Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sara died. Sara was one of my favourite bloggers and a true friend. She had cancer for many years and as long as I have known her, I have known that it was on the cards. Then last year, she had a brain tumour and I thought we might lose her very quickly, much more quickly than we did. So this wasn't unexpected. And I honestly believe that Sara had a good life. Shorter than most and with an extremely unpleasant disease through much of it, but good. She kind of made that her project I think, to get the very most out of everything she had for as long as possible.

Sara taught me a very great deal. She also supported and encouraged me in all sorts of ways. I thought about writing a tribute to her, perhaps finding exampls of her great wisdom and kindness to quote to you, but what I feel now is a little personal, a little raw. Both Elizabeth and Kay have written about her death.

The most important thing to be said, I guess, is that I feel very very fortunate to have known Sara. She was one of those friends who altered the shape of my world. I am very sad just now, but she was more than worth it and I shall continue to benefit from the gifts she gave me. I really hoped to finish my book before Sara died. It was something that we talked about.

In other news, I have a new keyboard for my EEE PC and everything seems to be working. I would be ecstatic about this after the boredom of the last ten days without it, but ecstasy is slightly beyond me just now. At least I can now get on with my work.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about this loss of a dear friend... I can understand how hard it is to articulate how you feel when it is so close. Hugs and well wishes. I'm looking forward to reading your book.

Aspie Bird said...

Sorry to hear about this loss.
My thoughts are with you and Sara's family and friends.
May she rest in peace.

JackP said...

Didn't really know her, but read her blog a few times - and we took part in a Halloween story memey thingy together.

Consider my metaphorical hat removed and my head bowed.

The Goldfish said...

Thanks everyone. Penny has linked to the various posts about Sara as well as some of her best blog posts here.

seahorse said...

So very sorry to hear this. It touches me that you have made a very dear friend through blogging, and your deep sadness at her passing is testament to the very real friendships that blossom. Long may it be the case.

irasocol said...

the loss of a powerful voice is a reason for all of us to cry.

But we remain thankful that the voice, and the person behind it, came to us - and I'm thankful for a time, and a technology - which gave me access to that voice.

Marcelle Proust said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read this post.

Casdok said...

Very sorry to hear of the loss of yoru dear friend.

The Goldfish said...

Thanks again everyone. Sara's partner Erik is maintaining her blog now, so do go over there if you feel inclined to.