Monday, August 04, 2008

Summer Holiday

I'm now so very behind with blogging, with reading blogs and keeping up with the world in general that I have decided to give up for August. As I said a fortnight ago, it is not that I am especially ill, I'm just really slow at the moment. There are also things going on this month which I want to save my energy for. Fortunately, only three you are still reading, and the Internet is generally quite quiet in high summer.

I'll probably be posting again in a couple of days, but this is just in case I vanish for a bit.


Rachael said...

It seems unlikely that I'm one of only 3 readers - but if you say so....
Any chance you could put an RSS feed on your page? That way I could see when you had posted something new, rather than actually open the page every day (well, most days anyway). Then I don't spend so much of my work time checking.....!

Anonymous said...

It's not a contest altho at times it feels that way! Have a good time taking some time to do.... whatever...nothing if that's what works! I still read so now it's up to four!

Anonymous said...

You had me worried for a minute there! I thought "3 readers? How can that be?" and then I looked at the subscription figures and it was well above that!


Anonymous said...

well since you've now got 5 comments i think you've probably got a lot more than 3 readers... have a good time away from the blog, and come back soon. We'll miss you!


Anonymous said...

If everyone commenting is one of your three readers, does that mean we're only half-reading?

And don't forget the 90:9:1 rule. In any online forum/blog, 90% of visitors never comment, 9% comment 'now and again', and 1% comment regularly...

But you have some time off if you want it, dear. We'll still be here when you get back!

Anonymous said...

Just when I decided that I needed some of your wisdom to

Elizabeth McClung said...

All of august? I do read, but I guess I am in the 90% who rarely comment. I hope the events you are saving your energy for are really good and you will come back and tell us about them.

Anonymous said...

Just dropped in to pat your blog nostalgically. :-)

Or maybe I shouldn't pat it; that's like tapping on the glass of a goldfish tank.

seahorse said...

I have done much the same thing and believe time out is a really very good idea. It refreshes and means there is much to talk about on one's return. See you when school starts again!

Ian Hewitt said...

Can I be on of The Three? I read regularly and post occassionaly...


Anonymous said...

Three? Three??

How did you manage to get three?

You're lucky!! I only have two. [sniff]

Have a good rest and enjoy the month (if not the weather!)
