The Goldfish family and my sister's in-laws haven't seen an awful lot of one another, but my Dad managed to disperse any social tension by serving us "Pimms and Lemonade" with what I reckon was about 1 part lemonade to 5 parts Pimms - you certainly couldn't see any of the bubbles. But of course, we didn't realise this until we'd started drinking it and soon everyone was comfortably giggling and making rude remarks about one another as if we'd all been fast friends for some years.
My Dad also provided a dysfunctional bubble-generator/ water-pistol, which kept [...] busy while he took the entire thing apart, performed his juju magic and put it back together again in perfect working order.

Alex's Mummy had made a hedgehog cake, presumably to raise awareness that hedgehog numbers are dwindling in the UK. She realised at the eleventh hour that her design could so easily have been converted into a Dalek Cake (link originally provided by Jess in the comments to a post of Lady Bracknell's).
Alexander's favourite birthday present by far was a little toy piano with four notes very much like this. He has apparently played with one of these at a club he used to attend called Baby Sensory and was delighted to unwrap it and make noise with his. Making noise seemed to be the principle use to which he employed his various presents.

It was a really good day; last week I was anxious whether I would be up to going at all, and whether it might be grim for me if I did. But it was good, I was fine and whilst it is impossible that Alex will actually remember it, I believe that he had a very good birthday himself.
Bowled over by your Pirates;-)
Nice to see that at least one of your rufty-tufty pirates is multiply-impaired...;-)
And, look, I know it's very bad form to reply to comment on someone else's comment rather than on the post itself, but if you'd permit me, just this once?
Jess: you do make me laugh!
fantastic pirates! argh.
Love the hog cake!!
I've made hog biscuits... but will have to try a cake too.
I'm a hedgehog rehabilitator by the way... :)
those skittles look fantastic. I'm glad it was a nice party :)
Terrific skittles!
I've been astonished at how much Z. remembers--at 2 1/2, she doesn't remember her first birthday, but she remembers things from a year ago quite clearly.
And of course she still plays with the toys from that birthday!
Ooo chocolate buttons! I made something similar for my oldest daughter several decades or maybe lifetimes[?] ago.
Many happy returns of the day.
Great skittles, great depictations of cross-eyed pirates fearing the worst.
Alexander will remember the piano - I have a pic of mine at 22 months, sat at the piano plonking away - and she remembers doing it !
Ah ha. Hidden talent: we have an artist in the midst. Great pirates. You could market those. Love the cake too. Are those chocolate mallow cakes for the spikes and can I have one ?
Of course Alex rubbed the cake in his hair. It's the done thing on your first birthday.....simply evryone who's anyone is doing it darling
I love the skittles. I wish you were my Auntie.
A really joyous post, one of those ones that leaps out of the screen with its warmth.
Thanks everyone - sorry I'm getting so behind with commenting but comments are always appreciated (and you are more than welcome to talk amongst yourselves).
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