Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Sea, The Sea

The sun, behind clouds, over the seaThis weekend we went to visit our friend Vic, who was holidaying on the North Norfolk Coast. Well, it was kind of on the edge of the Wash, but we couldn't see land the other side of the water. I haven't seen the sea for almost two years (I almost saw the sea when I was in Hampshire, but the Isle of Wight was in the way). I have missed it rather badly.

Despite having rumbled and rained for most of last week, Sunday was a beautiful day and we sat outside looking at the water. [...] went for a walk on the beach and kept going until we could only see his head, at which point he decided that the water was a wee bit too nippy. And because we were facing west, the sun set over the sea - admittedly in an unremarkable way behind clouds. It was all very beautiful and we had a lovely weekend.


Cusp said...

Oh what a joy ! I love the seaside and so miss living beside it. That really is a Norfolk evening. Gald you had a good time. Is it near Hunstanton ?

Lady Bracknell said...

It can not be nearly two years since you moved from Whitby, surely?

Where is my life going?!? Who turned the speed dial up?