His vocabulary is very slowly building up and he can say all the numbers, though thankfully never in the right order (he's not yet three! - I keep having to say this, especially to his grandmother, who takes everything he says to heart - if she starts this now, she will be completely broken-hearted before he's ten).
He demanded to know what a Dalek was (Mum has Dalek coasters - she likes Daleks) and I explained about The Doctor and Davros and everything. "What are the buttons for?" he asked. I didn't know. What are all those lumpy bits for? I suggested sound-proofing, as the Daleks have very noisy digestive systems. He seemed happy with that and made a comment about "Windypops." which I thought was rather crude.
I also learnt that Alexander's favourite animal is a lion because it says "Roar!".
Incidentally, the instructions for the inflatable paddling pool my parents got for him included the warning "Do not place on top of sharp objects." Hmm.
Hmmm...my niece Jessica is four and a half years old. Do you think an arranged marriage would be a possibility? What are his prospects?
Just kidding! Loved the instruction for the paddling pool!
Cheers for now.
Handsome boy!
Look at the only-children-may-have gleam in those eyes!!
You are blessed.
I know someone else who likes Daleks too. She uses one as her LJ icon.
Freaks me out every single time
An award is waiting for you on my blog. I hope that you will accept it!
Beautiful child...gonna be a heart breaker I think!
So glad I found your blog. Have a nice weekend!
It is a wonderful thing to surround yourself with life as you work on literature. Despite the hidden, drunk writer stereotype, when we engage - especially with children - our communication skills sharpen.
Happy Auntying, but keep writing.
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