deaf Student: Disabilism in Higher Education Limits Not Included: Prove it Paginated Thoughts: One of the Lucky Ones? The Autistic Anthropologist: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2015 Turtle Is A Verb: Internalized Ableism Yes, That Too: Late for Blogging Against Disableism Day Friendly Crips & Our Friends: So you want to inspire young people? If you're disabled, don't bother Other Access Issues (Posts about any kind of access issue in the built environment, shops, services and various organisations. By "access issues" I mean anything which enables or disenables a person from doing what everyone else is able to do.) A Barnsley Historian's View: Renewing my Disabled aka Concessionary Bus Pass (or not?) Andrea Shettle's Tumblr: Access is NOT a luxury Beguine Again: We Interrupt This Story to Blog Against Disablism Crippled, Queer, Anglo-European Ranter: Dis/Ablism in Benalmádena The World of Accessible Toilets: Why don't NHS hospitals have accessible toilets? Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism Most Usually Unusual: The “Acceptable” ism The Glitter Notebook: Why the word “disablism” should be in the dictionary The Language of Disablism(Posts about the language which surrounds disability and the way that it may empower or disempower us.) Diary of Mister Goldfish: The God of Sleep Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms' (Posts about the way in which various discriminations interact; the way that the prejudice experienced as a disabled person may be compounded by race, gender, age, sexuality etc..) allthesoftplaces: Thoughts on the Intersections of Capitalism & Ableism A Very Bitey Zebra: Look left, look right, then look left again Radical Neurodivergence Speaking: BADD 2015: #blacklivesmatter, #freeolinka, & intersectionality reminders The F-word: Gender, health and responsibility Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media A Writer in a Wheelchair: Third Time Lucky Never that Easy: Where I talk about Fanfiction and Comics, a lot, and you probably roll your eyes People Aren't Broken: CripFace The Note Which Do Not Fit: Characters with Disabilities in the Condor Trilogy This ain't living: Oscarbait Words of Realms: Doctor Who and Disability yetanotherlefty: Dressing While Disabled History Disability Studies, Temple U.: Wikipedia Against Disablism, Part 2 Relationships, Love and Sex Kink Praxis: Being a Disabled Top in Kink Community Sport Black Telephone: Just Keep Swimming Other Ballastexistenz: To All The Children In Severe Pain Tonight Murder of Goths: A Game of Spoons Part of a Whole: Disability's Biggest Challenge Art, Poetry and Fiction against Disablism After the Rain: Schooldays Amelia Evelyn Voicy Baggs: Poetry for #BADD2015 Crippled, Queer, Anglo-European Ranter: We Live - Art for #BADD2015 (NB NSFW) Embrace Different: Untitled (Link 2, Link 3) | General Thoughts on Disablism Deescribes: Practicing Pride More than my Size: Spoooon! Parenting Issues(whether disabled parents or the parents of a disabled child.) This Is My Blog: Progress Impairment-Specific Prejudice Deaf Student UK: I’m deaf, I’m not disabled! Why should I do this? Living Blind Blog: Five Things to Remember if You Know Someone Who's Blind People First England: Bloody Skegness! That Crazy Crippled Chick: My Most Visible Disability Has the Least Impact on Me (No, Really) This is M.E since yesterday: INVISableism Personal Journeys Posts about learning experiences and realisations authors have had about the nature of disability discrimination and the impact on their lives. Bigger on the Inside: A Farewell to BADD Feminist Sonar: Home Again Journeymouse: Is It Time To Retrain… As A Fish? Life at Full Tilt: Vesuvius on Wheels Mary Caroline: Friendly Reminder: I’m Still Ill Scribbling on Seashells: Do Not Deny Me Sickness and ME: Impermanence and the Gift of Human Suffering The Social Worker Who Became Disabled: Don't put me in a box: reclaiming my narrative Thoughts from an Autistic Vegan: Combatting Negative Media Messages Disablism and Politics (For example, the political currency of disability, anti-discrimination legislation, etc.) A CRPSy Life: Dear Mr Cameron, from someone who's life is no life at all Dannilion.com: Scared of the Government Liberal Democrat Voice: To be free from poverty, ignorance and conformity, our society must have robust support for disabled people Lisybabe's Blog: How many politicians does it take to throw 18% of the population under a bus? Rolling with the Punches: A Call to Union The eGremlin: Don't shove me into your stereotypical box Where's the Benefit?: Manifestly Abusive Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crime Christopher John Ball: What are YOU Looking At? Disability, Life and Death Sticking the Corners with Jennifer Fitz: Don’t Kill People with Disabilities. Especially Family Healthcare Issues Nightengale of Samarkand: If you erase all the wrong stuff, you'll have plenty of room Disability in Institutions Blogging Astrid: "You Can't Be in Society Like This" Indigo Jo Blogs: Sometimes it’s the miles. Sometimes it’s the care. Sometimes it’s both. Through Myself and Back Again: Disability and Christian Churches |
I mentioned this on the main page before I saw this but I can mention here too
I'm not sure the category, education maybe?
What I wrote about is internalized ableism in an education setting. So, the topic I was viewing was internalized ableism, but I don't know where that'd fit.
I think my category might be personal journey? Not too sure. First BADD post ever for me!
Happy 10th anniversary! I'm proud to be participating for my 10th consecutive year. And sad we have to.
My post, "If you erase all the wrong stuff you'll have plenty of room" is here
I don't see a health care section? It's about educating health care professionals so I suppose, education?
Mine goes under the politics category (sorry, forgotten the name already!).
Scared of the Government
Disability in Literature, Culture and Media
People Aren't Broken
I guess my post would go under either general or impairment specific. I think this is my 8th or 9th BADD, I lost track.
To All The Children In Severe Pain Tonight
Blog: Ballastexistenz
by Mel Baggs
Category: Other
Here is my submission 'Characters with Disabilities in the Condor Trilogy'
It should go under Literature, Culture and the Media
URL: https://murderofgoths.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/badd-2015-a-game-of-spoons/
Title: A Game of Spoons
Blog name: MurderOfGoths
Category: Other
https://deafstudent.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/im-deaf-im-not-disabled-why-should-i-do-this/ - this isn't my BADD post, but its something that needs to be said, I think.
If you want to include it here, please go for it, if you don't, thats okay too. I'll do my "proper" BADD post later.
mwuah to you both!! x
oooh. forgot category. Probably best in "other". (sorry). x
This post is about campaigning, so I suppose it might go into politics. It is a bit of an odd one, as much about current Disablism from within as about preventing it in the future.
Shaun's blog, Bloody Skegness! Probably for impairment specific category I think.. http://peoplefirstengland.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/bloody-skegness-blogging-against.html
My BADD post is at https://aftertherainsite.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/poem-schooldays/My BADD post is at http://aftertherainsite.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/poem-schooldays/
Oops, think I commented in wrong place. Anyway, here is my post:
and it is about invisible disabilities and perceptions of disabled people.
sorry if I have double commented ;)
Here's mine, I think it's best put in Disablism and Politics. This is my first BADD post.
Title: Dear Mr Cameron, from someone who's life is no life at all.
Mine's probably "Other", as it's about BADD itself. ("Meta"?)
Hope no-one is offended by it.
Mine is titled "You Can't Be in Society Like This" and belongs in the Institutions category. My blog title is Blogging Astrid. http://bloggingastrid.com/2015/05/01/you-cant-be-in-society-like-this-badd2015/
A few thoughts on being disabled whilst trans - https://biteyzebra.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/blogging-against-disablism-day-2015-look-left-look-right-then-look-left-again/
Under "Disability and other isms"
My first year :)
Yay! Excited for today, even if my post didn't hit all the notes I wanted it to. It's here:
and goes in the art, fiction, poetry category, I'd guess.
Thanks for your hard work Fishies!
Disablism and Politics
Manifestly Abusive http://wheresthebenefit.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/manifestly-abusive.html
Looking at open, and not so open, disablism in the General Election manifestos of three of our major parties.
Here's my post: http://thesocialworkerwhobecamedisabled.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/dont-put-me-in-box-reclaiming-my.html
Probably fits best in personal journeys
Category: Parenting Issues
Title: BADD 2015: Progress
Title: Ableism, Academia & Science Fiction
Category: Cross between Education and Disability in Popular Culture and Media?
Here's my post link:
Ah! I'm the anon above for "Ableism, Academia & Science Fiction"--forgot to leave my name...you can cite me as "Bleeding Chrome" or Kathryn Allan.
Thanks for putting this all together!
Post title: Don’t Kill People with Disabilities. Especially Family.
Category "Disability, Life and Death" I think.
Thanks for hosting, love this event!
Thanks so much to everyone so far - some fantastic posts.
We're taking a break for a few hours but will be back to update this page later.
https://morethanmysize.wordpress.com/2015/05/01/spoooon/ general thoughts, personal journey, interacting with other 'isms'
My first ever blog for BADD! I think this goes in personal journey.
Blog name: DeeScribes
Post: Practicing Pride
Hi there you two!!! okay, my official BADD post :)
Category is Education.
You will note I've changed the BADD logo a little. If you would rather I didn't, please let me know and I will revert to the original. If you want a copy of the new one, lemme know and I'll email it you. :)
I guess under intersectionality? I guess?
Our category is history, again.
This is my first official BADD post!
I would go under the "Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'" category :)
Hi! I'm Kit Mead, my blog post fits into Education: http://kpaginatedthoughts.blogspot.com/2015/05/blogging-against-disablism-day-2015-one.html
Mine is Third Time Lucky and probably goes under arts and culture. I guess so anyway. http://writerinawheelchair.co.uk/2015/05/third-time-lucky/ Thanks for doing this
You can find my contribution at http://fulltiltwheelie.blogspot.com. Not sure of the category as part of what I wrote is a tribute to the late Beth McClung...Not what I was originally intending but this week marked the second year of her passing.
Vesuvius on Wheels...
My URL is: http://fulltiltwheelie.blogspot.com/2015/05/badd-2015-vesuvius-on-wheels.html.
My post goes in relationships & sex section:
On Being a Disabled Top in Kink Community
FINALLY got the poetry together, took me forever because I wanted to put a lot of poems in one post. Very long post. Anyway:
blog title: Amelia Evelyn Voicy Baggs: Poetry and Creative Writing
author name: Mel Baggs
title of post: Poetry for BADD 2015
Yes, That Too, probably education because that's where the thing I'm talking about happened.
I guess my category is other access issues. It's about lack of transportation in my community.
Sorry it's late! Category is 'institutions', I think, unless you have a better idea (in which case, go for it). https://throughmyself.wordpress.com/2015/05/03/blogging-against-disablism-day-2015-disability-and-christian-churches/
- Naomi
Culture & Media
I'm a bit shy about how obscure the topic is, but I see it's not actually the only post about disability representation in fanfiction.
Here's my contribution, 'So you want to inspire young people? If you're disabled, don't bother.' http://friendly-crips.livejournal.com/246750.html
I'm taking you at your word about late submission to BADD.
Sam Mason
I should have said where my contribution belongs in BADD. It's about education http://friendly-crips.livejournal.com/246750.html
Clearly I was too late for BADD 2015. When will you start accepting submissions for BADD 2016? Thank you for doing this.
Hey Sam, it was very late - I don't exactly have a cut off, but not sure we've ever had contributions after about a week or so later than May 1st. I've had a very tricky month here and am seriously disorganised just now, so I've only just sorted this out and updated the archive. Thanks for your contribution!
Hello Goldfish,
I don't know if you're picking up your blog comments, but I just wanted to say I miss your posts, and I hope you are okay and not having any major health problems. I think of you every day when I read my favourite blogs.
Love Gill x
Thank you very much Gill. It's been a strange few months, some health stuff, some life stuff both good and bad and some technical stuff (great long saga with my powerchair, now similarly lengthy saga with the laptop I usually write on). However, I am heading back in this direction and hope to blog again very soon.
Thank you for thinking of me - it's much appreciated. :-)
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