Thanks very much to everyone who helped to spread the word and to everyone who posted about disability discrimination today. This year there was a very good turn out (especially considering it was a Sunday) and some truly excellent writing.
If you happen to write a "round-up" of your favourite BADD posts, give me a link and I shall include it here. So far I know Lisa has done one at Where's the Benefit?
Blogging Against Disablism 2011
Employment (Disability discrimination in the workplace, recruitment issues and unemployment). Cheaper than Therapy: The Road to Hell... Everyone Else Has a Blog: A Definition of Irony Stickman Communications: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly This Ain't Livin': Disability and Work Education (Attitudes and practical issues effecting disabled people and the discussion of disability in education, from preschool to university and workplace training.) 32 Days Remaining: In Memoriam: On the closure of SKILL, the UKs National Bureau for Students with Disabilities Believe in Who You Are: Unsent Thank yous, getting it right Education on the Plate: Opening Minds for More than One Day HelenBowesCatton: Structure, agency, discrimination and privilege Radical Neurodivergence Speaking: The fights we fight SpEdChange: Whose Identity is it? Urbania to Stoneheads: Researching disability in Ancient Greece Technology and Web Accessibility Crippie's Corner: Internet Disability Gilbert and Me: Raising Awareness about an Inaccessible Information Age Ubuntu Accessibility Team Blog: The Invisible Exhibition at UDS Ubuntu Linux Tips & Tricks: ASL (cross-posted at Maco) Other Access Issues (Posts about any kind of access issue in the built environment, shops, services and various organisations. By "access issues" I mean anything which enables or disenables a person from doing what everyone else is able to do.) Accessible Insights Blog: It’s On Aisle 5 Cripple Extraordinaire: On Being Able Elf: Disability and Jury Duty Footpath-Hogging Menace: A Few Days In My Seat Memo to Self: Accessibility Fail Moose J. Finklestein: Pittsburgh: The Most Liveable City - for the able-bodied or seniors Normal Is Overrated: A Guide For Discouraging Self-Advocacy Savette Gazette: My Daydream To Gyre & Gambol: Desperately Seeking Parking Trabasack: Choosing your battles Working at Perfect: Steps Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism Crimsoncrip's Blog: Invalids no more, but are we still invalid? Fatfu: (In)(di)visability Me Despite M.E.: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2011 Ruth Madison: Spying on Disablism The Language of Disablism (Posts about the language which surrounds disability and the way that it may empower or disempower us.) Indigo Jo Blogs: No more Yuppie Flu! Marian ilmestyskirja: Päivitä sanavarastosi / Update your vocabulary Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms' (Posts about the way in which various discriminations interact; the way that the prejudice experienced as a disabled person may be compounded by race, gender, age, sexuality etc..) Fat Heffalump: Fat and Disablism The Files of Mason Dixon, Autistic: Case #3 Mortal Combat Gilded Cage: Come talk to me Incredible Hippy: Let us in! (Cross posted to The F Word) Huimin Magdala Writes: More Deserving of Annihilation Oi With the Poodles Already: The Body (In)Visable Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media After Gadget: Please Don’t Send Me This Video Cripz the Comic: A fitting celebration for 1 year on-line Funky Mango's Musings: Gleeless Geoff Holt MBE: Letter to the Press Plato's Nightmare/ Aessop's Dream: The Lame Smith God and Two Sides of "Myth" Urbania to Stoneheads: Demonisation of the disabled Where's Lulu: Ten Disabled People with Regular TV Roles Right Now History Disability Studies, Temple U.: Disability History Relationships, Love and Sex L'Azile: A few thoughts about sex and disability Diary of a Goldfish: The political and the deeply personal Lisybabe: Somebody tell me why I'm on my own, if there's a soulmate for everyone... This is my blog: It is possible Non-English Language Blogs Other Embracing Chaos: A Glimpse of Success Poetry against Disablism Same Difference: Hello, I'm A Wheelchair | General Thoughts on Disablism Anglers Rest: Blogging Against Disablism Day Artyeggs: Crafting Against Disablism Believe In Who You Are: Selecting my spoons Composite: How I bought a bike The CRPS Girl: What You Say Dismantling Disabilities: Blogging Against Disablism Day Dreamwidth: You're doing it wrong Exploring the World Through the Web: Invisible Illness - Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. Fausterella: Being Vincible Genderqueer in Your Closet: Appearances & Functioning Just Stimming…: This is why The Language of Respect: Impairment and Disablism: A World of Difference Life Decanted: Somewhere... Mimi Cummins: There's no shame in identifying yourself with the disabled community Monastic Musings Too: Empathy: the antidote to -ism Nightengale of Samarkand: Independence Riparians at the Gate: The vast middle Some Assembly Required: This divisive world we live in Sunny Dreamer: This and that TAL9000: Belated BADD post Thoughts from the bear's den: Why does disablism exist? Touched with Fire: Taking Up the Flaming Sword The Trick Is To Keep Reading: A wee rant UCP of the Golden Gate: Apathy could be the root of most disablism Warped Woman's Wonderings: Blogging Against Disablism Day Wheelchair Dancer: Closing Fissures Wheelie Catholic: Being Youer Than You Parenting Issues (whether disabled parents or the parents of a disabled child.) All our lives: Adoption, Special Needs & Choice I won't wear gray: Blogging Against Disablism Day Healthcare Issues (For example, the provision of healthcare, institutionalistaion of disabled people, reproductive ethics and euthanasia) Accessibility NZ: The Ultimate Disability Discrimination All our lives: Reproductive Violence and Injustice Against Disabled People RoseRodent: Blogging Against Disablism Day Impairment-Specific Prejudice The Alternate Lexicon: So this is it Chronically Crafted: Mobility Scooters and the Posts I didn't Write Diary of a Benefit Scrounger: Blogging Against Disablism Day enlighten.me.uk: Reopening Old Wounds Life and Times of a Teenager With Disabilities: My name is AZ not az Liguanaut.co.uk: White Stick Pride Multi-faceted Abnormal /blog: Fighting the stigma of Mental Illness A Multitude of Musings: “You Are Fake.”: DID and Ableism from Within Paws for Thought: Independent living A Quaker Witch: Why I'm tired Transabled: Discrimination, Transsexual and BIID Personal Journeys Posts about learning experiences and realisations authors have had about the nature of disability discrimination and the impact on their lives. A Little Something For Me: 15.32 Butterfly Dreams: My little ableist friend Care in the UK: “I’m not disabled – I’m just not able to walk” E. is for Epilepsy: The Bell Life in a So-called Strap of Steel: Enjoying Life's Ride and Disabilities Midlife And Treachery: Resurrection Day/ A Room of One’s Own Painting: The Unexpected Positive Sides of Injury & Disability Discrimination People Aren't Broken: Disability from the Inside Out: Forget Kindness, Try Fairness People with Disabilities: Learners blog against Disablism Perpetually Myself: Figuring out a not-quite-normal childhood Strangely Blogged: Disablism - it's really about any of us, isn't it? Views from the Reading Room: Blogging Against Disablism Day Witticisms: Be aware of My Best Buddy A Writer in a Wheelchair: The Fight Never Ends Disablism and Politics (For example, the political currency of disability, anti-discrimination legislation, etc.) Benefit Scrounging Scum: "The Ministry of Magic has fallen. He is coming. HE is coming" A Blog about a Bloke-living with WHS: Exclusion and Government Funding branchingouttrees: Mental Health and Care in the Community The Crimson Crip: Disablism is no longer random its systemic DWgism: What’s Wrong With Our Society? Fighting Monsters: Disability, Language and Respect The Meanderings of a Politically Incorrect Crip: "They're coming to get you, Barbara!" Psychosis & Soyabeans: Little Brown Envelopes Single Lens Reflections: Oh Boris, Where Art Thou? Where's the benefit?: Integrity, Honesty, Objectivity, Impartiality Where's the benefit?: People like me Where's the benefit?: Vulnerability |
Here is mine: http://www.workingatperfect.com/2011/05/blogging-against-disablism-day-steps.html
Please put it in the 'Other Access Issues' section.
Here I am. THANK YOU!!! So, so proud.
Please put it in the disablism section...
Yup, am here, as promised... http://kethry.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/b-a-d-d-researching-disability-in-ancient-greece/ - may do another one. tomorrow. well, today. I mean when I've had some sleep, anyway!
duh. forgot to say. education section please!
General comments on Disabilism
Mine is here for the general section:
Category: Education
This is a book review of: Stuck in Neutral.
Here's my post on Accessibility FAIL - thanks! http://memotoselfblogger.blogspot.com/2011/05/accessibility-fail.html There's a bit where people can link up and play along if you're so inclined! :D
Pop in Access issues, thanks.
Thanks for your work hosting this great day! I'm looking forward to reading all the entries this year.
Thanks for continuing to host this! I'm glad I could be part of it.
The Definition and Analysis category would probably be the best one for this.
Mine is http://funkymangosmusings.blogspot.com/2011/05/gleeless-badd11.html
Disablism in culture, literature and media
i'm unsure of which category mine would fit in, so go ahead and put it under 'general thoughts on disablism'
It might be education, it might be other.
Mine is for the education section please.
category: Awareness of person
Here is mine:
Not entirely sure where it fits?
Probably Disabilism and Politics
Thank you so much for this carnival! I've been refreshing this page and clicking through all day. :)
Just a small note: is it possible for my post to be linked under Intersections rather than R/L/S? Thanks!
Magda Anne
Fits into both Other Access Issues and Impairment-Specific Prejudice, but probably better in the former.
@Magda Anne - your wish is our command!
If I've made any mistakes with any of your links, please let me know. I'm covering the process while the Goldfish catches up on some sleep.
The Goldfish's understudy
For "Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'" I think...
Let Us In!, at the F Word and at incurable hippie blog.
Other Access Issues category
A Few Days In My Seat
I've added a bit of a rambly post that I think should probably go under 'politics' bit. Thanks for sharing all these posts!
I forgot to add the link - too early!
Here is mine:
No more Yuppie Flu!
Oh, and Claire Wade (of Holidays from Home) has a post here:
Blogging Against Disablism Day. Invisible Illness – Just Because You Can’t See It, Doesn’t Mean It’s Not There.
Here is my contribution (file under "the language of disablism"):
No more Yuppie Flu!
I have no blog but can I please make a plea for the deaf and hard of hearing. There's so much content coming out on video now but there are rarely any captions or notes to allow me to follow the video.
Please think of this when you're posting a video on your blog or setting up a workshop etc.
Thanks for reading :)
Hi. Well done for all the hard work. my post is here:
Well done for all the hard work and brave post. My contribution is up here http://benefitscroungingscum.blogspot.com/2011/05/ministry-of-magic-has-fallen-he-is.html
to go in the disability and politics section please. BG Xx
Hi! Here's mine
Don't care what you post it as, but it's about disability hate agai hidden disabilities.
Here's my contribution! 'In Memoriam: On the closure of SKILL, the UKs National Bureau for Students with Disabilities' http://wp.me/pttjp-kr
One for the Education section?
Here's mine: http://multifaceted-abnormal.net/blog/archives/2011/05/01/badd-2011/
It should probably go into impairment-specific disablism, as it deals with depression/mental illness.
Thank you!
"Choosing your battles"
Access please!
@RosieB - thank you for raising this issue. I knew nothing about the process of captioning videos on youtube until yesterday! In making my vlog I used the free service from http://www.overstream.net and recommend it to anyone thinking of doing their own vlog.
Thanks everyone for your contributions so far - keep them coming!
My two pieces: http://wheresthebenefit.blogspot.com/2011/05/badd2011-integrity-honesty-objectivity.html and http://dwgism.livejournal.com/9702.html
Whoops, forgot category. The first is already under politics, the second could go there or maybe under Disablism in culture, literature and media
Please put my post in the Education category. Thank you.
Um, I guess it goes under Definition and Analysis of Disablism...
My entry is about how people used my son's genetic makeup to determine his "Quality of Life." My son is more than a number. It is called 15.32
It should probably go under personal journey. Thanks! Kristen
Here it is: http://starrlife.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/somewhere/
Please put in general issues category I guess.
Thanks for doing this Goldie. It is a wonderful thing and I am honored to participate.
I know that you are busy but I'm including a fabulous artist and person for you (in your spare time) to check out. Her name is Candee Basford and she is here http://candeebasford.wordpress.com/
Goes into "general thoughts".
Thanks for hosting -- great event. Enjoy it every year!
Mine is at http://susanreads.dreamwidth.org/27525.html and I think it fits in Personal Journeys.
Here is mine: http://speedchange.blogspot.com/2011/05/whose-identity-is-it.html Identity and/or Universal Design
Thanks so much for once again coordinating this.
Great idea - Here is Mine:
Please put under "Disablism and other 'isms" Thanks kindly!
http://kethry.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/demonisation-of-the-disabled/ ok another one for you... i think best in the disabilism in the media section, perhaps?
I had a go, the link is:
I think it probably comes under:
Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms'
I almost forgot about BADD this year. I have however posted an entry on my new blog, A Multitude of Musings. The post is here: http://astridetal.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/you-are-fake-did-and-ableism-from-within/. It belongs in the disability-specific category.
Hello thanks for all your hard work .
Please could you add my post http://www.savette.com/blog/my-daydream/
In the other issues section , we have 3 children with special needs it is not easy finding a holiday for the family
Not sure if this will help but here goes. Hidden illness
Here's mine! http://mimicummins.com/blog Can go in General section.
From This Is My Blog.
Title is It is possible.
URL is http://batsgirl.blogspot.com/2011/05/it-is-possible.html
Please put it in the Love, Sex, Relationships section.
Sorry I'm all wedding-fixated.
Hi again, here is a link to a post I have just made on my blog for BADD:
I would like it go under the section called Disablism - Analysis and Defintions section.
Thank you.
here mine http://lifeofnldcp.blogspot.com/2011/04/blogging-against-disabilties-day-my.html
post it under prejuces
the title is My name is AZ not az
Hi everyone,
May I take this opportunity to remind Blogger users that the comment mode with the drop-down menu is not accessible to some screen readers (eg. older versions of JAWS), and to some mobile devices? Someone already reported this to Blogger, but it is still not resolved.
It's called The Fight Never Ends and I think it probably fits best in Personal Journeys. Thanks for doing this!
Here is my offering.
My contribution is up, and should go in the employment section: http://meloukhia.net/2011/05/badd_2011_disability_and_work.html
Sorry, am a latecomer to this so here's my support!
Family connection to the world!
Goldfish, I'm so sorry for the late entry! I moved and completely spaced it...
for anyone who wants to read after the fact...it's
First time participating, here is mine:
Please put it in the "General Thoughts On Disablism" section.
Thank you so much for doing this--I've been reading the posts from BADD for years.
First time I've done this!
Employment related
http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2011/05/blogging-against-disablism-day-asl.html / http://maco.dreamwidth.org/23107.html
(I cross-posted)
I don't know what section. It's on ASL, hearing accommodations at conferences, technology, and intro-to-disablism all at once.
Better late than never :) The Cripz Blog (slash anniversary celebration) is now online at: http://cripzthecomic.com/2011/05/01/a-fitting-celebration/
Please put it under Culture/Media section :)
Awesome work everyone!
Here's my entry...
Please post under Technology and Web Accessibility
We're ready! Put it under history.
Better late than never, I hope; I've just caught up with events; find me at http://www.charlesdawson.blogspot.com/ - and please put it in Disablism and Politics.
Please put my offering in personal journies. Thanks.
Relationships, Love and Sex
Mine is now up:
Post under "Disablism in Literature, Culture, and the Media"
Mine belongs in Parenting Issues:
Evening. Good work. Again. I would like this to go in 'Employment' please.
I'm not sure which category this should go into. It's me rambling about the basis of discrimination in general so possibly disablism in relation to other isms.
my post is called
http://bigpawedbear.livejournal.com/2432.html i'd like it added under a general disccussion topic
my badd2011 contribution is at: http://bigpawedbear.livejournal.com/2432.html and is called why does disabilism exist.
oops i posted twice, sorry! paws down for me!
Hello. I wrote a post here
I'd like to be listed under 'disabilism and other isms'
Thank you.
Dearest Goldfish,
Rest a little, rest well. You have done much to bring us together. All of us feel a larger sense of community because of your enduring efforts. Just to say a simple "Thank-you" doesn't seem adequate... But,
Yours ever,
Paula Apodaca
E. Is for Epilepsy by Paula Apodaca
Here's mine: http://samedifference1.com/2011/05/01/hello-im-a-wheelchair/
I guess this is one for the technology area, encouraging attendees at a conference to go to an evening event to learn a practical lesson about blindness
Title: Blogging Against Disableism Day: On Being Able.
Please put it in the "Other Access Issues" section. Thank you!
Here's mine: http://angelikitten.dreamwidth.org/292034.html
General Thoughts on Disablism, I think? It's pretty much just a rant really XD
Hi, here's my post: http://sunnydreamer.net/shi2011/badd2011.shtml
It is just a composite of past entries and experiences, so it will fall under general thoughts on disablism.
Here's my link: http://embracingchaos.stephanieallencrist.com/2011/05/badd-2011-a-glimpse-of-success/
Please put it in "Other."
My blog is believe in who you are, and my post is called selecting my spoons. It probably goes in the general category.
I think I'd put this under impairment specific.
I commented on the wrong post first. Go me. But here's mine:
I think it belongs in the General Comments on Disablism section?
Not sure why the link to mine isn't working--here it is again:
Mine is posted on a nascent blog designed for a class: http://pplwd.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/blogday2011/
Please put it in the Personal Journeys category. Thank you!
Please put this in the Personal Journeys category, thank you!
I also posted on my main personal blog, linking to Sam Richards' TED talk on empathy.
It's at http://blobolobolob.blogspot.com/2011/05/blogging-against-disablism-day-2011.html
Mentioned earlier, but my second piece, http://dwgism.livejournal.com/9702.html seems to have slipped through the net, probably best in politics.
Here's mine, sorry that it's on the later side, I actually finished it last night but didn't have time to post it here. Um, I guess it can go in Personal Journeys.
here is mine
Please put it in the General Thoughts on Disablism section, thanks!
Apathy Could Be the Root of Most Disablism
Goes under: General Thoughts
My article "White Stick Pride" is here http://saiminu.blogspot.com/2011/05/white-stick-pride-blogging-against.html
Gah! I did my entry on time, but didn't send in an url!
This would probably go under parenting or employment.
Hi Goldie,
My entry is overdue.. Anyway, here it is though its a day late.. I'm sorry..
Life in a so-called Strap of Steel
Here's one from me for the 'Education' category, hope it's not too late!
Thanks in anticipation!
I was a day late because I didn't know about it! Better late than never.
Very late, but here's mine:
It should probably go under Impairment Specific Prejudice
This is about benefits - not sure where it would best fit! Probably thoughts about disability :) xxx
Oh, wait, surely it is "General Thoughts". 8-) Sorry I didn't see that category before.
If you're making a list of round-up posts again this year, I wrote one here.
Here's mine!
I think this goes in healthcare, other access, impairment-specific, and maybe in general thoughts.
Thanks sooo much for doing this!
- Stasa
Just curious about activities/plans/opportunities for BADD 2012. Please post/spread the word. Check my blog: disabledandemployed.wordpress.com
Here's today's Post... Holding the Media to Account... Dxxx
Rambilings of a Fibro Filled Mind... Guest Post by Helen Sims... Spartacus and Me.
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