How to take part.
1. Post a comment below to say you intend to join in. I will then add you to the list of participants on the sidebar of this blog. Everyone is welcome.
2. Spread the word by linking to this site, displaying our banner and/ or telling everyone about it. The entire success of Blogging Against Disablism Day depends entirely on bloggers telling other bloggers and readers in advance.
3. Write a post on the subject of disability discrimination, disablism or ableism and publish it on May 1st - or as close as you are able. Podcasts, videocasts and on-line art are also welcome. You can cover any subject, specific or general, personal, social or political. In the previous three BADD, folks have written about all manner of subjects, from discrimination in education and employment, through health care, parenting, family life and relationships, as well as the interaction of disablism with racism and sexism. Every year I have been asked, so it's worth saying; the discrimination experienced by people with mental ill health is disablism, so naturally such posts are welcome too.
You can see the archives for previous years here: 2006, 2007, 2008.
Blogging Against Disablism Day is not a carnival of previously published material. The point about doing this around one day is that it is a communal effort and all the posts connect to one another. You can of course use your own post to promote other things you've written as you wish.
4. Come back here to Diary of a Goldfish on the day to let everyone know that you've posted and to check out what other people have written. I shall post links to everyone's posts throughout the day, creating an archive. However, I do need you to comment and leave the URL of your post or else I shan't find your post and won't be able to link to it.
Naturally, Blogging Against Disablism Day invites contributions from people with all variety of impairments and none at all. You are welcome to contribute with podcasts, video-blogging or anything else that allows you to take part. And whilst May 1st is when this all takes place, nobody who happens to have a bad day that Friday is going to be left out of the archive.
If anyone has any questions about web accessibility, JackP has suggested checking out the Accessify Forum.
I am not an expert on web accessibility myself, so if there are any suggestions about how I can make this day more accessible, please e-mail me at diaryofagoldfish at googlemail.com
The Linguistic Amnesty
Whilst discussions about language and the way it can be used to oppress or empower us are more than welcome, please respect the language that people, particularly to describe themselves in their own contributions. We all have personal preferences, there are cultural variations and different political positions which affect the language we use. Meanwhile, non-disabled contributors can become nervous about using the most appropriate language to use, so please cut everyone as much slack as possible on the day.
At the same time, do not feel you have to use the same language that I do, even to talk about "disablism". If you prefer to blog against disability discrimination, ableism or blog for disability equality, then feel free to do so.
Last year I wrote a basic guide to the Language of Disability which I hope might explain some of the thinking behind the different language disabled people prefer to use about themselves.
Links & Banners
To link back to this post, simply copy and paste the following code:
These banners have seemed popular over the last couple of years and I can't think of anything better. If anyone fancies editing these images or coming up with something new, then please do so. You are free to use these as you like, so long as you use them in support of Blogging Against Disablism Day. If you already have the banner, you just need to change the URL that it links to from last year's BADD. Otherwise, you simply need to copy the contents of one of these boxes and paste it on your blog, in a post or on the sidebar as you like. The banners come in two colour combinations and two sizes. The sizes are a 206 pixels square or 150 x 200 pixels.

And here's the code for the narrower one (which can be seen here):

And here's the code for the narrower one (which can be seen here):
Please leave a (comment including the URL of your blog) to let everyone know you are joining in and I shall add a link to you on the sidebar. Also, if you have any questions, please ask.
1 – 200 of 269 Newer› Newest»Great to know that BADD will be back! I'll definitely be participating at Same Difference www.samedifference1.com
Thanks for the update about blogging against disablism day. I definitely want to join very long time ago since I found out your blogs. Keep up all the good work and keeping the awareness alive. You are an inspiration to many, Naiza
I'm in! (insert standard unpredictability caveat regarding time/date/quality of submission due to condition as already covered in this post)
You know we'll be there, for our fourth BADD year. Already publicizing it, too!
Will definitely take part at Radioclare and am trying to get some other people to join in too :)
I will be there--thanks for hosting this again! It's a big job.
Count me in.
me 2!!
thank you.
Game on!
I will join
Count me in too, thanks :)
me too
I'll be there! Writing, blogging, then reading all day.
- Ira Socol
Definitely! And I'm spreading the word.
I will do my best to remember!
I'll be blogging. no clue what about, other than sticking to the topic, but i'm in! *pulls on finkin' 'at*
me too, I'm in www.pittrehab.blogspot.com
Will try my doggedest to be in, too.. Memory's an issue so counting on the Internet to keep the reminder front and center.. :GRIN:
Not sure where I'll be posting this year so for now, just under the name:
"Cindy Sue Causey"
Off to tweet it before hitting the rainsoaked streets of Jasper.. :)
I'm in and have been waiting for it!
Great news! Thanks for all the hard work of coordinating BADD. I'm in!
Count me in for BADD! Will be my first year as a participant, looking forward to it!
Count me in: http://hymes.wordpress.com
Just wanted to note when I updated my banner, the very first one still links back to 2008, not to 2009 so I used the next one.
Sign me up. And pray my swiss cheese memory doesn't let this fall through the cracks :)
I'm in!
I'm in with both feet and four wheels.
hymes - Thanks very much for pointing this out - I have now put that right.
I'll also be participating again this year:
Count me in. Not sure exactly what to write yet, but I'll tootle around the previous years for inspiration if needs be.
Yes, yes, yes.
I missed last year, but will be back this time! Thanks for hosting this important event.
Oops, forgot to give you my blog url: http://sophiascall.blogspot.com/
Yes. I will be posting. Thanks!
My url is: http://thenoseisholy.blogspot.com/
I'll be blogging on ableism in education at http://udmlti.edublogs.org
I'm totally in. I haven't decided on a topic just yet, but there's plenty to choose from. Find my contribution at
I'll be participating.
I'm in!
I'm thinking about focussing on non neurotypical issues
I will be participating. This is exciting!
I intend to join in for the first time!
WOW! And the widget actually worked on Wordpress!
We are in again this year [and every year we are blessed to still beable to participate]
Thank you!!!!
Wonderful. I intend on participating.
I'm definitely interested in participating this year! There is a lot of potential and just your opening commentary on language gave me a few ideas, particularly as it applies to law/policy.
This is obviously a lot of work, and a labour of love. Thanks!
will be participating at the new blog at http://muse.dreamwidth.org, after a year of radio silence.
probably posting on either disability & online community or the ever-popular "why you shouldn't ask me what my medical condition is the instant I identify myself (a nonvisibly disabled person) as disabled for purposes of being an ally, doing political work, telling you what my job/thesis is, or asking for accomodations?"
Count me in, too.
I am in for this year as well, Fishy friend. I'm so glad you're up to hosting it again. :)
I'm looking forward to it. Count me in.
Count me in.
Awesome, looking forward to it!
Both of the blogs that I manage will feature BADD content on May 1. They are: http://centralparkchallenge.blogspot.com/
I'll participate:
We will be participating!
My first BADD! I'll definitely post something. Thanks for letting us know.
2009 already? I will post to BADD, certainly!
I joined in a couple of years ago, will be doing the same this year.
Ah yes, my life is a series of Disablism Days, I'll surely be blogging about it that ONE day:-)
This will be my first time to participate in BADD, so here's my link - http://midliferookie.blogspot.com/
I'd like to take part.
Yes, G-d willing, I'll join in, at BENEATH THE WINGS
i hope this is constructive and usefull Blogging and not just lots of people bitching about their problems. If we can all Blog usefully on May 1st, i think we can get a more accomplished. Let's go for lots of ideas on how to Fix problems rather than just complain about them
I'll be participating! FYI, I found the link to this on Shakesville.
I'll be posting at my LJ, http://www.livejournal.com/myownwench
Thanks for hosting and putting this together!
This is a very good initiative. Directed here from Wheelie Catholic. Count me in.
@Powder Hound - constructive is good, obviously, but as with the Goldfish's linguistic amnesty, I don't think there should be rules suggesting people can't let off steam about unfair treatment if they don't want.
May I also suggest that any of you making reference to said event on twitter use the #BADD09 hashtag. I will certainly be tweeting links to my favourite BADD posts...
I'm in... I think you already knew that but thought I should comment here too.
Oh, i forgot the signup part!
Trouble is a state of mind
I'll try to post something on May first. I have exams between then and now, however, so I can't guarantee that I'll remember.
But of course.
Thanks everyone so far! And thanks for everyone promoting this elsewhere - there has been an excellent response!
Wench - Thanks, but the link you've given here doesn't work and I can't find you by searching livejournal.
Fabulous event!
I write comics about my illnesses and how they effect my life. I'll do my best to make a great one for this - I'd better start planning it now!!
I may, in the secure knowledge that no normal person would ever read my rblog anyway
NOGAN there's an appropriate word verification if ever I saw one
I hadn't heard about BADD until this year, and I'm interested in participating, because ablism has been on my mind recently. I might even do more than one post.
Hi Goldfish, Count me in. I'm going to blog about my experience as an adaptive ski instructor at the Adaptive Sports Foundation. http://www.adaptivesportsfoundation.org/
I'm in. And looking forward to reading the other posts.
It's ON!!
I'm in!
Please count me in for BADD. Its something that's been on my mind for ages.
Fully committed!
I look forward to this almost more than Christmas. Count me in :-)
Sorry, forgot that bit earlier
let me see...http://goldfishofchina.com/
I will be joining in.
I am absolutely in - can't wait to start writing and reading!
I'm so ready for my first BADD day I neglected to give you my blog's URL. Sorry.
I'm in again - www.behindertenparkplatz.de
Love to! http://zeroatthebone.wordpress.com Thanks for this.
I plan to participate. Thanks for co-ordinating it!
My blog is here: http://jotamar.wordpress.com/
I'll definitely be taking part.
i'm in!!!
thanks for putting this together.
I will be participating. I have had the BADD banner on my site for several months:
I will be blogging against disablism again :)
Hello, Can I join in too?
OK, I'm in. Don't know exactly what approach I'll take, and I'm a little nervous about it... so that probably means it's a really good thing for me to do right now.
I'm in. Thanks for hosting this again!
I'm fairly new to this and definitely joining in i'm at www.sallyannestephenson.blogspot.com
I shall indeed be joining in!!!
We're in at What Sorts of People:
Am planning my post already :) http://www.prettysimple.co.uk/blog
Count me in! All the best, Sarah.
I'll be posting BADD as well.
I'll be there :)
I'm in: http://challengesofeveryday.blogspot.com/
I've missed the last few, but
count me in.
Medical Humanities Blog
Touched By an Alien is going to be participating in this year's BADD. I think I am going to blog about society's definition of success and how that impacts individuals with disaiblities. I am going to focus on individual happiness and fullfillment versus the stereotypical image of "success." I think I will title my post "Stereotype of Success."
Sign me up! I enjoyed reading the entries last year!
I am definitely in again. Last year's was fabulous.
i am in. i have just been inspired and i think i can swing this. it may be a little different than what you had in mind, but i think you'll be pleased.
came over from sally ann's.
this is so awesome.
I'm in!
I'd like to contribute two separate posts -- one will be on the ASAN Southwest Ohio site and another will be a guest post on the change.org autism blog.
Dora Raymaker is also planning to write a post for BADD on the change.org autism blog.
Meg Evans
I shall be there writing something for it.
I'm in - will post at http://criminaljustice.change.org
I'm in.
Count me in!
hell yeah i'm definitely doing BADD again!!! and i will try and actually post on BADD this year. i hope. that's a friday right? yeah i'm usually fairly free on fridays, but we'll see. i may be studying for the SATS...*gag*
I will definitely write an article on May 1.
I will definitely be taking part again this year. Thanks again for doing this - it's so important!
I'll be blogging at http://maevegobash.blogspot.com
My ID is actually huahima, not hutahima, but I don't know how to correct this. Anyway, I'd love to join!
Okay, I am in. This will be a first for me.
I'll be there - blogging at http://getaheadblog.wordpress.com
be sure to check out www.neverwalkedinhighheels.com on BADD day
I'm in, too. Thanks for bringing it back for '09.
Hi, I'll be blogging again this year from Information for Independence with a special deviation from our regular equality blog - if you like gadgets then you'll love this years entry!
I really enjoyed reading all the posts last year, and I'd be honored to participate for the first time this year.
Hi, I will be joining in again this year at http://astridvanwoerkom.wordpress.com.
I'll be putting up a post at The Hand Mirror, and I will probably cross-post it at my own blog, In a Strange Land.
I've only been blogging since October so I haven't heard about this before but I think it's a GREAT idea! I'm in!
Sorry for not mentioning before, but can I suggest that anyone wanting information on web accessibility pops over to Accessify Forum where we will try to answer accessibility related questions, if you want to add that link to the accessibility part of your post.
In the interests of transparency, I should point out that both myself and Gary Miller (who you will also find in this comment stream) are moderators on the forum, so anyone with accessibility questions is perfectly welcome to drop by and say hello!
I have a son with CP, I am in!
I will be taking part over at my blog www.jemmabrown.wordpress.com the blogs title is Through My Eyes
I have passed the details on to my level tutors and course leaders at uni and have agreed to host pieces produced by other students so there may be a lot of activity or no one will be interested.
Count me in. I'll be posting at http://saiminu.blogspot.com, come the day.
Grafitti from me will be forthcoming.
I intend to join Blogging against Disabilism.
I will participate at haddayr.livejournal.com.
My friends are encouraging, so I'll be jumping in. The challenge will be in not repeating myself.
I'll be writing here: http://capriuni.livejournal.com/
Thanks everyone so far, this is excellent!
JackP Thanks, I will add the link.
Pete Thanks but where?
me me me! LOL
Wonderful, I will be active :)
Thanks for doing this - it's so important. I will be blogging at www.saviabella.com
Yes please, i would like to contribute something!
can't wait to read them all (eventually!)
I'd like to join in.
I'll be blogging. Thanks for organising this again.
thats a great initiative.
so people would know what they are doing and how.
they dont' need charity or sympathy, they just need a little adjustment thats it.
at least that is what i believe.
I intend to partcipate... =) www.krishanna.com
i'll be there
Baxter Sez will be there.
I'll be participating.
I would love to take part.
I'm in! I have a blog at http://beanside.livejournal.com
I'm in x
I too will be joining in to increase the awareness and acceptance of Autism.
Our blog: http://autismbitestheblog.blogspot.com/
I shall be blogging!
I'm glad I saw this now. I'll be blogging, though I still don't get how someone blogs against something. I can push against something, I can lean against something, but my literal mind just can't figure out what exactly blogging against something means.
I'm SO IN...It's ON...uh what else can I say??? I WILL BE BLOGGING ABOUT BADD for sure!!! It's just another day in my life, writing about my life if my hand allows me too.... and I think that it just will have to!!! Peace!! <3
OOps!! Just wrote to count myself in, and forgot to put in my URL...I am @ http//shaunaslifeinpain.blogspot.com Shauna's Life In Pain And Other Fun Things. That me!! <3
I would like to take part!
All about it! I will spread the word on MySpace via the E-Advocate Network. Thank you for creating this event!
For the 4th year, I'm glad to participate. Post promises to be controversial :) transabled.org
I am happy to participate. This is a great project! Thanks for sharing. My passion is in Accessible and Affordable housing. I've actually suffered a broken back due to lack of accessible restroom. I broke L1-L5
I will participate on May 1st. THanks for creating this opp. It's important to take any platform to get our issues resolved like unfair housing discrimination. I want us all to fight for Universal Design. Come on people we have been fighting the accissability issues since the Rehabilitation act of 1977.
I forgot to post my blog's URL:
In http://paulcanning.blogspot.com/
Oh one thing, my blog name is touched by an alien (not touched by allen). My title is based on the idea that many individuals with Asperger syndrome, including myself, feel as if they are foreigners from another planet trying to survive on earth.
I'm in too. I know I told you on twitter but just remembered to put a link on here. Now to figure out what to post about?!
I'm in! I'll be doing it at http://angelikitten.livejournal.com
We will definately join the movement and make a post against disablism on the first of May!
Include us please:
Count me in! My blog: Aspitude!
Nothing About Us Without Us!
i'll do it.
Oh yeah, must participate. Not sure what to talk about, too much choice!!!
You'll find the update on http://accessibility.net.nz
Thank you for hosting and organizing and creating this event. I will blogging against disabilism on May first! Elizabeth
Sorry, like everyone else, I sort of forgot to read closely - um, my blog is: http://elizabethmcclung.blogspot.com/
Entitled: Screw Bronze
Bring it on ! My blog is http://aloadofoldsquit.blogspot.com/
It's a baby blog but like a weed, it's growing.
I'm in- it'll be my first time though.
Hi, I've only just started a blog but would like to join.
I'd love to do this, though I don't know yet if I'm going to use my LJ or finish setting up my new blog tonight.
A question, though--is it okay to post a bit early? I'm considering writing my post tomorrow, instead of on the actual day.
I'll give it a go this year. http://capacioushandbag.blogspot.com
Cautiously lest I say more than one or two things that are stupid or thoughtless, this temporarily-abled blogger would like to join in.
Thanks for such an open invitation -- and I am so GLAD you have been doing this annual event for so long. (And sorry it's needed, but that's a different post).
Alyssa, obviously it'd be best to publish as close to May 1st as possible, but we're all in different timezones (if you're in the US, it'll probably be May 1st here in the UK before you go to bed on April 31st) people with ill health have good days and bad and some people will be otherwise occupied on Friday. So please, post as and when you're able. :-)
NorthLight again, from northlighthero.livejournal.com
I forgot to say the Name of my Blog is Her Own Self.
Thanks a bazillion for putting up with such a technodope. (*grin*)
I will be writing on Friday!
This gave me the perfect excuse to finally start my disability blog.
Not sure if it matters but I had to change the name on my account. The address is still http://crippledcarnival.blogspot.com/ and I'll still be taking part.
I'm going to give it a go!
I just found out about this fifteen seconds ago from a forward. Great idea! I'll be joining. Keith
I'll be participating!
Wouldn't miss it for the world!
Just a quick note to say I stumbled across this blog day ad a few days ago.
If I can get the thingys right on my blog, I'll try to post on the same day with everybody else.
I'm going to read your instructions a second time.
I'll be blogging to you on May 1st.!
Count me in!
I'm a relatively recent disability blogger, but I'm so there.
I hope to be able to participate for this year's carnival...
Goldfish, traditionally, there are only 30 days in April. This may mean that you have less time to finish your BADD post than you thought...
I've just found out about BADD through a Twitter friend and it's really great timing! I'll be doing a post about the dire accessibility at Lichfield Trent Valley rail station and London Midland's refusal to do a whole lot about it. It'll be posted over at The Lichfield Blog.
won't be online 2moro, but have scheduled for the post to be put up on my blog www.resolve2day.blogspot and have put a gif animation on he page as well- hope the day is a success for all involved
oops, I didn't realize I needed to post here. I will be posting for BADD, with a crosspost to my livejournal here.
My post was just put up today.
I'd like to participate.
Yes! I will blog against disablism! http://lounalune.livejournal.com/
Thank you for your organisation of this! I have a post (wasn't sure I was going to manage), and so would like to take part, please.
I'm at: http://optistatic.blogspot.com/
It will be my very first post in English. I am very, very, very nervous. But I'm in.
This is our first year participating in BADD, the whole team at Beyond Boundaries Live will be taking part tomorrow.
hi, i have posted: http://ashy00.wordpress.com/2009/04/30/anyone-can-do-it/ please link :)
I'm with you too - http://homepaddock.wordpress.com/
I intend to post, although I'm still not sure what I'm going to write about.
My post is here: http://homepaddock.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/losing-fear-and-ignorance-of-disability/
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