
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Excuse me while I kiss the sky

Look up everyone! All the hours I spend staring at the sky doing nothing are paying off today as hundreds of birds have chosen today to migrate south. I don't know what sort of birds they are because they're just vaguely geometric shapes in the sky. But lots have gone over. So if you live south of me, look up!


  1. But it's gone all dark down here. I shan't see them :-(

  2. Dark here as well down south, only big birds on there way to Heathrow.

    James Marshall Hendrix

  3. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Sometimes I've been lucky enough to see a skein of wild geese passing overhead; it always gives me a thrill.

    Maybe those birds know something we don't?

  4. There has been much honking of geese above Bracknell Towers in the last week or so.

    The editor spotted some geese from her office window on Monday, and complained to her colleagues that they were flying in a "rubbish v".

    One young wag suggested that that might be because they had bird flu...

  5. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The sound made by Canada geese cause Rocco to literally go mental - I one spilled his pint once ... or something.

    There have been many, many starlings flying around here, so much so that I thought they were auditioning for a part in the remake of The Birds.

  6. Mr Dawson's comment reminds Lady Bracknell of something she once read in The Penguin Book of Comic and Curious Verse. It goes something like this:

    "Unlike the wild ducks, I cannot fly
    And skein the satin of the sky
    But I can do what they cannot:
    Decoy them, and shoot the lot."

    Lady Bracknell will get her coat now...


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