Welcome to Blogging Against Disablism Day 2009!
Thanks very much to everyone who helped to spread the word and to everyone posting about disability discrimination today. About 200 people have contributed some excellent work, making this by far the biggest BADD ever.
I've been collecting reviews of BADD from
Incurable Hippie,
The Mornig Star,
Mary, What Sorts of People,
Lisy Babe,
Wheelie Catholic,
Seahorse and
Peter Fremlin have written posts about or featuring their favourites BADD posts.
Blogging Against Disablism 2009Employment (Disability discrimination in the workplace, recruitment issues and unemployment).
Dechant: Equal work, sure... JadeLennox: Workplace Gadflies The Perorations of Lady Bracknell: The Unbearable Slowness of Being Undercover Punk: Social Security benefits & women, working whilst disabled, and stigmatizing mental health terminology Yet Another Never Updated Blog: Hooray for the evil side Your subtext is showing: (awkward silence)
Education (Attitudes and practical issues effecting disabled people and the discussion of disability in education, from preschool to university and workplace training.)
Anthro, Etc: (Dis)ablism in Archaelogy/ Anthropology Avendya: On decisions The Black Telephone: Siobhan, the Soundbeam and Disablism Brimstone & Treacle: BADD Wolf Dirty Socks and Pizza: Navigating the Gray Area Gin & Comment: "Mainstream" schooling and disablism. Maternal Instincts: Action speaks louder than words (HB 119 update) Now, what was I doing?: A secret thing Same Difference: One Look At the Chair Tunnelling: Flexibility Textual Fur: Blogging Against Disablism Theorize me: Invisible Disabilities and University Thinking UDL: Ableism: My thoughts 1 year later Twilight Garden: One Size Does Not Fit All
Other Access Issues (Posts about any kind of access issue in the built environment, shops, services and various organisations. By "access issues" I mean anything which enables or disenables a person from doing what everyone else is able to do.)
Brilliant Mind, Broken Body: Trapped! A Crippled Carnival: An Open Letter To People On The Bus The Dog''s Blog: Lose the Mouse for BADD 2009 Even Grounds: Sound is Not Always Helpful for People Who Are Blind goldjjadeocean: Why I will not be participating in Blogging Against Disablism Day this year The Iron Chicken: A Convenient Myth Hoyden About Town: Can I have a seat? Naughty or nice..?: Ticketing Policies - B.A.D.D. Riparians at the Gate: When Even the Buildings are In Denial Rolling Round Life: The Perils of Looking for Housing Wallaby: Accessibility, choice, accomodation and equality
Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism
32 Days Remaining: Web Development and Aversive Disablism The Acrimonious One: The harm disablism does Curvature: On Depression Disability Prejudice and Civil Rights Watch: Psychophobia 201 Education on the Plate: Word of the Day: Disablism Fat Fu: Fat, Major Depression, Asperger's: Where the Social Model meets the Medical Model Her Own Self: Blogging Against Disablism Day TODAY! Notes From Greencastle: Us vs. Us A Pretty Simple Blog: Defining "disablism" Urbania To Stoneheads: BADD: expectations and stereotypes Wheelchair Pride: Disablism: What can YOU do about it?
The Language of Disablism (Posts about the language which surrounds disability and the way that it may empower or disempower us.)
Benefit Scrounging Scum: Words Hurt Biodiverse Resistance: Disability Terminology: too much confusion, so much frustration The Hand Mirror: Lose the language. Now (cross-posted at In a Strange Land) Life at Full Tilt: Reflections on Language Life Decanted: Abled vs. Disabled Lounalune: The d-label Wheelchair Dancer: Piss on Pity
Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms' (Posts about the way in which various discriminations interact; the way that the prejudice experienced as a disabled person may be compounded by race, gender, age, sexuality etc..)
Feministe: Disability and Class Memoirs of a Genderqueer Femme Anarchist: BADD and May Day Queers United: Blogging Against Disablism Day Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton: Which Women Matter? Ableism and Sexual Violence Shakesville: Domestic Work is Real Work Stop Street Harassment: Blogging Against Disablism: Street Harassment Edition whirlwitch: Step it up, wimp!
Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media
Butterfly Dreams: Special People, Normal World Ashy's Blog: "Anyone can do it" Growing up with a disability: We all do it. Floating in Space: No, I'm Spasticus Radio Clare: Blogging Against Disablism Day Sweet Perdition: Monkey Shines: An Experiment in Fear (of disability) Trouble is Everywhere: BADD: Bloody Torchwood
Disability Studies, Temple U: BADD: A Week-by-Week Calender of Disability History Birthdays
Relationships, Love and Sex
Autistic Self Advocacy Network, SW Ohio: Not Children: Tony Atwood Still Doesn't Get It Bleeting in the Fields: Blue and Red have a chat about disablism Dreaming of Butterflies: Blogging Against Disablism Elf: Resist biologically: be erotic! - Tim Leary Never That Easy: BADD Girl Poverty in America: Poverty and Disablism Pure Glucose: Place. My blog for Blog Against Disablism Dad Sexual Ambiguities: Blogging Against Disablism Day Spectrum Siblings: Connecting through disability Walking Wounded: Not here for your entertainment The World According to J. J. in L. A.: BADD: She can do that?
Non-English Language Blogs
Hierman eri mieltä: Making Discrimination Easy Trouble is Everywhere: BADD: How the Non-Disabled Person can Participate (from one non-disabled person to another) (cross-posted at Trouble is a State of Mind)
| General Thoughts on Disablism
Angelikitten: Common Sense and Courtesy Autism - Change.org: Just Because I'm Quiet Doesn't Mean I'm Quiet Doesn't Mean I Don't Understand The Beauty Offensive: I Like a Good Fight Blue Girl: Funny Thing Happened After I Read More About Frances Farmer Deaf Girl Speaking: BADD: randomness Driftwood: My Gorilla is Quite Tame Equal Not Special: Blogging Against Disablism Day Fizzyblogic: A mass of dots. FridaWrites: On Wheelchairs and Safety F**k You Megan Fox!: Blog Against Disablism Day The Gonzolog: Blogging Against the Supremacist Attitudes of the Mediocritariat Hatman: Blogging Against Disablism Day Inner Dreams: Not Your World Here's the Kicker: Blogging against disablism How to be an Inspiration: It Should Have Been Me The Life and Times of Emma: Where You Least Expect It A Load of Old Squit: When helping yourself doesn't help LDN journal: The pill that retains my humanity Midden: BADD - 1st May Midlife & Treachery: Don't Assume Morrígan Reborn: Blogging Against Disablism Day The Muffin Blog: The Narrative MyOwnWench: BADD - badass, bad news, bad day My Spelling Sucks: Reading Dyslexia Laughing and CP Nick's Crusade: Ablism: Idiotic Comments From Idiots Normal is Overrated: Assumptions, Assumptions Optistatic: A Kind of Verbal Meander Paul Canning: Life in a Wheelchair The Pickards: Lip-Service Equality Pizza Viola: BADD Radio Clare: Blogging Against Disablism Day Sanabitur Anima Mea: Mild and Severe Disability The Secret Life of a Girl on Wheels: Lucky Smarking_off: Blogging Against Disablism Day SpeEdChange: Suicidal Ideation Sunny Dreamer: Visiting Italy This is you reading about me...or not: BADD Thoughts Through My Eyes: Happy BADD = Let's all be positive about disability Touched By An Alien: Stereotypes of Success Until the dolphin flies and the parrots live at sea: Disablism sure isn't disabled at all Wheelie Catholic: Moments of ableism The View From Room 7609: Is it an annoyance? I don't think so.
Parenting Issues (whether disabled parents or the parents of a disabled child.)
Baxter Sez: Pride and Joy Beneath the Wings: The Shopping Trip - part 2 Blank Shield Press: My son looks normal Cheaper Than Therapy: Sometimes You Just Gotta Say Disabilities the Invisible Discrimination: Blogging Against Disablism Day Homepaddock: Losing fear and ignorance of disability Let Kids Play!!: What makes disability? Memo To Self: Blogging Against Disablism - A Photo Essay This is My Blog: Well-meaning Insults To The Max: My child has a right to play - dont shut him out because he's disabled Whitterer On Autism: Blogging Against Disablism Day
Healthcare Issues (For example, the provision of healthcare, institutionalistaion of disbaled people, reproductive ethics and euthanasia)
Astrid's Journal: BADD Behaviour: Disablism in Psychiatry A Comic Life Indeed: Tales From The Clinic: Out With The Old, In With The Eu-Genics Finding My Way: Journey of an Uppity Intellectual Activist Crip: Ableism Where I'd Least Expect It. Incurable Hippy's Musings and Rants: Access to Healthcare Mysteries and Questions surrounding the Ashey X case: The damage the Ashley case has done and the damage it can stil do Nick's Crusade: Government-Sponsored Ablism and Segregation Tears Families Apart The Strangest Alchemy: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2009 What Sorts of People: There's a word for that kind of thing
Impairment-Specific Prejudice (Posts about those experiences specific to people with a particular condition or type of condition.
Diary of a Nobody: Anti-Depressants Glitter, Vinyl and Thread: Things all able-bodied people should read - or even non-abled-bodied who don't have fibro or chronic fatigue HAM. BLOG: Invisible Illness Bingo 2 It's Never That Simple: Autism, Assumptions and Ability Random Babble: I wasn't going to do this... Morphine Breath: Blogging Against Disablism Day One Sick Mother: Invisible Disabilities: Depression The Pursuit of Harpyness: Pain-Free is Privilege Screw Bronze: Disablism within Disability Scríbhneoir páirt-aimseartha: On Being an M.E./ Aspie alien Shauna's Life of Pain and Other Fun Things: A Chance to Educate Others About Pain Slywolf: Mine Are Invisible Womanist Musings: Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Pain The Voice Within: Blogging agaisnt disablism day
Personal Journeys Posts about learning experiences and realisations authors have had about the nature of disability discrimination and the impact on their lives.
Access for All - Angela M. Hooker: The Best Laid Plans and Blogging Against Disablism Day 2009 Bad Cripple: Ableism and a Water Shed Experience The Bitch Who Roared: This post is dedicated to Lyn, who taught me so much A box full of butterflies: Coming to terms with being out of spoons Butterfly Cauldron: The sharks are here every day Cathie From Canada: BADD Day Desertrosedark: What disablism means to me Diabola in musica: Not a Stereotype Diary of a Goldfish: A Living Learning Experience Diary of a Nobody: Invisible Disabilities Diary of a Wordsmith: BADD08-09 - a snapshot of changes Don't Type Angry: Blogging Against Disablism Day Gordon's D-Zone: A Life Apart Haddayr's Blog: Blog Against Disablism Day I'm Just Not Impressed: The Invisible Human Jem's Lair: I started feeling safe Jenelle's Journey: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2009 Laughing Wild: But I'm NOT disabled! Life, Liberty and Good Coffee: Uncle Ronnie and "the Leg" Linguanaut: A blinkered life The Man Outside: Two legs bad, fewer legs better The Multiple Sclerosis Foudations: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2009 Notes, Nothings, and Common Refrains: "Oh look! It's Peter Pan!" ("That's right! I can't walk. But I can fly!") Primary Decomposition: Blogging against disablism Recessional: Carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it Remember the Tinman: On being a good nutter for BADD Shakesville: BADD: Out of my closet Simul lustus Et Peccator: Blogging Against (Dis)ablism Day 2009 Sophia's Call: Mary Magdalene, My Sister Standing Tall Through Everything: Blogging Against Disablism A Stellarlife: Bloggers Unite Against Disablism May 1 Timmblr: Letters I've written, never meaning to send. Unwritten Memoirs: I'm an idiopath, so what? Zero at the bone: Talking about it
Disablism and Politics (For example, the political currency of disability, anti-discrimination legislation, etc.)
Autism - Change.org: Direct Action: ADAPT at the White House, Tony Atwood update Bruce Lawson's personal site: Accessibility and what India can teach us Cynical Chatter from The Underworld: Fear and Loathing in the UK Humanitarian Relief -Change.org: "It Is Persons With Disabilities That Are First To Die" Whose Planet is it Anyway?: Community Choice Act Needs High Priority
Art Against Disablism
Philippa's Photography, Incurable Hippie: Creative Protest RachelCreative: When Disability is Invisible
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Hi Goldfish. Here's my contribution. It goes in Education. http://samedifference1.com/2009/05/01/one-look-at-the-chair/
Hi, done mine at http://saiminu.blogspot.com/2009/05/blinkered-life-blogging-against.html. Not sure which category it goes in; it's a personal journey I would suspect.
i guess this post could be under education or other.
Hello Goldfish: In the category General Thoughts on Disablism, I've written this post:
Good Morning Goldfish!
I'm a first time BADD boy. My contributions is at Lose the Mouse for BADD 2009! It's a short piece about keyboard accessibility, not brilliant - but I'm passionate about it.
Hi, here's mine, should go in Access Issues I think.
Can I have a seat?
Dear Friend I just want to thank you for the great idea of Blogging against Disablism Day 2009. May 1st is also my Birthday. So it seems a great day to have it on. I write blogs for Community Care and the Guardian. I write as a mental health service user who is also keen to support and be involved in the broader disabled people's movement as well as the survivors movement. I think our greatest strength against the disablism and mentalism we face is to link up and gain in understanding of each other and our different experiences and the common discrimination we face. I think that there are lots of similarities as well as differences in the disablism facing survivors and other disabled people. I really value the idea of uniting our efforts, that's why i think this is a great idea. All the very best from peter (beresford)
Good morning!
My post is up at Gin&Comment:
It's about education.
Best of luck for today :)
Sorry I didn't tell you in advance, but I participated again this year! You can put it in the category of personal journey. Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Hi Goldfish. I hope you get lots of sleep!
I think my first post for BADD may qualify under "other". BADD: How The Non-Disabled Person Can Participate (from one non-disabled person to another). It's also cross-posted to my Dreamwidth Account, here. DW is a more accessible site than LJ, so it may be better to link the DW account.
Hi, here's my post.
It goes in General Thoughts on Disablism
Happy BADD! or whatever. Label my post "frustration" I suppose -
http://speedchange.blogspot.com/2009/04/suicidal-ideation.htmlIra Socol
Hi Goldfish,
I didn't sign up, but I did get a post written. Here's the link: http://growingupwithadisability.blogspot.com/2009/04/we-all-do-it.html
It fits in the category of disablism and culture.
I hope your life settles down a bit. Thank you so much for coordinating this tremendous endeavor.
Mine's up (a day early here, but just in time for most of the planet):
For the third year in a row, we belong under "history"!
What Sorts is done at
There's a word for that kind of thingAs for categories, unless you put in "Life and death" as a category, and cast gloom and doom everywhere, best to put it under "Other"
Hi, hope next week is better for you both. Here is my contribution, I would suggest it go in the "Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism" category. Thank you for all you do!
Um, forgot my link :). http://hymes.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/psychophobia-201/
Hi, I have a post for Other Access Issues.
Why I will not be participating in Blog Against Disablism Day this year: http://goldjadeocean.livejournal.com/783615.html
Here's mine:
probably parenting issues is the closest here.MAYBE education....
Thank you so very much for everything. Here is my post in the category of healthcare issues.
Not up to previous years' standards, admittedly, but something: http://labracknell.blogspot.com/2009/05/badd-2009-unbearable-slowness-of-being.html.
This falls neatly into the employment category.
My first (of two) BADD posts, this one about creative protest and some anti-disablist designs I have created.
It's here. Enjoy!
Hi Goldfish, here's my post: http://whirlwitch.livejournal.com/109443.html#cutid1
Category is Disablism Interacting with other Isms
It's my first BADD post (but I hope it's a good post).
My contribution:
Not sure if it really fits. I guess it's general thoughts...
But thank you for doing this.
Hi, here's my post
Category access.
My 2nd Blogging Against Disablism Day post is up:
Access to Healthcare: BADD
Hi Goldfish. Wow. Thanks for doing this. The world will be a better place when I wake up.
This is for language of disablism.
Piss on PityWCD
Here's mine, I'd have liked to write more, but my one year old had other ideas! It's more of a photo essay and the category would be parenting issues.
I've put up a post about the language of disabilism. It's at two places: my own blog: In a Strangg Land - http://inastrangeland.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/lose-the-language-now/, and at The Hand Mirror, a New Zealand feminist team blog: http://thehandmirror.blogspot.com/2009/05/lose-language-now.html
My blog belongs in the Relationship, Love and Sex category. The post URL is:
Hello, and good luck...
My post is at http://batsgirl.blogspot.com/2009/05/well-meaning-insults.html
The title is Well-meaning Insults.
I think it comes under Disability and Parenting.
Here's mine. http://zeroatthebone.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/talking-about-it/ It goes under Personal Journeys. Thank you so much!
Thanks so much for this opportunity Goldfish!! My post is "Ablism: My thoughts one year later": Hyperlink Code. It belongs in the "Education" category. I look forward to a great evening of reading!
My blog post, "Defining Disablism" is now live at www.prettysimple.co.uk/blog.
Could be appropriate for either the 'general thoughts' or 'definition and analysis' categories.
My post is titled 'Blog against Disablism Day' and it can be found at http://doctor-denmark.livejournal.com/19375.html
It should probably go in the General Thoughts category.
Thanks so much for all the hard work you've put into this. It's appreciated.
It's looking grand so far, Goldfish.
As well as my original post, I'm compiling a list of my own personal favourites which I'll publish later, although I suspect I'm going to have to be more selective in my choices else I might end up just replicating this post...
My contribution (Optistatic) is called "A bit of a verbal meander", and can be found here: http://optistatic.blogspot.com/2009/05/badd-2009.html
It should probably go into General Thoughts on Disablism.
I signed up before, but I can't find my blog in the blog list - is it still okay to get put in the main post?
My post is titled "BADD: Common Sense & Courtesy" and can be found here: http://angelikitten.livejournal.com/253278.html
I think it probably goes under general thoughts.
Mine goes under general thoughts:
Hi Goldfish, I'm pleased to be able to add my first BADD blog post. I wish it weren't necessary.
It goes in the category
Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism
My post:
When Disability Is Invisible
Category: Art Against Disabilism
My entry (for the general category, I guess), "The Pill that retains my humanity" at LDN journal: http://ldnjournal.blogspot.com/2009/05/pill-that-retains-my-humanity-blogging.html
Hi Goldfish, I'm in. http://benefitscroungingscum.blogspot.com/2009/05/words-hurt-blogging-against-disablism.html
It goes in disablist language.
Hope you and AJ are doing better, BG x
Hi! Thanks for all your hard work! You are amazing.
Our post could go into Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism or just General thoughts about Disablism
Hi Goldfish! The link to my post is
I think it belongs in the Personal Journey category.
Goldfish, the comment from Tommy ("petshi") a few above this one appears to be spam...
I write a lot on how to make websites accessible to PWDs. Here's my contribution (prob "politics" category):
My post might fit in general or education and can be found here. http://www.secretlifeofagirlonwheels.com/2009/05/lucky.html
It wasn't strictly for BADD if I'm honest, but it does belong in access issues and is relevant (and by the time you read it will be adjusted to be a BADD post - my bad - sorry bad pun :) )
Many thanks -
Hey there Goldie!
I hope you had a great rest today. It's up to you where you can categorize my entry. I wrote about my disability and experiences a bit randomize. http://unwrittenmemoirs.blogspot.com/2009/05/im-idiopath-so-what.html
Thanks & Take care. :)
Hi Goldfish,
Done my first ever contribution for this here: http://sparking-off.livejournal.com/35279.html
I think it'd go into general thoughts.
Hi, mine is at http://nighearain.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/on-being-an-measpie-alien/, it would go under General Thoughts on Disablism, I think.
I hope it's ok posting my link without having 'signed up' beforehand, I only found out about it today. :)
Excellent work yet again Goldfish. Thanks for organisg such a great event.
My contribution can be found at
Please file under Media and Culture.
All the best and thanks again.
I think my post is closest to the "other access issues" category:
Sound Is Not Always Helpful For People Who Are Blind
Hey Fishy -
Here's my link: http://neverthateasy.blogspot.com/2009/05/badd-girl.html
I think it should go under relationships, or personal journeys.
Thanks for doing this again this year: I always look forward to it!
And hope everybody's feeling alright at your place now. :D
I don't know what happened there. Sorry about that. My post can be found at:
File under Media/Culture.
Sorry I haven't put a direct link in but after 5 tries I have retired defeated.
Looks like the day is going really well Goldfish - kudos to you!
By the way, my post ("Defining Disablism" - mentioned under the Definitions and Analysis category) appear to be missing a hyperlink.
All the best :)
I've done my best, I'm really excited to be involved. Thank you for the opportunity and all the work you've put in!
My post:
Either of these categories would be fine:
Impairment-Specific Prejudice
Personal Journeys
I think mine goes under Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'
Hi Goldfish, my post is here http://morrigan-reborn.blogspot.com/2009/05/blogging-against-disablism-day.html
I guess the category would be General Thoughts on Disablism or personal journey. Not sure though
Goldfish - hope you and AJ both feel a bit better soon - thanks for doing this!!
my effort is at "http://kethry.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/badd-expectations-and-stereotypes/" and i think its best put into the "Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism" category.
i look forward to reading the other entries later...
You done a great job. http://dj-astellarlife.blogspot.com/2009/05/bloggers-unite-against-disabilsm-may-1.html#links
Personal Journey/Retail Discrimination
Hi Goldfish
My post goes under Access, or if you would like to create a new category for Technology that could work too :) Thank you for starting this project. I look forward to reading everybody's posts.
My post can be found here: http://standup8.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/blogging-against-disablism-day/ I would call it a personal story.
Hi there. I did not even realize BADD was this week but I wrote a post a couple days ago that might apply. I fear it might not count but I'll take a stab anyway.
It would probably go in Personal Journeys or General.
Mine is posted here: Blogging Against Disablism: The harm disablism doesFor the Definition and analysis of disablism category, I think.
Hey there, I have a post up at Shakesville; it should go in "Disablism Interacting with other "isms"
Thanks for all your hard work!
Here's mine, called "Pride and Joy," at http://piepmeier.blogspot.com/2009/05/today-is-blog-against-disablism-day.html. Should go in parenting issues.
My contribution is at Fear And Loathing In The UK.
Oops, posted my Disablism Day story in wrong place on my blog, blacktelephone.com Here is the corrected URL: http://tinyurl.com/dm6t3u It goes in Education.
HIya Goldfish. Hang in there today, and thankyou - I'm sure I won't be wrong when I say we all appreciate you getting this all together.
My contribution is here http://aloadofoldsquit.blogspot.com/2009/05/when-helping-yourself-doesnt-help.html It should go in "general thoughts" I expect.
Queer blog against disablism and queerphobia
Oh happy day!
I'm in! Don't know where you'd put it---parenting or humor, I guess.
My third BADD post is up! I guess it would go under 'general issues'.
Favourite BADD posts of the day so far
My contribution is here: http://theorizeme.blogspot.com/2009/05/blogging-against-disablism-invisible.html
It's called "Invisible Disabilities and University" and should probably be under the education category.
Mine is done as well it is called Fibromyalgia the Invisible Pain. It is about adjusting to a chronic illness and how those around us expect us to overcome.
Mine's finished: http://whotookthebomp.blogspot.com/2009/04/invisible-illness-bingo-2-back-for.html
It's specific to invisible and chronic illnesses and disabilities, so the best category would probably be "Impairment-Specific Prejudices." Thank you!
File under parenting.
here's mine: http://www.shiveringnaked.org/?p=2345
I'm thinking it'd belong in Education.
Here is my contribution. I titled it "What Disablism Means to Me." I guess it qualifies as a personal journey, but this is your website, so class it as you will.
I just posted
http://autism.change.org/blog/view/just_because_im_quiet_doesnt_mean_i_dont_understandI think it's "general thoughts on disablisim" but feel free to put it in whichever category you think is best.
My post goes under healthcare most of all I guess, but it could also go under employment I think. I guess just put it under healthcare. Ableism Where I'd Least Expect it: BADD 2009
It's finally done! Here is the link: Social Security benefits & women, working while disabled, and stigmatizing mental health terminology!I think it might fit under Employment, Politics, Healthcare, or something else...
THANK YOU for hosting this; it's incredible! :)
My contributionI guess it would go under Personal Journeys
Woops, think I posted in the wrong thread.
My post, belongs in relationships I'd say.
My post is at http://sophiascall.blogspot.com/2009/05/mary-magdalene-my-sister.html. Since there is no religion section I would think personal journeys might be the best match.
Hope you are holding up through everything!
I'm already on the participating list, but if you want a direct link it's here
It can go under general thought or personal journeys. Thanks!
Two posts:
One from The Curvature, which should go under "Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism," I suppose (could also easily go under personal journey):
And one from Feministe, which should go under "Disability Interacting with Other 'isms":
Thanks so much for putting this all together!
Just added a post titled Assumptions, Assumptions.
I'd say it's a combination of General Thoughts and Impairment-Specific Prejudice, as I touch on both. Probably better classified as General Thoughts though.
Here's my contribution, category "General thoughts on disablism" http://fizzyblogic.livejournal.com/257664.html
Hi, Goldfish!
my BADD post is here: http://lindra.dreamwidth.org/4386.html
and it can be filed under 'general thoughts about disablism'.
My BADD post, such as it is, is here:
It belongs under "Employment", though it's really the story of why I'm not employed.
Thank you, and here's hoping your life perks up a touch!
I wrote something for Blogging Against Disablism Day: http://aleja.livejournal.com/271299.html
Hi Goldfish. Here's a contribution: http://what-was-i-doing.blogspot.com/2009/05/contribution-to-blogging-against.html (I have no idea why the url is not the same as the title of the post, but it seems to work). I think it belongs under education. hope you get through the day in one piece!
Sorry, forgot to include in my previous comment that I think it could go under general thoughts, or personal experiences. Thanks!
Hi Goldfish!
Our post is up over at the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton blog.
I think it should probably fall under "Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'" but you may feel there is a better category.
I'm sorry -- I didn't include what section it should go under when I linked to my post. Blogging Against Disablism Day: workplace gadflies Under employment. And thank you for doing this!
Here's mine -- it goes in the politics category:
Hiya, I have a second post up at Shakesville; it should probably go under personal journeys.
Thanks for all your hard work!
I have a post on poverty, disabiity, and family relationships:
Thanks for organizing this!
Also, my colleague Dora Raymaker has one about living with autism:
Oh, and as I completely failed to include it in my post (*darn*), and I've not read another post which references it yet (but I've not been through them all, so it might be there), I'd like to offer up the Pepsi ad Bob's House for anyone who hasn't seen it as something very appropriate to today...
http://princess.dreamwidth.org/629315.html goes in personal journeys.
And thank you for doing this.
I only found out about this today, but really wanted to participate. I hope that's okay.
My link is http://msf-staff.livejournal.com/8134.html
I don't know whether it should go in Personal Journeys or Impairment-specific Prejudice.
Just posted in the category of "disabled among refugees"
Thanks so much for doing this,
Hiya, thanks for doing this once again!
My post is called "Where You Least Expect It" and is at http://wheelchairprincess.com/blog/2009/05/01/where-you-least-expect-it/
I suppose technically it's about access issues but I sort of like the idea of classifying it as "general thoughts"
Best, Emma
Mine is here - http://rememberthetinman.blogspot.com/2009/04/on-being-good-nutter-for-badd.html
I would guess that it would fit best under 'personal journeys'. Thanks for doing this - it looks like a great collection
Just to add my roundup/review post (is there a section for these?) - here's Bloggers Blogging Against Disablism (BBAD does BADD).
My contribution is a post called It Should Have Me on my blog How To Be An Inspiration. Read it at -
It best fits in the general issues category but is really just a humorous piece. How about a Humour category.
Comments welcome.
Here's my post, "An Open Letter To People On The Bus" at http://crippledcarnival.blogspot.com/2009/05/open-letter-to-people-on-bus-blogging.html
I think it goes in Other Access Issues but if you disagree feel free to put it somewhere else.
Hi! Here is my contribution for the day: http://anthroetc.blogspot.com/2009/05/blogging-against-disablism-day.html
It could go under Education, personal journeys, or other (I would put it under Academia if that was a category!).
Here's mine:
I have no idea what category, sorry. It's part education, part social-stigma-type-stuff, part personal journey *shrugs*.
I guess it would go in the intersections category.
The post is titled "BADD and May Day", and my blog is Memoirs of a Genderqueer Femme Anarchist.
I hope this counts even though I didn't sign up beforehand.
It would probably go in "Impairment-Specific Prejudice," but you might feel differently. I know a lot of what I describe applies to other groups of people, disabled or not, but it's a lot more profound when it's an ability issue.
I posted, and this should be under "Personal Journeys:"
Hi - sorry, I only ran into this very recently and dithered about commenting on the first post so I never signed up, but here's my post anyway if you want it: http://primarydecomposition.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/3/
Personal Journeys for me, definitely.
I write about cerebral palsy (from an outsider perspective) and endometriosis. The cerebral palsy section mentions the woeful situation with carers (my experience is in Australia) and the endo section mentions people not taking endometriosis seriously due to it being a woman's affliction.
Great idea, by the way. Brilliant. Let's blog for change!
I didn't think I'd have the time, hence not saying anything before now...but here we are.
Personal journeys
Got mine up! I wrote about physical access problems and second-class citizen messages
Hi Goldfish!
Here's mine, "The d-label": http://lounalune.livejournal.com/69790.html
It should probably go into the language section. Or personnal journey. Or other. I'm not sure, really. (Sorry for not being much help with the category.)
Hi, Goldfish. I'm not sure which category my post goes in -- maybe Disablism in Culture? maybe Definition & Analysis?
What it is, it's an essay about learning not to be so able-ist in my own life and interactions ... a first post on disablism by someone who has only been discriminated against for other things.
Her Own Self:
Finally got it out of my head! It's not as good as it sounded in there, but what the hell.
Letters I've written, never meaning to send
I guess it goes under "Personal Journeys."
Under Disablism in Literature, Culture and Media:
http://trouble.dreamwidth.org/7680.html BADD: Bloody Torchwood
BADD: Bloody Torchwood
Personal journeys, I think.
Here's mine: http://frogger11758.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/connecting-through-disability/
Perhaps Personal Journeys? or Relationships? Not sure.
My post can be found on my livejournal here http://redtoffee.livejournal.com/164542.html
It fits into personal journeys but also impairment specific-prejudices (I have ME.) I hope you and others find it useful. I will be editting it to send to the local papers for ME awareness week May 11th-17th 2009 so any feedback is good!
Thank you for doing this!
Hi Goldfish. My entry can be found here -
and most likely goes under General Thoughts on Disablism.
Thank you once again for hosting this and I hope things get better for both you and your partner/carer
Hi, Goldfish,
My contribution is Monkey Shines: An Experiment in Fear (of disability). It fits best under the "Disablism in literature, culture and the media" category.
http://textualfury.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/blogging-against-disablism/ Hi my post lands in the Education section.
Other: http://pizzadiavola.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/badd-blogging-against-disablism-day/
Thank you for running BADD! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's posts!
Blog Against Disablism Day: on decisions: http://avendya.dreamwidth.org/136224.html
It mainly focuses on educational issues, but might also be a personal journey. (I'm a student, hence the overlap.)
I suppose this goes in Love/Sex/Relationships, because there's no spot for religion.
Journal title is "The Elf Half," which may or may not show up anywhere; Dreamwidth's still in beta.
My post is at http://astridvanwoerkom.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/badd-behavior-disablism-in-psychiatry/. I think it belongs in the healthcare category.
i think this goes under General Thoughts on Disablism, or Employment since it's about the lack of it.
(awkward silence): http://contextsensitive.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/awkward-silence/
Hello. :)
I'm taste_is_sweet over at Live Journal. Thank you so much for doing this. I'd love to participate. My blog is here:
Sorry! I erased the original comment because I forgot to add the category. It's the love and relationships one, since I'm writing about my husband. Thank you.
here's my link. I think it should go under parenting. Thanks for doing this great site.
Here's mine. I think it should go in the "general houghts category". http://sanabituranima.wordpress.com/2009/04/30/a-post-on-dyspraxia-for-badd/
I have taken part my post can be found at http://jemmabrown.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/happy-badd-lets-all-be-positive-about-disability/
Sorry Goldfish and helpers I have no idea what category it should go in!
Here's mine
I would put it in "general thoughts" or "Defining Disabilism"
Here's my contribution -- I'm not sure whether it should go under "Literature, Culture, and Media," or under "Personal Journeys."
It's about my personal journey trying to create literature about disability. Here's the URL:
I'm not sure, but I think Blogger must've done something weird because I posted my link of http:www.fulltiltwheelie.blogspot.com/reflections on language
for BADD 2009 and it somehow got left out???
Hi, my contribution is at http://equalnotspecial.wordpress.com. I think it should go under General.....I don't know....
Hey Goldfish! Here's my post:
I think it would go under the "General Thoughts..." category.
Thank you so much for all your hard work on this!
I didn't hear about this really until today, and I wasn't 100% planning on participating, but then I did. This should go under "Personal Journeys", I think.
Hi, sorry this is a bit late, but here is the url to my post:
And the title is called "Visiting Italy." I think it might fit under the General Thoughts category. Thanks,
Shiloh aka Sunny Dreamer
Here's my contribution. It should go under Education. Is uppose it could also go under politics as it's about local legislation impacting the disability constituency in my state.
Here is my blog http://letkidsplay.blogspot.com
It should go under parenting
I'm technically a couple of hours late, but if you're still accepting submissions, here's mine (it turned out a lot longer than i originally intended it to be): Disability Terminology: too much confusion, so much frustration
For General Thoughts.
I almost forgot to make my post, but I made it in under the wire. I never signed up for this but I hope that won't matter. It's at http://slythwolf.livejournal.com/202376.html and titled "Mine Are Invisible" and should probably go under Personal Journeys.
Hi there. I'm so pleased to have found this, and proud to contribute. I posted about my six-year-old, Max, who has cerebral palsy. Here's my contribution, "My child has a right to play—don't shut him out because he's disabled" goes under "Parenting Issues."
I've made two posts on separate blogs.
My post on the Change.org autism blog should be categorized under Disablism and Politics.
My post on the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, SW Ohio blog should go under Relationships, Love and Sex.
Meg Evans
Hi, Goldfish --
I hope things get better for you.
My post is at http://angelahooker.com/blog/badd2009/the-best-laid-plans-and-blog-against-disablism-day-2009/
and it's one for personal journeys. Thanks so much for organizing this wonderful event.
I think my post would go in the category "General Thoughts on Disablism:"
Hi Goldfish,
This is awesome. I just found out about it about 20 minutes ago so I hope i can still post. I think this link should go in the general thoughts about disablism. http://myspellingsucks.com/?p=71
It's late. I was debating w/ myself, and it isn't what I set out to write. You don't have to post/link to it, but it is here if anyone else wants to read it.
And thanks for putting this together. More thanks than I can express.
My post for BADD can be found at:
A Life Apart and should go under personal journey or disabling identities...
I finally found the right place to comment to. My theme is on the stereotype of success and disablism.
The URL is:
I'm not sure what category would be best.
i know i'm late, but here's my post -
it doesn't fit anywhere specifically, so it's best just under general.
thank you very much!
I posted a quick review over at my blog.
I didn't officially sign up because I wasn't sure I could do it, but I managed it!
I think it goes in "Other Access Issues" (it's about looking for accessible housing).
Here are my BADD posts. I only submitted one blog, but I just started a second one.
and http://innerdreams.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/not-your-world/
I didn't sign up earlier either, and as it happens, I'm way late getting this in and if I can't be included I understand. (I did write it yesterday, for whatever it's worth.) It's called "Fat, Major Depression, Asperger’s: Where the Social Model Meets the Medical Model," and it could go either in the "Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism" or "Personal Journeys" section because it's a little of both. Thanks!
I'm a little late, due to reasons of disability. I had an awful day, but now my post is up - I hope it's not that much too late.
Here it is:
It should probably go in Personal Journeys.
Goes in 'personal experience'
Another one, I'm on fire, a day late but never mind!
catgeory -specific illnesses/issues - depression /anti depressants.
Amazing work!
I'm so sorry to be late. I have one that could go under "Language of Disabilism" or under "General":
http://modusdopens.wordpress.com/2009/03/04/jayriding-like-a-girl/Thanks for all your hard work on this.
I put up a "Take 5" post at What Sorts of People with 5 favourites from the day fairly early on ... though that day seems to keep on going and going and going
Here's my favourite handful: http://batsgirl.blogspot.com/2009/05/badd-2009-roundup.html
Hey Goldfish, I know I'm running late, but if there's still time, I put a post up at http://www.thedevilsfeet.net/archive/blogging-against-disablism-2009/
Which I think either belongs in Relationships, Love and Sex or General Thoughts.
I'm sorry I'm late but I had some problems with blogger & internet access.
I guess the category Other would be ok.
Mine's late, but it's up:
I think it goes in General.
Dear Goldfish, what a wonderful collection! I'm afraid I'm late to the party, and it's more about disability than disablism. But yesterday I didn't even have a blog.
http://peter.fremlin.de/driftwood/2009/05/my-gorilla-is-quite-tame.htmlA note on the gorilla theory... (so maybe goes in General?)
Here's mine. On health care,
Thank you for the huge effort you've put in to this. I've just posted an acknowledgement of that and noted how the internet has helped people with disabilities and their families communicate, share with and learn from eacth other: http://homepaddock.wordpress.com/2009/05/03/internet-opens-doors-on-disability/
Here are my blogs for Blogging Against Disablism Day, BADD, 2009.
goes in Healthcare IssuesGovernment-Sponsored Ablism and Segregation Tears Families Apartgoes in General Thoughts on DisablismAblism: Idiotic Comments From IdiotsThanks, I would've gotten it in faster but ran up against hospital curfew :(
also following your twitter :)
I finally got around to getting a post up. I suppose it goes with employment but it could be attitudes or politics, for that matter.
Hi Goldfish!
I'm a little late in coming to the party... I forgot to link back to my post!
It probably goes in general thoughts as I couldn't find a category for 'rambling' :p
Oops sorry - gave you the wrong address for my blog:
please ignore/delete the previous one. apologies.
Finally did mine over at http://myownwench.livejournal.com/365280.html
If I had to take a guess at category, I would say "general thoughts".
Thanks for putting this together.
Hi, hi..
...here is my tremendously late entry. Due in part to my illness, I fell down a flight of stairs the other day and was not really quite able to get to comic-bloging as I've have liked. ...Why do I feel like a kid with a note to get out of gym?
Anyway - it's either disablism and health care or personal journey...
- miss waxie
Because I couldn't blog this year, I've written a very little round-up here.
Congrats on another amazing BADD. You should be very proud of it! :)
I'm sorry I'm late, I didn't notice until the very end of Friday. I'm writing my entry now, here: www.paininthearticle.blogspot.com
Hi. I hope my contribution is acceptable (both in terms of time and in quality)
it is here:
http://fleecyblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/blue-and-red-have-chat-about-disablism.htmlIt's about communication but it centers on Relationships, I guess.
two things: My contribution was a bit late and I understand if I missd the cutoff
also I have selected you for the Premio Dardos award. Info below.
The Prémio Dardos is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.
I haven't written an actual post myself yet, but I've picked out my favourite 2 posts here http://lisybabe.blogspot.com/2009/05/badd-09.html if you fancy adding it to to the reviews.
Finally got one up:
Belongs in "Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism" I expect.
Thanks for hosting the blogfest. Look forward to reading the other articles. Am about edit my post to add a link here, just realized I forgot to do that.
Here's mine:
Falls under "personal journeys" I think.
And on the other blog: http://jenniferfitz.wordpress.com/2009/05/03/when-even-the-buildings-are-in-denial/
Falls in the 'Other Access Issues' category I think.
Thanks again for doing this!
Have done a blog roll of my BADD faves so far...
Hey I tried posting this on Friday but it doesn't appear to have worked. Maybe I did it wrong.
Here is my contribution;
Hi, my comment didn't show up, (or I can't find it).
It's also possible that I've posted it in the wrong thread by accident.
So here's my contribution:
It probably fits best into the "general thoughts" category.
But I'd like to suggest a category called "humour", or "rants", (Maybe next year?) for bloggers like me, who faced with ignorance can only come up with snarky sarcasm. (Hopefully I'm not the only one! :S)
Thanks so much for your hard work! :)
I was ill for a few days and have the post done now - it is here:
and is about Disabilism within the disability community.
Hi Goldfish - here's my submission -
I think it's for the 'Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism' section.
Thanks so much!
Hi all,
I Googled 'BADD 2009' last night and the results are very interesting. If anyone is interested, I've blogged it at: Google Results for ‘BADD 2009′.
I'm still reading and commenting...could take a while to get through them all!
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