Blogging Against Disablism Day 2013 is now underway!
Please click here.
The eighth annual Blogging Against Disablism day will be on Wednesday, 1st May. This is the day where all around the world, disabled and non-disabled people blog about their experiences, observations and thoughts about disability discrimination (known as disablism or ableism). In this way, we hope to raise awareness of inequality, promote equality and celebrate the progress we've made.
How to take part.
1. Post a comment below to say you intend to join in. I will then add you to the list of participants on the sidebar of this blog. Everyone is welcome.
2. Spread the word by linking to this site, displaying our banner and/ or telling everyone about it on blogs, newsgroups, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so on (we are using the hashtag #badd2013). The entire success of Blogging Against Disablism Day depends entirely on bloggers and readers telling other bloggers and readers in advance.
3. Write a post on the subject of disability discrimination, disablism or ableism and publish it on May 1st - or as close as you are able. Podcasts, videocasts and on-line art are also welcome. You can cover any subject, specific or general, personal, social or political. In the previous seven BADD, folks have written about all manner of subjects, from discrimination in education and employment, through health care, parenting, family life and relationships, as well as the interaction of disablism with racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. Every year I have been asked, so it's worth saying; the discrimination experienced by people with mental ill health is disablism, so naturally posts about that are welcome too.
You can see the archives for previous years here: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Blogging Against Disablism Day is not a carnival of previously published material. The point about doing this around one day (or there abouts) is that it is a communal effort and all the posts connect to one another. You can of course use your own post to promote other things you've written in the past as you wish.
4. Come back here to Diary of a Goldfish on the day to let everyone know that you've posted and to check out what other people have written. I shall post links to everyone's posts (slowly) throughout the day, creating an archive. However, I do need you to comment and leave the URL of your post or else I shan't find your post and won't be able to link to it.
This year we have both a Twitter account @BADDtweets and a Facebook Page where there will be notifications of new posts and updates to the archive during the day.
Naturally, Blogging Against Disablism Day invites contributions from people with all variety of impairments and none at all. You are welcome to contribute with podcasts, video-blogging or anything else that allows you to take part. And whilst May 1st is when this all takes place, nobody who happens to have a bad day that Tuesday is going to be left out of the archive.
If anyone has any questions about web accessibility, I recommend the Accessify Forum. I am not an expert on web accessibility myself, so if there are any suggestions about how I can make this day more accessible, please e-mail me at diaryofagoldfish at
The Linguistic Amnesty
Whilst discussions about language and the way it can be used to oppress or empower us are more than welcome, please respect the language that people use, particularly to describe themselves in their own contributions. We all have personal preferences, there are cultural variations and different political positions which affect the language we use. Meanwhile, non-disabled contributors can become nervous about using the most appropriate language to use, so please cut everyone as much slack as possible on the day.
At the same time, do not feel you have to use the same language that I do, even to talk about "disablism". If you prefer to blog against disability discrimination, ableism or blog for disability equality, then feel free to do so.
I've written a basic guide to the Language of Disability (updated for 2013) which I hope might explain some of the thinking behind the different language disabled people prefer to use about themselves.
Links & Banners
To link back to this post, simply copy and paste the following code:
These banners have seemed popular over the last couple of years and I am yet to think of anything better. If anyone fancies editing these images or coming up with something new, then please do so. You are free to use and mess with these as you like, so long as you use them in support of Blogging Against Disablism Day. If you already have the banner, you just need to change the URL that it links to from last year's BADD. Otherwise, you simply need to copy the contents of one of these boxes and paste it on your blog, in a post or on the sidebar as you like. The banners come in two colour combinations and two sizes. The sizes are a 206 pixels square or 150 x 200 pixels.

And here's the code for the narrower one (which can be seen here):

And here's the code for the narrower one (which can be seen here):
Please leave a (comment including the URL of your blog) to let everyone know you are joining in and I shall add a link to you on the sidebar. Also, if you have any questions, please ask.
Sure, we can't break a streak! So we'll be back for year 8 of BADD.
I'll be there with bells on. Just have to find some bells.
Hi - I'll be blogging :-)
Don't know what I'll be writing about but I will be writing something
I'll be contributing at Blacktelephone.
I intend to join.
Sorry, I forgot to add the url. I'm in two places: and I plan to post my entry in both places.
I'll be there, of course!
I'm in...
Hi, this will be my first year participating in BADD but it sounds fun.
new to blogging but I'm definitely in!
I'll be doing it but I'll be doing it on my tumblr this year.
I wouldn't miss it!
I'll be there!
I'm in!
Count me in!
Blogged about BAD2013 and the title for this year's submission is "No Sex Please, We're... Disabled" a follow-up to last year's "Sexual Eunuchs".
I'll be blogging again on the day at
I'll come up with something for Wednesday :)
I'm not sure whether I'll be able to post anything, as my health is giving me trouble, but I'll try to post at
I'm glad you're hosting BADD again!
Of course we intend to blog! Life would be nearly pointless if one were to miss this moment!.
Paula Apodaca
E. is for Epilepsy
Will be blogging again this year
thats come round quick
I'm in! Sorry I posted the link saying I would participate last year but then didn't. Last May, I was finishing college and life was so hectic I forgot about it. But this year I have nothing going on, so I really will participate this time. The link to my blog is
I'll be there for year 3! :)
Totally joining in \o/
I'll be joining in at Notes, Notings, and Common Refrains; I'm fairly certain what my topic will be, but my mind may change at the last minute...
I'm in as well. Have just written the post which will get published on 1 May. It'll be on my site Accessibility NZ (
I will be participating, writing a post with a friend. :)
Hiiii! I'm kind of new to blogging and everything, but I found out about this recently and got excited. SO! I asked a friend of mine to join, which makes me more comfortable joining, so I'm going to join! I'm glad I'm not alone; I feel more comfortable expressing myself when I have a friend nearby. Yayyyy!
My blog is here so please put me up! I'm very excited!!! :D
I intend to join!
I'm in! I'll be in London on weds so post will (hopefully) auto publish and I'll pop the link here when I get back
I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it this year, but I've finally managed to write something!
Frida Writes,
I am working on a post after having to miss a few years!
BADD has brought so much from the time I first started using a scooter on.
Feminist Sonar will be joining!
Mine is Through the Eyes of an Author at
where I will be writing about "Return of the Borg - Life on a ventilator "
(and other machines!).
I will explore body image and what life is like relying on machines to live and breathe ….
I'll be joining in over at
I'm hoping to blog again this year, but at my NEW blog: :-D
I'm also going to post some relevant art work to my Tumblr on the day -
Hi - count me in! I've already written a post, hope it's interesting. It'll be up at 10am UK time tomorrow :)
- Liz
You are invited to read my post, "The Adversity of Anything," on may 1st on the Accessible Insights Blog: . Hope to see you there!
i shall be there
Every year I mean to get involved, and every year so far I have missed the boat.
Not this time! I'm writing my post now, ready to go live tomorrow.
Count me in!
I intend to participate - it'll be on the public perception of tourettes in general and the perception of specific people of my tourettes.
I hope to contribute, as always, but it may be a bit late this year!
Blogging Against Disablism Day 2013 is now underway. Please click through to the Blogging Against Disablism Day Page where you can read new posts and let us know about your contributions.
I am blogging
Once a child with a disability however small that disability is turns into an adult they have a really hard time in the real world of getting a job some of these young people need the extra time to learn a job hoever employers and agencies expect that person to have the spped and skills of someone of normal ability that has done the job for years.Surely it is better that these young people are helped into jobs rather than a life on benefits disabled people do want to work
I'll do a post -
new to blogging and BADD so it's not a great
I'm late sorry !
I made a post and did it while being all disability-y! Wow look at me go.
cracked mirror in shalott (savannah logsdon-breakstone) on board!
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