
Friday, July 28, 2006

The Gull who wanted to be God

I have been asleep a lot and am now feeling slightly less gruesome. I only long for an OFF switch for my mind, which when not asleep is just turning over such nonsense you'd never believe. Bleugh.

Managed to go to the doctor about the mole. Shouldn't be anything to worry about and when I am feeling a bit brighter I can go in and have it removed at the GP's surgery and they'll send it away to be looked at. But it's not a malignant melamine thingime, so it's not going to kill me any time soon. Waiting to be seen was a bit weird; every name that was called was something funny like Mike Blister, Earnest Grumbleweed, Jennifer Polyp. I thought it was just a coincidence, but then another equally bizarre name would be called. It did occur to me that I might have fallen asleep and be dreaming this, but if this was the case, I haven't woken up since.

We have another injured seagull in the yard. It is a juvenile and has a damaged wing and some sort of head injury. We left it alone as its parents are probably nearby and it's not in a terrible state. It was making pathetic noises all night and was watching the Tesco delivery man this morning, who declared that he studied seagulls at university and had a great passion for them.

This was a complete distraction. I mean, what was this man's story? What degree encompasses the study of seagulls? And how does such a character come to be delivering my groceries? I began to speculate about his accent and manner and by the time he had gone, I had determined his entire, highly dramatic life story.

However, looks like we need to call the seagull lady who came to our aid last time we had a sickly seagull.

For far more interesting animal stories, see Charles Dawson's moving chicken obituary and Marmiteboy's remarkable story which he descibes as the best fox related incident of my life so far. Oh and Miss Prism's informative study on whether one does indeed catch more flies with honey than with vinegar - and Bloggingmone's kitten experience. What is it with everyone and animals just now?


  1. Lady Bracknell is extremely pleased to hear that the Goldfish is feeling slightly more chipper.

    The concept of malignant melamine, though, gives her some pause. Ought we all to be very afraid of the contents of our wicker picnic hampers?

  2. I have always been a little concerned about the melamine contents of wicker picnic hampers. They were almost always bright orange, or else a sort of duck-egg blue.

    No sandwich looks appetising on a bright orange plate...

  3. Sleeping Beauty awakes again - so glad you are feeling less gruesome, and glad the melamine moles isn't as tough as it sounds.

    I have to confess that baby stripey snails, shield bugs and Jimminy Crickets are my 'animals' today.

  4. Hm . . . we have a feral kitten hanging around outside. We're trying to trap it, but it's playing hard to get. Maybe it's just the right season for baby animals to be leaving home.

    Glad to hear the mole's okay. I can relate on that one, too; my doc told me one was fine, a couple of years ago, but I still stare at it anxiously when I need a displacement activity for other anxieties.

    Oh, & the 25 July post was great.


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