Thanks very much to everyone who helped to spread the word and to everyone who has posted about disability discrimination.
If you have written a post, please leave a comment including:
1. The full URL of your post
2. Which category you would like your post to go in.
I shall gradually add new posts to the archive below - please be patient, but please let me know if you spot any errors.
Blogging Against Disablism 2010
Employment (Disability discrimination in the workplace, recruitment issues and unemployment). Andrea's Buzzing About: I need to write a letter to my boss angelkitten: Voluntary Accommodations Nicky's Journal: Blogging Against Disablism Day Red Vinyl Shoes: Full Disclosure sac_whovian: Blogging Against Disabilities Day Special Communion: Mental Health and the Priesthood three rivers blog: I can't count on anybody to understand (cross-posted at FWD/ Forward) Education (Attitudes and practical issues effecting disabled people and the discussion of disability in education, from preschool to university and workplace training.) And God Laughs: More than a Mascot Black Telephone: Morning of a Successful Communicator Disability: Active Academics: Looking for Parallel Themes faithonthefloor: We interrupt your fundraiser to bring you... Teaching All Students: #BADD2010 Technology and Web Accessibility Even Grounds: Rosa Parks is not done teaching us Pendulum Tech: Accessibility & Ubuntu Special Education Mangomon Blog: How does Technology Help People with Special Needs STC AccessAbility SIC: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010 Other Access Issues (Posts about any kind of access issue in the built environment, shops, services and various organisations. By "access issues" I mean anything which enables or disenables a person from doing what everyone else is able to do.) Action Replay Girl aka Dee Ramona: When things are going well alumiere: Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010 BiblebyLincoln: Almost Accommodated!! bluebec.com: Public transport and disability in Melbourne Diceytillerman: Blogging Against Disableism Day Hoyden About Town: A Thousand Words (cross-posted as FWD/ Forward, Feminists with disabilities) Knitting Clio: Belated Blogging Against Disablism Day Linguanaut: Planes, trains and automobiles... and a visual impairment Lisy Babe's Blog: Discrimination by ignorance and the myth of the DDA Normal is Overrated: Of privilege and auditory processing Oh Wheely: Blogging against disablism day Smiffy's Place: Gay Dogs Not Allowed SpeEdChange: to be fully human Definition and Analysis of Disablism/ Ableism The F-Word: What is Disablism The Language of Disablism (Posts about the language which surrounds disability and the way that it may empower or disempower us.) The Alternative Lexicon: we've got such important things to do Embracing Chaos: On Assuming Impairment Feministe: Addressing abelist language Finding My Way: Journey of an Uppity Intellectual Crip: It's all about Intentionality - Hurtful Words Part 2 (see part 1 here) Franklyfeminist: Inspiring Women Same Difference: The Concept of Normality Disablism Interacting with Other 'Isms' (Posts about the way in which various discriminations interact; the way that the prejudice experienced as a disabled person may be compounded by race, gender, age, sexuality etc..) Chartreuse Flamethrower: Blogging Against Disablism Day Conversation@Intersections: Otherly Oriented Ought to Mean that We're Aware & Inclusive of Each Other fatfu: The Total Erasure of Partial Disability Here be Dragons: An Obituary If these scars could speak: "Choose & Move" - though only if you're 'able-bodied' Switchin' to glide: "Independent Women" : Privileged Feminist Ideologies and Ableism Disablism in Literature, Culture and the Media Butterfly Dreams: Harry Potter and the Disability Invisibility Cloak Disability Studies, Temple U: "It will be Interesting" an ex-classicist wonders what she thinks she's doing: Dear Author; please, don't heal me (cross-posted here and here) FWD/ Forward: A Screenshot's Worth a Thousand Words Life Decanted: Are We There Yet? Never That Easy: BADD 2010 Notes, Notings and Common Refrains: "The Gravity of the Situation" or Whence the Morbid Fixation on Cure? Screw Bronze!: The life no one wants and the war on the disabled Wheelchair Dancer: Movement is radical History Women's History Network Blog: Blogging Against Disablism Day Relationships, Love and Sex Feminists with FSD: BADD 2k10 sexual dysfunction as disability People aren't broken: Is there disablism in dating? tgstonebutch: a story from IMsL This is My Blog: It's not Bridezilla to want access Until the dolphin flies and thparrot lives at sea: Marriage & Penalties The Weary World: I went to your city and I didn't feel anything: why I'm leaving Portland Non-English Language Blogs le pays des humains volants: Le Pays des Humains Volants Blogger: Diary of a Goldfish - Edit Post "Blogging Against Disablism Day 2010" Other The Curvature: Ableism and Abuse Daughter of the Ring of Fire: Fear & Othering green: Into the Light of Day The F-Word: On being a disabled blogger | General Thoughts on Disablism And The Wheels Keep Turning: Intelligence: It's not Just Academic Ballastexistenz: If only, oh if only Barriers, Bridges and Books: It's Everywhere Benefit Scrounging Scum: What's the point in making vows you're not going to keep? Dog's Eye View: Blogging Against Disablism For a Fairer Today: Submissiveness Fumbling About in the Dark: Imagine That. Kid O For a Day FWD/ Forward - Feminists with Disabilities: How can I support Blogging Against Disablism Day? Intersectionality Dreaming: Malaysiana: Three Stories on Disability for BADD LeftyByDefault: The relentless fight Love That Max: My child has special needs, but please don't treat him special Midlife and Treachery: Assumption as Discrimination The mouse: Please just ask, listen and try to understand Multi-Genre Fan: Assumptions Putting on the Feminist Lens: Why You Gotta Be Like That? POP: A Philosophy of Pain: Of isms and igns and ints The Rettdevil's Rants: The little things, othey add up, Stoppit. Sneak Peek: Full Speed Ahead Sunny Dreamer: Patronization: A Plea For Help Wheelchair Pride: Is the Disabled Community Partly to Blame for Disablism? Witkowski Family Happenings: Keep Your Damn Pity To Yourself. Parenting Issues (whether disabled parents or the parents of a disabled child.) The Beauty Offensive: Building Bridges elf: My Kid? Is Disabled? Rolling Around in My Head: Baby Tio - Blogging Against Disablism and Disphobia Day Healthcare Issues (For example, the provision of healthcare, institutionalistaion of disbaled people, reproductive ethics and euthanasia) Almost Normal: Hands off my codeine (cross-posted at ǽgflota) Nightengale of Samarkand: Really, truly, not dead yet, again R.A.R.E blog: Blogging Against Disablism Day, a global effort on May 1, 2010 Impairment-Specific Prejudice After Gadget: Q&A on Being an Assistance Dog Partner Chained To Innocence: It's not You, It's Me Finding My Way: Journey of an Uppity Intellectual Crip: Hurtful Words Part 1 (see part 2 here) My Own Last Words: BADD for the not so fluent sophy: Visible vs. Invisible What If : Secret Disabilities Personal Journeys Posts about learning experiences and realisations authors have had about the nature of disability discrimination and the impact on their lives. ?!: My heart and disability All the Colours of Me: If only I'd *try* Anna Caro: Why I didn't believe I could be a writer Astrid's Journal: I Am Whole: Ableism and Identity Cat in a Dog's World: To Tell or Not To Tell A Crippled Carnival: "My Own Disablism" or "The Self-Hating Crip" Dorianisms: Holding Back Gimpstoriesvt: A Twisted Foot in Each World ham blog: "Exhibition" Kaz's Scribblings: The self-pity model killing_rose: When my spoons are gone, so is my tact Life in a so-called Strap of Steel: It's a BADD Day! You heard it right, Blogging Against Disable-ism Day 2010 Life is But a Dream: What I Wish They Could See Multifaceted Abnormal/ blog: Blogging Against Disablism Day Single Lens Reflections: Flying the Red Flag of Understanding Standing Tall Through Everything : Things You just Don't Think About Tracy Churchman Shares: Blogging Against Disablism Day Ty's Adventures: Blogging Against Disablism Day Wheelie Catholic: I know a person in a wheelchair who... Writer in a Wheelchair: You've Come A Long Way, Baby The View from Room 7609: Not visible doesn't mean not there Disablism and Politics (For example, the political currency of disability, anti-discrimination legislation, etc.) Everyone Else Has a Blog: I live in a marginal constituency think on this: Blogging Against Disablism Day |
Reconcile: What do you need?
Romham A. Bear: If Yer Gonna Grill Me, At Least Do Both Sides
this ain't livin': Do you need assistance?
(cross-posted at FWD/ Forward)