
Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Fate of My Hair - In Your Hands.

This comes up every once in a while. I don't like my hair which currently falls to my waist, but I am nervous of having anything done to it. So instead of pondering on it for weeks, buying hairstyle magazines and boring [...] with these questions only to do nothing about it, I shall put the fate of my hair in your hands. I have added a poll to the side bar (on your right). Please let me know what I should do.
Please note: I do not guarantee that I shall act on the results of this poll. Instead I may ponder on the decision for weeks, buy hairstyle magazines and bore [...] with such questions.


  1. Hi Goldfish, I voted!
    I voted Yes- Have cut to shoulder length. Hope you resolve the matter!
    I will speak soon again after my holiday. Check my blog for further update!

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    MMM Goldfish,

    the hair debate I always seem to have it when I am at the brink of a life decision and or height of a weird time in my a lot!

    I used to have very long naturally surly hair..nowadays it is shoulder length straigtened with irons a result if keeps gettiong shorter anyway as the heat makes new split ends to crop off...

    I voted.

    I hope that you make a desicion soon


  3. Thanks for your votes!

    Kezzykat says: "I always seem to have it when I am at the brink of a life decision and or height of a weird time in my life"

    I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, just the same here. Interesting...


Thank you for your comment!