Public Information On The Terrorist Threat.
London maintains her stiff upper lip this morning after the good old British Bobby thwarts terrorist attacks on the London Transport System. Those Islamic Extremists have picked the wrong city to terrorise. Here, it is business as usual: those plucky Londoners are having none of it.

So, you may ask, what is Islam? And what has Mr Mohammed got against the London Underground?
Well Islam is a jolly decent religion which is rather like the Church of England except without Her Majesty The Queen in charge. Mr and Mrs Mohammed may not participate in the raffle at the Church fete, but Mr Mohammed plays a mean left-field for the local cricket team. We have nothing to fear from him.

What about the International Situation?
In recent years, The British Armed Forces have leant a hand to Johnny Foreigner when he has got himself in a pickle. Some caddish Islamic types have the rather girlish idea that Johnny Foreigner should be allowed to get himself out of any pickle he has had the foolishness to get himself into without our help.
You may well laugh at this. Or if you are a woman reading your husband’s newspaper, you may say, “But what is wrong with allowing autonomy to developing countries, so long as they are supported by the international community and allowed to trade freely and fairly with everyone?” To this we have a simple rebuttal: Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. If you can’t understand the rules of cricket, then it is most unlikely that you should comprehend the workings of International Politics.
So is the International Situation in some way related to the atrocities in London in recent weeks? Of course not! It is nothing but lilly-livered nancy-talk to suggest that the actions of the British Government, either at home or abroad, could have any undesirable consequences for the British people.
What can you do to stop the terrorists?
When using public transport, try singing the national anthem, Rule Britannia and Land of Hope And Glory. Your fellow commuters are bound to join in. Roused by this patriotic display, not only will you have eliminated any nervousness on the bus or tube train, you shall also have greatly lessened the resolve of any of those rascal terrorists within the proximity.

Tommy Terrorist may be a master of disguise, but he is no match for little Timothy (above left), who runs straight home to tell his father what he has seen.

So brew up Britain and chin up London! In our great history, we have faced and defeated foes such as Bonapart, Hitler and... Philip II of Spain. A handful of ideological Yorkshiremen are no match for us.
OK, thanks for giving me my first good out-loud laugh of the weekend. Truly, we need more journalism of this calibre and sheer bracing British good sense.
I'll just be off for a nice cuppa, then, and a round of Rule Britannia. I feel invincible all of a sudden.
Wow, I totally agree with Kev and Vaughan, You have a great way of saying what happened there. How did you research all of that? That's cool, I couldn't do that,but did put my opinions about the London bombings in my weblog, and a great programme from the You and Yours programme from Radio 4 about naming a wheelchair's contraversial name. Check my blog to find out more!
Hey Goldfish,
WOW!! Took me right back to the secret bunker in Scotland that we visited on Honeymoon. It had a marvelous popoganda cinema complete with propoganda fim reels and some which were about the Cold war and considered far too awful to be shown when filmed way back then. The one I am thinking of is famous and has Parkinson narrating it but it escapes was what to do if an atomic bomb goes off.
Anyhoo, your narrative and 'lets get up and dust ourselves jolly off' styl;e had me peeing my pants! Thanks !
Oh and hope that you are feeling more chipper. I hope that you got my last email. I am sure I owe you a couple though
Personally, it's not the Muslims I'm worried about. It's the Brazilians.
Good show old gal!
As Vaughan said, you speak newsreel very well...are you a native speaker, or did you study it in uni? ;-)
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